What to think of Ed Hoffman and Gordon Arnold?

JFK Assassination
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Post by Giovanni »

How the heck did Gary Mack become a Lone gunnman believer? 20 years ago, he believed in conspiracy. What happened?! Was he brainwashed or something?
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Post by dankbaar »

He was offered the key job at the 6th floor museum.

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Post by Bob »

I brought this up awhile back regarding Mack and changing sides...

The two text book examples of this are Gary Mack in the JFK assassination and Dan Moldea in the RFK assassination. Both were big advocates of conspiracy at one point, but then both switched sides, going instead with the lone gunman theory. Why? If anything, the evidence has gotten stronger in both cases over the years in terms of a clear conspiracy. Did somebody, like the CIA for instance, coerce these individuals into changing their expert opinions by threat? Were they bought off? We know politicians are bought off everyday. John McCain and Joe Lieberman are two clear examples. Thank God for people like Wim that continue to search for the truth in the JFK assassination. Two of the biggest researchers in the RFK assassination have died recently...Phillip Melanson and Lawrence Teeter (Sirhan attorney). They will be missed. That's why the rest of us need to continue searching for the truth. We have their attention. That's why Poppy Bu$h used the Gerald Ford funeral to try and distance his involvement in the JFK assassination by saying, "After a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy, our nation turned to Gerald Ford and a select handful of others to make sense of that madness and a conspiracy theorist can say what they will but the Warren Commission report will always have the final definitive say on this tragic matter. Why? Because Gerry Ford put his name on it and Gerry Ford's word was always good." Sure Poppy! I also think another quote by you was more truthful. Poppy said, "If the American public ever finds out what we have done, they will chase us down the streets and lynch us."
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Post by dankbaar »

Poppy said, "If the American public ever finds out what we have done, they will chase us down the streets and lynch us."

Well, there is a good reason why they try so hard

There's no truth that money can't buy, right Gary Mack? If money doesn't do it, then there's always the power of intimidation or the gun. Right Roger Craig?
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Post by Bob »

Speaking of money, the Saudi, Bandar bin Sultan, aka Bandar Bu$h, is leading us to the Bu$hes again. As I say, "follow the money". Bandar received millions upon millions from BAE Systems which is the UK's biggest arm dealer. The deal which was run through Riggs Bank headed by Jonathan Bu$h, brother of Poppy and uncle of Dumbya. Bu$h, like all Bu$h's, has had some ominous history. As I said, Bu$h, is a top executive at Riggs Bank, which in May of 2004 agreed to pay a record $25 million in civil fines for violations of law intended to thwart money laundering."

The bank accounts under investigation may have been Saudi, though the article does not state that. It does, however, go on to say: "...a source familiar with the multiple federal investigations of the bank's Saudi accounts and other embassy accounts say Jonathan Bush's investment advice unit has "no relationship whatsoever" with any of the Riggs's Saudi accounts." Sure.

Jonathan Bu$h has also has a conviction of securities fraud. Just like his nephew, except he was busted, unlike Dumbya, who had "Daddy" take care of his problem. Bu$h helped organize investors for George W. Bu$h's first oil venture, Arbusto, later called Bu$h Explorations. By the way, this was a FAILED venture. One of the investors was LCAP member James R. Bath, who was Dumbya's buddy in the air national guard. Bath invested the money of the bin Laden family of Texas. Speaking of the bin Ladens and the Bu$hes, didn't Marvin Bu$h have a role in 9/11? Marvin, who is Dumbya's brother, COINCIDENTALLY was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport. Hmm.
Rob Waters
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Post by Rob Waters »

i never believed that Gordon Arnold was on the knoll. in the mormom picture blow up, the body of the apparent man in a army uniform doesnt seem to fit proportionatly. i also dont think there is any way that a man could come around the fence, kick him, take his film all while having a pistol in his hand and then run away never being seen by anyone but arnold.

The other guy....i think he believes that he saw what he said he did. he was a pretty good ways away so its possible he saw something but it wasnt exactly how he explained it. i could be wrong though.
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Post by dankbaar »

Gordon Arnold's story appeared very compelling, but after studying all the photographs and films, there is no evidence whatsoever that he was there, where he said he was.

Moreover, his story that the policeman kicked and threathened him and took his film, should have been seen by at least some of the witnesses. This should at least have taken 15 seconds at a time that virtually everybody was looking at the knoll or running towards it.

Therefore I dismiss Arnold's story completely.

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Post by Giovanni »

Both men kept changing their stories over the years. The same goes for Jean Hill. She kept changing her story. Oh, and what about Beverley Oliver? The camera she said to have used during the assassination didn't even exist until like 1967. I doubt she was in Dealey Plaza that day.
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Post by dankbaar »

I believe Beverly Oliver is for real.

If not , the Babushka Lady is the only person with a camera on Dealey Plaza that has never been identified.