Please read! Seriously

JFK Assassination
Timothy Franzen
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A New letter from Tim McNiven

Post by Timothy Franzen »

Hello Mr. Croxford,I have been corresponding with Mr. Tim McNiven and asked him specifically about what he knew about the JFK Assassination. He wrote me this letteralong with other information. I had tried to get him air time throughMain Stream media sources but everyone turned him down. This is his letter without corrections to me and I thought I'd share it with everyone: Tim, What I know about the Kennedy shooting is what I was told by a person from Los Angeles who was Organized Crime connected (he died of Cancer in the 1980's). He told me that a certain Crime Boss had said that he had had three people from France in Dallas and that they were there to shoot Kennedy. The guy's name was Sam Giancon, the guy who use to send his girlfriend to see Kennedy in the White House. He also told me that Ruby knew he had Cancer and that is why he took the Oswald job so his wife could have something to live on. I believed him because everything else he told me turned out to be true. I contacted Democracy Now but they are a Democratic Political Party program and my information shows the Democrats being equally responcible with the Republicans for the 9-11-01 Attacks so they won't give me air time; Lou Dobbs and Anderson Cooper rejected / censored my informat ion when I contacted them; Oprah also nixed my information. I have contacted every Corporation TV media outlet in America, every major daily newspaper, news magazine, radio station - Howard Stern, Don Imus, Bill O'Reilly, Dan Rather, Barbra Walters, Keith Oberman, Drudge, ect. and they all rejected or censored my information. I contacted every newspaper I could get an email address for in America including Small City dailies, weeklies, bi-weeklies and monthlies I got no coverage. I contacted every newspaper from other Countries I could and got no coverage though I did get a few replies that they were interested but had no budget to do investigative reporting. I have contacted thousands of media outlets over these past 4 1/2 years. Finally in March 2005 Greg Syzmanski wrote an article for his website and got me some radio interviews. His article ... /22580.htm got picked up by some other Contries internet news sites Germany, France, the Netherlands, Spain, and Brazil by June 2005. I found this out one day near the end of June when I did a Google Search and was going to have my webmaster put links to these articles on my website following the 4th of July Holiday but this didnot happen. Instead four FBI Agents came to my home on July 6,2005 under the guise of wanting to talk to me about the information request I made to them over a year befor er45.jpg At first they were civil and then they became belligerent and Demanded my DoD ID Card. When I balked at this one of the Agents who said he was from the Seattle yelled in my face that if I didnot give them my DoD ID Card that they would go to the Bellingham Police Department and get Reinforcements and come back and "Tear my apartment Apart"! I realized when this happened that they were trying to escalate the situation into a Physical Confrontation with me since it was a 4 to 1 advantage to them. I thought it would be best to get a Lawyer to take the FBI to Court over this Illegal Confiscation of my DoD ID Card. The Legal reason FBI Special Agent Lance Boyer gave for their Confiscation of my ID was that "He" Lance Boyer hadnot seen a DoD ID Card befor. There is a simple reason for this, he doesnot have a DoD Security Clearence. http://ww A few days later someone contacted me though my website for some information and I did another Google Search and found Greg's articles had been pulled from the internet. How did the US Government censor other Country's internet sites? I started contacting Lawyers and the ACLU said they wouldnot help me. ... m_ACLU.jpg After three months of Lawyers telling me No I thought what can I do? So I filed a request with the Seattle Office of the US Marshal to have the activities of the FBI on July 6,2005 investigated. They reviewed my material and forwarded it to the US Attorney General's Office. ... shals2.jpg To date the Attorney General's Office has done nothing with my request. Greg wrote an article about the FBI visit including him calling the FBI Office who confirmed that they came to my home and confiscated my ID Card but wouldnot give details. ... /30450.htm If you know of a Lawyer who will help me this would be a big help, since I cannot find a Lawyer who will help me. Sincerely, Tim
R Croxford
Posts: 398
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Post by R Croxford »

The more you talk to Ti8m the more pissed you will get.
He has it figured out man on a big scale.
Thank you from me for talking to him. He needs a little love and thanks for what he is doing.
Timothy Franzen
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Tim McNiven's Telephone number

Post by Timothy Franzen »

Mr. Croxford, Do you know how to reach Mr. McNiven? Lenny Charles at INN World News would like to talk to him about a potential interview and I had not asked himbefore what his telephone number was because I didn't think it was appropriate for me to request that information. Now, it's important because someone in the media might be willing to get his story out.
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

ask him he will reply to your e-mail
give the in guy his e-mail.
Thanks bro
Timothy Franzen
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Spoke with Tim McNiven

