Robert Kennedy's death

JFK Assassination
R Croxford
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Robert Kennedy's death

Post by R Croxford »

Look at this on page 7. It says Sirhan sirhan was asked if he wanted a cup of coffee... His response? You drink a sip first! Hmmmm Why?
Also when asked why? He states he did it for his country? What country?
Does this sound familiar? The questioning officer states that sirhan is the most calm and intelligenge person he had ever questioned in his 15 years of police work. Where have i heard that before?
Well holy crap! look at what i
lets compare something really quick!
Sirhan was a member of the ancient mystical order of rosacrucian.
Now lets compare
Now here's your IQ test...What do all three have in common?
man this gets better and better. The officer sent to secure sirhans house said he found an envelope outside in the trash when he went to dispose of a coffee cup. The envolope was from ARGONAUT insurance company and on the back it said RFK must Die! look at what i found.
Look at trident
gets better and better.
After reading the files on the case if sirhan had Johhny Cohchran he would have walked. lol
If you have the time read that page. Says he was sober then drunk. He admitted it then didint have a clue then admitted it again.
man sounds like he was brain washed to me. repeatedly writing like a trance must kill must kill must kill. sounds washed to me.
ok im done
Kevin Fisher
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Post by Kevin Fisher »

I don't understand how we have film of moments BEFORE RFK was shot and moments AFTER he was shot, but not WHILE he was being shot.

What happened to the photographer?

And what about witnesses to the shooting? There HAD to be another gunman due to the position of RFK to Sirhan, yet no one has stepped forward to say they saw something.
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Post by Bob »

There is no question that there were two gunmen at the Ambassador Hotel that night. We know one was Sirhan (Manchurian candidate). We also know that based on witness accounts, that Sirhan never got any closer to RFK than about 4 feet away. The fatal wound to RFK came from almost point blank range. Remember this occurred in a small pantry with several people in it. Once Sirhan started shooting, all hell broke loose. The other gunman (probably Thane Cesar) took advantage of the situation and fatally wounded Senator Kennedy. There were also more bullet holes or wounds found at the scene that could have possibly been fired from Sirhan's gun. The LAPD has done their part in the cover up by destroying all of the evidence form the crime scene.
Kevin Fisher
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Post by Kevin Fisher »

Who is Thane Caesar?
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Post by Bob »

Cesar was a security guard who was directly behind RFK at the time of the shooting. For more about this assassination see...
Kevin Fisher
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Post by Kevin Fisher »

Ok. Yes, I have read about the security guard.

As I recall, those in authority at the time gave no regard to his possible involvement in the shooting.....

BY THE WAY....I give no respect to the story of the lady in the Polka-dotta dress, who runs out of the hotel yelling "We got him...We killed him" or whatever she says.....It makes no sense that anyone would be giving a confession or information to a crime they were part of. It's BS.

Is the lady in the Polka dotta dress captured on film? Nah. It's hog wash. An utterly fabricated story.......
Nick Whalen
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Post by Nick Whalen »

It is worth noting that Thane Ceasar is the only other person in the kitchen pantry that was armed. No other security guards were in that area had a gun. Although Cesar may have had a gun, the chaos that followed after the shots was more than enough time for a shooter to slip away. The crime scene itself was not sealed off for over 10 minutes and people were coming and going. And then there is the young couple (the woman wearing the polka-dot dress) that are hand in hand singing about killing Robert Kennedy.
Kevin Fisher
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Post by Kevin Fisher »

Polka dotta dress.....a confession......HOGWASH!
Nick Whalen
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Post by Nick Whalen »

Dan Moldea attempts to debunk the polka-dot story and even names a woman as the woman who was wearing the dress as an innocent witness. By the end of his book and after numerous personal interviews with Sirhan, Moldea is convinced that Sirhan did it and that no one else assisted him.
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Post by Bob »

Here is another very interesting story regarding the RFK assassination. It makes sense with the CIA connection to the LAPD and the Manchurian candidate reference. Also note the part about Arthur Bremer's brother Thomas...