Please read! Seriously

JFK Assassination
Timothy Franzen
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Post by Timothy Franzen »

Everywhere I post, I feel like I'm not on the same Intellectual Plainwith the rest of you. I'm feeling that way again. So I guess I'll just leave it to you knowledgable pundits to mull over the events of the day and I'll take a passive role of just reading all of your posts. Too bad though that there are not more people like me that don't blindly believe the sh**tour Government dishs out. Maybe if there were, we'd be electing some people who restore the tattered democracy that we're not enjoying now.
Timothy Franzen
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Post by Timothy Franzen »

Mr. Croxford,I thought you would at least find this Interesting. I had written Tim McNiven at his website and he sent me a reply Sunday. I wrote him back and told him if there was anything I can do, please don't hesistate to ask.The Arctic Beacon link didn't work for me by the way but Here's what he had to say:Tim Franzen, On September 11,2001 I was in Bellingham,Wa not on the East Coast so I cannot say as a person who was present on the East Coast who it was that did the 9-11-01 Attack; but I can say that the people who conducted the US Military Study in 1976 Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, George Bush Sr., Director of the CIA and Dick Cheney and Rudi Guiliani members of the Ford administration's Security Advisors were in place to call a Stand Down of our Air Defense on 9-11-01 and to have the Physical Evidence at WTC Twin Towers destroyed before any Testing could be done on the Evidence. Which to me is the Damning Evidence that they were involved in the Attacks themselves. But it was not just the Republicans who were involved the Democrats are equally involved in the 9-11-01 Attacks. To solve the situation Non-Violently: The DoD personnel who gave me my Non-Resindable Orders to tell the American People about the Study if the WTC Twin Towers was ever Attacked in the manner we discussed in the Study, expressed that they wanted this information given to the American People so they could use it to decide whether they wanted to continue to be Represented by the People who knew that US Air Travel Security needed to be improved in 1976 and didnot do it (the Democrats and Republicans) or to vote in new People who wouldnot Attack them in this manner. I wished I could get this information into the media and have tried the best I can with my Heart Disease that has me semi-bedridden. I did get an article published by Greg Szmanski at ... /22580.htm Thank You for your reply, I will keep on trying to break the media censorship, I wrote to Charlie Sheen perhaps he can get me some media coverage. Tim McNiven
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

Timmy relax Tim freaks out everey time someone mentions his thoughts on rockerfellers. Bruce are you talking about the photo of Bush Sr. in dealy plaza or lou dobbs. lol. Is that Bush Sr. in that Photo I don't know But it does resemble him a great deal. Would he be stupid enough to be in place to have his photo taken? Maybe. Yes Tim the rockerfellers and the CFR may have deamed it the best course for the country to end Racial fighting. Are you saying that giving blacks rights are something the Rockerfellers wouldn't do. After all LBJ completed that mission for JFK and nothing else. Didn't follow thru with Nam didn't enforce 11110 Whatever these people want they get. Don't say they didn't want civil rights for blacks because you don't know that. Martin Luther King if they didn't want him as their puppet he would have died long before he did. You know Jesse Jackson is a member of the CFR? Never assume anything and Try to get out of that box.

I have made a case for the rockerfellers and the CFR to have major involvment in JFK's murder. Rothschild's Rockerfellers thats who make all the rules. Follow the money? What do you think that is?

If you distrust the CIA then why not see who created them as their masters. Every single head of all the intelligence agencies in this country have a CFR member at the helm. Show me thats wrong. Speculation and no facts to discredit anyone who talks about the CFR or rockerfellers is making me wonder man really.
CIA CUBA MOB no one talks about the top people. So tell me who has the power to control all these people and the Supreme court the fbi cia dalls police kill witnesses destroy evidence murder mnob bosses . Please man tell me the 1 person who wields all that power bro. But pleases stop trashing peole who think outside the box.

