What to think of Ed Hoffman and Gordon Arnold?

JFK Assassination
Rob Waters
Posts: 126
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Post by Rob Waters »

she comes across as believable to me as well.

im interested in Ruth Payne as well. Something about that woman doesnt sit right with me.
Richard Carter
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Post by Richard Carter »

Poppy said, "If the American public ever finds out what we have done, they will chase us down the streets and lynch us."


Where and when was this statement made? Is this quote from a book, article, or taped event?

Thanks, Rich
Posts: 999
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Post by dankbaar »

In a June, 1992 exclusive and published interview granted by President George H. W. Bush to Sarah McClendon, the grand dame of the White House press corps at the time:

"George Bush, what will the people do if they ever find out the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran contra? 'Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they will chase us down the streets and lynch us.' "

http://www.google.nl/search?hl=nl&q=If+ ... eken&meta=
LiAnn Simpson
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Beverly Oliver/Gordon Arnold

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Before any photos of the assassination site were ever published, an investigator/researcher asked Beverly to take him to the site where she was standing at the moment of the killing. She nailed it. She would never have been able to point that out if her story was not true. People use the he said/she said stuff about the type of camera as a distraction to try and discredit her, just like they do with so many other facts about the assassination. Why do you think she waited so long to come forward? She was scared, one of her friends who was also a witness that talked to the media mysteriously "disappeared" forever.
As for Gordon Arnold, who knows. His narrative about someone coming from around the fence, crying, and demanding his film just doesn't seem plausible to me.
Rob Waters
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Post by Rob Waters »

i hae seen a video clip of Beverly being interviewed, i cant remember what it was (not TMWKK) but she was saing she was approached outside of her apt by CIA or FBI and they asked her about the film. She said she gave it to them and they told her she would get it back within 10 days but she never saw it again. anyone remember what clip that was from?
LiAnn Simpson
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Ed Hoffman

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

I believe this man did indeed see alot. He tried to communicate with a number of people what he had seen but because of his deafness it was difficult. What the poor man did not really realize was that they in fact did not want to know what he had to say, it did not fit the foregone conclusion. I think the part about the take-down rifles was accurate. I believe every rifle used that day was able to be dismantled and disguised as something else. They said that Oswald's rifle when dismantled was still about 3 feet long and could not have been what he was carrying into the TSBD that morning. Here is my question, why has no one ever asked what became of the curtain rod box? He carried it in, but not out. Where is it? I think we can all answer that by knowing that there probably was a curtain rod box and it was probably discarded of very quickly just like JFK's limo.