Post by Timothy Franzen »

Hi Mr. CroxfordI spoke with Tim at length on the phone after he sent me his telephone number following my email plea to him. I then forwarded on Tim's number to INN to get with him about a potential Interview. Tim said he was up to travel but he would need little time to get ready because of his heart condition but was willing to that and was game if they wanted to come to him with cameras at his place.I told him to please let me know when things came together for the Interview. I don't know how many can get INN World News but it's broadcast for sure on Free Speech TV 9415 on Dish Network at 6:30pm weekdays.They're slogan is that they broadcast the news Mainstream Media won't tell you about. Tim's story should be right up their alley.Let's keep our fingers crossed!!
James Dolan
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Post by James Dolan »

To Timothy Franzen:

I am a frequent visitor to Capitol Hill blue. I thought your name looked familiar. I was a little disturbed when people brought up the issue of 9/11 and most people just blew it off as a bunch of nonsense by conspiracy nuts. I have never posted on the forums over there but I do like to read other people's replies. I noticed that Doug snuffed out those discussions. Whatever happened to free speech? I like Doug's rants but I was not happy about the way he attacked the 9/11 truth seekers. He said that he had taken pictures on that day at the pentagon. Why won't he post them? I don't trust any of the clowns running our government and I believe that some of the people involved in the JFK assassination had their hands in the 9/11 tragedy as well.
Timothy Franzen
Posts: 42
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Post by Timothy Franzen »

James Dolan

Joined: 30 Apr 2006
Posts: 1

To Timothy Franzen:

I am a frequent visitor to Capitol Hill blue. I thought your name looked familiar. I was a little disturbed when people brought up the issue of 9/11 and most people just blew it off as a bunch of nonsense by conspiracy nuts. I have never posted on the forums over there but I do like to read other people's replies. I noticed that Doug snuffed out those discussions. Whatever happened to free speech? I like Doug's rants but I was not happy about the way he attacked the 9/11 truth seekers. He said that he had taken pictures on that day at the pentagon. Why won't he post them? I don't trust any of the clowns running our government and I believe that some of the people involved in the JFK assassination had their hands in the 9/11 tragedy as well.

Hello Mr. Dolan,I appreciate your supportive comments. I gave up on posting at CapitolHill Blue a long time ago, even before Doug stopped the discussion of 9/11. Most of them wouldn't accept the truth even when it was staring them in the face. At the very least, I believe that George Bush Seniorwas behind both JFK's assassination and had knowledge of 9/11 even if he wasn't directly behind the planning of the attack. The Department of Defense as Tim McNiven has stated in his correspondence to me personally and posted here originally, said that the plans of demolishingthe WTC Towers originated in the 1970's. That's amazing to me. I have talked to him on the phone and emailed with him on numerous occasions. He's in need of a lawyer so if anyone can help him find legal assistancethat would be fantastic. His Interview with INN and Lenny Charles will be hopefully taking place within the next month or so. I'll keep everyone posted. Again, INN airs on Free Speech TV channel 9415. It's worth having the Dish just so I can view this progressive channel. Free speech TV doesn't air on Direct TV or any Cable outlets. If anyone can offer advice on legal representation for Tim or would like to ask him any direct questions, please feel free. Here's his email address:
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Please read! Seriously

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:03.17.2006 - R. Croxford, a JFK Forum Member who I always admired and liked, Posted this Very Powerful Headline and article.09.11.2010 - I can not think of a better JFK Forum Post and Headline to review today. Worth reading and studying if you are interested in the 09.11.2001 Subject Matter, and related issues and players looking back, as we now still have multiple wars because of this Subject Matter. I invite and welcome all thoughts Pro and Con, on this date.Operation Northwoods ?Population Control ?Control Of The Population ?"We The People..." ?Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 1056
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Re: Please read! Seriously

Post by ChristophMessner »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Population Control ?Control Of The Population ?"We The People..." ?Comments ?Dear Mr. Brychek, the more the people is kept busy with only seemingly important questions and kept away from relevant inside knowledge, the more the people can be controlled. That's almost like with the members on this forum here. Now what if the people can't handle the inside knowledge yet, because they don't appreciate the honor to get the inside knowledge and been trustet about the responsibiliy that goes with it, because they are too idle, too keen on their advantage at the cost of others, too stupid, too mean, too selfish, too uneducated, ... ? Then in fact it is moral when the responsible ones keep the inside knowlege away from the people, from the crowd. But only then. Let's hope the "possessors" of inside knowledge are not only selfish and idle either. All the best, Christoph Messner
R Croxford
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Re: Please read! Seriously

Post by R Croxford »

I agree