Timothy Franzen
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Post by Timothy Franzen »

Thanks Mr. Croxford,It was nice to get a reply from Tim McNiven. He's seeking media coverageso I've corresponded to both Lou Dobbs and Anderson Cooper concerning histhoughts about 9/11.
Tim Carroll
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Post by Tim Carroll »

R Croxford wrote:Timmy relax Tim freaks out everey time someone mentions his thoughts on rockerfellers.... Yes Tim the rockerfellers and the CFR may have deamed it the best course for the country to end Racial fighting.... You know Jesse Jackson is a member of the CFR?... I have made a case for the rockerfellers and the CFR to have major involvment in JFK's murder. Rothschild's Rockerfellers thats who make all the rules. Follow the money? What do you think that is?... Please man tell me the 1 person who wields all that power bro.Either I've fleshed out the former "John Doe," or there is another CFR junkie who resorts to the same disparaging use of my name as being "Timmy," which it is not. Follow the money? The money that wasn't tied up in a zillion public foundations? I'll name two specific oil-related fortunes. In 1963, the single wealthiest individual in the world was Dallas' H. L. Hunt, a friend of the John Birchers and foe of Civil Rights. I would also name Howard Hughes, a true right-wing nut who personified the military industrial complex, and whose right-hand man, Robert Maheu, facilitated the CIA-Mafia Executive Action capability. That's just two for starters - two who aren't from Kennedy's own group and positionality.What I wrote, in response to a criticism of the news program, Democray Now, made on the simple basis of some form of Rockefeller funding, is the following:Tim Carroll wrote:Democracy Now is as credible and courageous a news program as is currently available. The fact that it may or may not receive funding from some branch of the Rockefeller Foundation is not indicative of anything except perhaps that in the broadest sense, nations and media are controlled by corporate interests. An article in the new Vanity Fair notes a Rockefeller donation to bail out Martin Luther King, Jr. and his associates from jail in Birmingham, Alabama. Is that indicative of any unholy King-Rockefeller alliance? Omigosh! Does this mean that the entire civil rights movement was a Rockefeller-perpetrated sham?For that one comment, "R" whiningly posted the following hysterical reaction:R Croxford wrote:Speculation and no facts to discredit anyone who talks about the CFR or rockerfellers is making me wonder man really.... But pleases stop trashing peole who think outside the box.
It was "speculation" related to the legitimacy of the news program, Democracy Now, to which I responded. Anyone who thinks history is so simple as to paint all conspiratorial behavior with the broad brush label, "CFR," is behaving with the same herd mentality that characterized the era of McCarthyism (McCarthy considered the CFR a commie front). Everything bad was labeled communist. That's not thinking outside the box; that's heading for the barn when the smell of alfalfa fills the air.

Timothy Franzen
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Post by Timothy Franzen »

Mr. Croxford, I have received confirmation from both the Lou Dobbs and
Anderson Cooper Programs that my email with Tim McNiven's letter that he wrote to me were received and Read by representatives of both programs.
Let's hope that one of those hosts will take ball and run with it. (fingers crossed)

By the way, I believe Mr. Croxford was referring to me when he typed
"Timmy". I don't go by that, but that's O.K.

R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

Yes I was referring to you my friend, and yes tim I was already scolded by you for calling you Timmy. And yes I am john Doe. Bark all you want answer this friend.
Who or what organization has the power to control the Warren commision, The FBI, The CIA, The media, The Dallas police, The Mob, Senators and has the power to make numorous peple vanish? Your input and answer on that is greatly awaited. Right left republican democrat. All moot. This is not left right it is power and they will destroy anyone who gets in their way.
So now instead of comparing me to nazi's I am a McCarthy lover.
History sometimes can be simple that way people over look it. Ask hitler about that. The CFR has other entities to it bro. The world is a big place.
Did you ever see my post on Queen Beatrix? lol
Love ya Tim.
Tim Carroll
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Post by Tim Carroll »

