V for Vendetta

JFK Assassination
Moo Cow
Posts: 172
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Post by Moo Cow »

We also need to be the Watchmen at the Gate.

Now I just came across and began reading a very pertinent and poignant cartoon type book called "MAUS" by Art Spiegalman, who won a special pulitzer prize award for it. It is recommended reading..There is MAUS 1 and MAUS 11.. the NAZIS are depicted as cats and the Jews as mice...get your hankerchiefs out...

This could happen again if an evil government not for the people and by the people starts overriding us with lies and deception and conspiracys and mind control... part of it is here already...we already have unemployment, inadequated medical coverage and mass homelessness. in America. In some cities such as Las Vegas it is illegal to be homeless.The next step could be the camps...
This most horrific tale was told to the author and illustrator's father about his imprisionment in a a concentration camp in World War 11....
Terry Summers
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Post by Terry Summers »

Billy Boggs wrote:In my opinion this movie paralles the mechanizations of the secret gov that are the real killers of Kennedy. And the root of the secret gov, are secret societies. You will never get the whole truth of the Kennedy assassination untill this corrupt, illegal, imoral, unconstitutional parasite secret gov is ripped open, Disected, exposed, and destroyed. The movie also gives a hint at how to do this. UNITE like never before!Stop letting them divide you by political party, color of skin, emotional issues, religious differences, special interest groups, and fear. Contact your local news outlets and demand they stop carrying diversionary stories about hollywood, sex, emotional issues. Bombard them with info about the Scull&bones, Freemasonry, Boheminan Grove, global banking, CFR, CIA, Trilatteral, Builderburgs, and gov corruption, then demand they investigate. Do the same to your elected officials at all levels. If you do this, the movie V for Vendetta can become a reality.THEY LIVE" They use their tongues to deceive,The venom of snakes is under their lipsTheir mouths are full of bitterness and cursesIn their paths, nothing but ruin and miseryAnd the fear of God is not before their eyes,They have taken the hearts and minds of our leadersThey have recruited the rich and powerful,And they have blinded us to the truthsThe human spirit is corruptedWhy do we worship Greed?,Because outside the limit of our sight,feeding off us, perched on top of us, from birth to death, are our ownersOur owners, they have usThey control us, They are our MastersWake Up - They're all about youAll around you"http://www.mindtoysrus.com/mindtoys/rel ... eylive.wmv

Boggs, I clicked on the link and i got an invalid error box, did it work for anyone else. I am skeptical about new movies as most appear pointless and beyond pointless, they can really tell me nothing new, nothing I didn't know before, and they all have bad actors, well most of these do, I'd say 90% of these hollywood films from the past 25 yrs are not worthy to even piss on. They are aimed at us to do just what they want you to do, waste 2 hrs of your life, however this one if what you state above is right may open some new doors for he uninformed.

Tell me where is this song or poem "They Live" from ? Is it from the film ?

Speaking of exposing secret societies a book by the drummer for the 70s punk band The Damned was released earlier in the year, it is called

RAT SCABIES and the HOLY GRAIL, it discusses his first hand accounts of meeting such groups as the Templars, and also discusses Skull and Bones Society, etc, his father got him interested in the story ,see this link -


I found this interview interesting also -

Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

I just tried the link and it seems to be up and running. It is from a scene from the movie "They Live". This movie parallel's reality to a unbelievable degree. Just replace the "Aliens" with secret society and cult members.

Oh, and one other thing, the movie is over 10 years old...........
Dawn Meredith
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Post by Dawn Meredith »

[quote="Moo Cow"]

May I ask why you don't use your real name? Thought you had to.

Just popped in here, first time in ages. Glad to see you back up and running Wim.

Moo Cow
Posts: 172
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Post by Moo Cow »

Dawn Meredith wrote:Moo Cow wrote:May I ask why you don't use your real name? Thought you had to.Just popped in here, first time in ages. Glad to see you back up and running Wim.Dawn
Hello Dawn,

I can be called 'the woman who knows too much' and wish to travel through cyberspace ingnito..by the way Moo Cow is a nickname given to me also I wish not to have cyberstalkers and certain jackasses stalking me(not mentioning any names here now Bruuce)
Dawn Meredith
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Post by Dawn Meredith »

Hello Dawn,I can be called 'the woman who knows too much' and wish to travel

Intriguing..."knows too much" about what? This case? Life?

Billy Boggs
Posts: 194
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Post by Billy Boggs »

Dawn, I will send you a PM with a link, feel free to Browse the link, and when you get over the shock, brouse the site.

"Truth is stranger than fiction"
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: V for Vendetta

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear JFK Forum Readers and Researchers;03.17.2006 my old friend Mr. R. Croxford Posted this Headline that generated a few provocative comments, especially by my old friend Mr. Billy Boggs.Though extreme he is not the first to reflect on A Necessary "New American Revolution" to remove the entrenched self-serving few.Is the Obama vs. Romney event likely to change things much in the U.S. over the next four (4) years either way ?Respectfully,BB.
R Croxford
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Re: V for Vendetta

Post by R Croxford »

I am not old! lol
Billy Boggs
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Re: V for Vendetta

Post by Billy Boggs »

Blast from the past. Here is the clip from the movie "They Live". John Carpenter defiantly knew something. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcidKce8tGE