R Croxford wrote:And yes I am john Doe.It wasn't a tough guess, although I do wonder why "R" is double registered under both names. But what the hell; it increases the appearance of membership.R Croxford wrote:Who or what organization has the power to control the Warren commision, The FBI, The CIA, The media, The Dallas police, The Mob, Senators and has the power to make numorous peple vanish? Your input and answer on that is greatly awaited.There is a man over on the Lancer Forum who signs off each post with an almost identical question. His answer is the CIA. My answer goes higher up. It certainly involves big money, but also the maneuverability of individuals rather than institutions and organizations. H. L. Hunt is a local Dallas example of someone who could accomplish all that was necessary, including having his boy Lyndon in the White House to ensure that the lid stayed on. His screwball son, Nelson Bunker Hunt, was one of the sponsors of the "Wanted For Treason" flyers distributed in Dallas the morning of the assassination. Bunkie later got caught in a Goldfinger-type scheme to corner the silver market, with his private paramilitary cowboys moving the stuff by planeload to his Swiss vault. He is the kind of person who hated Kennedy most, and hated the CFR similarly. I also lean toward Howard Hughes, who took over the "richest man" designation from Hunt. In the Seventies, when the submarine-grabbing Glomar Explorer was disclosed in the press, the CIA claimed it belonged to Hughes and the Hughes spokesperson claimed it belonged to the CIA. The bottom-line was that at that point, there was little difference between the two. This is especially the case with Hughes' Numero Uno, Robert Maheu, brokering the CIA-Mafia assassination arrangement.R Croxford wrote:So now instead of comparing me to nazi's I am a McCarthy lover.I didn't, and wouldn't, say that. But I do believe it's important to note what individuals and/or groups took particular positions regarding Kennedy. There are news sources that prey upon a pack mentality. Rush Limbaugh, with his ditto heads, comes to mind. Pat Robertson as well. In Kennedy's day, it was primarily the John Birch Society, the leading propagandists against the CFR, along with the Birchers' sheet-wearing brethren, the KKK. The CFR, of which JFK was a member, was a favorite whipping post in the Sixties, with the Trilateral Commission becoming the evil force to right-wingers in the Seventies. They are all variations on a theme, and descendents of the old Bilderburg Group, which ultimately gets us back to the concept of the Illuminati.R Croxford wrote:Did you ever see my post on Queen Beatrix? lol
I didn't see that one. I had just written an extensive post about the CFR, including particulars about Queen Beatrix's special place in that organization, when the Forum was hacked. But I'd like to hear it. What was then-Princess Beatrix's role in the Kennedy assassination?

R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

Even when John Doe expresses his suspicions of the CFR, nothing is ever said about Queen Beatrix's special status with that groupR CroxfordJoined: 16 Mar 2006Posts: 39Location: Occupied United States reShe is a major player and yes she is a member of the Illuminati. As Queen, Beatrix wields more power than most of Europe’s reigning monarchs ... erlandsShe has been a long-time member of the Club of Rome. So yes Some do know about the Queen and yes she is a power player in the same circles as the CFR. Thanks

Because I was not allowed to use John Doe I registered under my real name.

She has nothing to do with JFK it was in response to your sarcasm. ... light=#295

So Hunt can control the warren commision and a future president?
LBJ controlled everyone high up in Washington. Good answer
Is there proof Kennedy was a CFR member I don't think he was. Can we get any proof on that. Reagan and JFK were not members I thought.
Who weilds more power today Bill Gates or Lockheed Martin?

These are just questions into what I believe Tim. I respect what you believe but I will always believe the CFR is a major player and is the American part of a global rule that controls all economic matters and is working toward a new world order.

Tim Carroll
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Old Rich or New Rich?

Post by Tim Carroll »

R Croxford wrote:She is a major player and yes she is a member of the Illuminati. As Queen, Beatrix wields more power than most of Europe’s reigning monarchs. She has been a long-time member of the Club of Rome. So yes Some do know about the Queen and yes she is a power player in the same circles as the CFR.... She has nothing to do with JFK it was in response to your sarcasm.So Queen Beatrix can be an extremely high-ranking member of the CFR and still have "nothing to do with JFK?" Because if that is what is meant, then my point is made. I wouldn't argue for a moment that it isn't possible, or likely even, that decisionmakers involved in the assassination may have been members of the CFR. I certainly don't let Allen Dulles off my short list of potentially guilty parties. What I have argued is that the CFR, as an organization, cannot be blamed for either the decisionmaking or the operationalization of Dallas.R Croxford wrote:Is there proof Kennedy was a CFR member I don't think he was. Can we get any proof on that. Reagan and JFK were not members I thought.Kennedy was even a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.Gary Allen (John Bircher) wrote:In 1952 and 1956 CFR Adlai Stevenson challenged CFR Ike. In 1960 it was CFR Nixon or CFR JFK. In 1968 it was a choice of CFR Nixon or CFR Humphrey. In 1972 the candidates were CFR Nixon and CFR McGovern. ... o.htmCheck the record to see how many such members have not had CFR membership. That is, after all, "R"'s own point.R Croxford wrote:So Hunt can control the warren commision and a future president? LBJ controlled everyone high up in Washington. Good answer.Here are some brief excerpts from Texas Rich, by Harry Hurt III, which I have previously cited to show that Hunt's private intelligence apparatus documented a planned event prior to the assassination. As a matter of record, Jack Ruby visited the Hunt Oil offices the day before JFK's murder.Following the assassination: "The bureau man told Hunt what he already knew--that because of his prominence as a Kennedy critic, his own life and the lives of his family would probably be threatened as a result of the president's death.... In fact, the FBI man said, it would be best if Hunt left town as soon as possible.... But Hunt could not be persuaded to go undercover. 'I believe I can do better going to Washington to help Lyndon,' Hunt said. 'He's gonna need some help.'... Later, the authorities found Lamar Hunt's phone number among Ruby's personal effects.... Hunt acted as if he were immune to any dangers. Upon arriving in Washington, he and Ruth took a suite in the Mayflower Hotel and lived very visibly.... Curiously enough, about this same time, Warren Commission investigators were in the process of discovering some little publicized connections--or at least possible connections--between Jack Ruby and H. L. Hunt.... Yet, instead of investigating H. L. Hunt as alleged conspirator and/or innocent pawn, the FBI and the Warren Commission concerned themselves only with protecting Hunt from threats by 'nuts' who were already convinced that he was responsible for Kennedy's murder. H. L. Hunt did a much better job of investigating the Warren Commission than the commission did of investigating him."R Croxford wrote:I will always believe the CFR is a major player and is the American part of a global rule that controls all economic matters and is working toward a new world order.I don't disagree with the foregoing sentence at all. But in terms of who had the flexibility to take such an action as the assassination of a president, the new rich, mostly comprised of oil barons but also including the Mafia, were far more equipped and inclined toward radical action. This issue really comes down to that: was it old wealth or new wealth (nouveau riche)? People on both sides of that equation were providing support and funding to anti-Castro, anti-Kennedy forces."R" should consider Wim's silence on the issue of the CFR. Perhaps it is partially attributable to the fact that his analysis more closely approximates mine than "R"'s. In a statement published yesterday, he stated:Wim Dankbaar wrote:Both the CIA, or maybe I should say the hawks in the CIA, and the anti Castro cubans, who were trained by the CIA, had the means and the motives to kill Kennedy. But they did it in partnership with some key figures in the US Government and Big Business in Texas, as well as a few leaders in Organized Crime. These last three groups had equally strong motives to rid themselves of Kennedy, and even stronger means to pull it off. The fact of the matter is that it was an ordinary but hidden coup d'etat, to take over the US government and reverse the policies of Kennedy. Policies that were detested by all of these groups. These groups had already found each other long before 1963.... They were very much intertwined, and probably still are. Now if you want to put faces to these devils of power, you could best divide them first into a 3 level hierarchy. High level, mid level and operational level. The high level is the select group of conspirators, you may think of Lyndon Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover, George and Prescott Bush, Allen Dulles, oil barons Clint Murchison and H. L. Hunt, crime bosses Santo Trafficante, Sam Giancana and Carlos Marcello. It was actually a wider group than that, but it is difficult to pinpoint them all. Croxford wrote:Who weilds more power today Bill Gates or Lockheed Martin?It's a good question, but by the old rich v. new rich standard, both Lockheed and Gates are new rich.R Croxford wrote:Because I was not allowed to use John Doe I registered under my real name.
"R" is registered under both names. I don't assume that it's anything more than an administrative problem.
