JFK Assassination
Richard Carter
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Post by Richard Carter »

This just in...

WASHINGTON (AP) - Little-known documents now being made public detail illegal and scandalous activities by the CIA more than 30 years ago: wiretapping of journalists, kidnappings, warrantless searches and more.

The documents provide a glimpse of nearly 700 pages of materials that the agency plans to declassify next week. A six-page summary memo that was declassified in 2000 and released by The National Security Archive at George Washington University on Thursday outlines 18 activities by the CIA that "presented legal questions" and were discussed with President Ford in 1975.

Among them:

-The "two-year physical confinement" in the mid-1960s of a Soviet defector.

-Assassination plots of foreign leaders, including Fidel Castro.

-CIA wiretapping in 1963 of two columnists, Robert Allen and Paul Scott, following a newspaper column in which national security information was disclosed. The wiretapping revealed calls from 12 senators and six representatives but did not indicate the source of the leak.

-The "personal surveillances" in 1972 of muckraking columnist Jack Anderson and staff members, including Les Whitten and Brit Hume. The surveillance involved watching the targets but no wiretapping. The memo said it followed a series of "tilt toward Pakistan" stories by Anderson.

-The personal surveillance of Washington Post reporter Mike Getler over three months beginning in late 1971. No specific stories are mentioned in the memo.

-CIA screening programs, beginning in the early 1950s and lasting until 1973, in which mail coming into the United States was reviewed and "in some cases opened" from the Soviet Union and China.

Much of the decades-old activities have been known for years. But Tom Blanton, head of the National Security Archive, said the 1975 summary memo prepared by Justice Department lawyers had never been publicly released. It sheds light on meetings in the top echelon of government that were little known by the public, he said.

CIA Director Michael Hayden on Thursday called the documents being released next week unflattering, but he added that "it is CIA's history."

"The documents provide a glimpse of a very different time and a very different agency," Hayden told a conference of historians.

Blanton pointed to more recent concerns, such as post-September 11 programs that included government wiretapping without warrants. "The resonance with today's controversies is just uncanny," he said.

The long-secret documents being released next week were compiled at the direction of then-CIA Director James Schlesinger in 1973. In the wake of the Watergate scandal, he directed senior CIA officials to report immediately on any current or past agency matters that might fall outside the authority of the agency.

A separate memo, also dated 1975 and made public by the National Security Archive, discusses the briefing given to Ford detailing abuses by the spy agency. Then-CIA director William Colby tells the president that the CIA "has done some things it shouldn't have."

Among the activities discussed was the mail program in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Of the airmail received from the Soviet Union, he said, "we have four (letters) to Jane Fonda."

(Copyright Associated Press, All Rights Reserved)
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Post by Bob »

Unfortunately, the files won't include any classified documents regarding the Bu$h/CIA connection to the JFK assassination. Poppy and Dumbya have purged all of that information. Although Dumbya sure likes illegal wiretapping just like the good old days.
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Post by Bob »

This subject takes me back to an earlier post I wrote...

The Bu$hes and the CIA

As I have mentioned before, the Bu$h family has a LONG association with the CIA and have basically controlled it for years. Prescott Bu$h was right there when the CIA was formed. His good friend Allen Dulles was director for many years and he also brought in George H.W. Bu$h to the agency. "Poppy" Bu$h was involved in the Bay of Pigs and the JFK assassination in the early 60's for the CIA. He also helped out the Nixon White House during the time of the Watergate trouble. "Poppy" was then named director himself by Prescott Bu$h puppet Jerry Ford to stop CIA cooperation with the HSCA regarding the assassinations of JFK, RFK and MLK. "Poppy" then was V.P. under Reagan and almost became President in 1981 when "Manchurian Candidate" John Hinckley (and Bu$h family friend) almost killed Reagan. Bu$h was also the key figure in the CIA led Iran/Contra affair that included a CIA operative at the time, Porter Goss. The same Porter Goss that is CIA director now. By the way, "Poppy" Bush is still very much involved with the CIA. He STILL reads the daily briefings. Here is a great article by Wayne Madsen that looks at the vindictive and treasonous side of the Bu$h-led CIA...

April 24, 2006 -- WMR has received information from a veteran member of the U.S. Intelligence Community that fired CIA Inspector General (IG) officer, 61-year old veteran CIA employee Mary O. McCarthy, was the result of a White House-launched political vendetta designed to ferret out pro-Democrats in the CIA. The source also revealed that McCarthy, who was fired rather than being permitted to resign, is almost certain to write a tell-all book that will reveal even more misconduct and illegal activity, in addition to secret prisons and rendition flights, on the part of the Bush administration and CIA director Porter Goss. These may include CIA drug smuggling activities to support off-the-books operations and targeted assassinations. McCarthy, as an IG officer, would have known about all CIA misdeeds reported through her office.
Inside sources report that McCarthy must have ran afoul of the Bush administration early on. After serving as a National Intelligence Officer and liaison to the White House National Security Council, it was clear that McCarthy was purposely kept out of clandestine operations, science and technology operations, and analysis. Instead of being assigned to writing CIA histories or arranging for special guest visits, where she could have been kept under surveillance by security, McCarthy was placed within the IG. However, if retaliation against McCarthy was the goal of the White House, assigning McCarthy to the IG turned out to be the worst thing the Bush team could have done. There, McCarthy was able to amass complaints about abuse and other activities from scores of CIA agents -- information that was later leaked to the media. There is still no confirmation that McCarthy was the leaker, however, the fact that she had already been reassigned from mainstream CIA operations and supposedly failed a polygraph, made her a convenient target for the Bush administration.

Politicizing the CIA for Bush -- professionals counter-attack with leaks and stories linking Bush, Sr. and Goss to past drug smuggling.

An intelligence professional who knows McCarthy reports that she discovered sensational illegal activities by the CIA and was stymied by the Inspector General senior management. McCarthy is said by a colleague to be a devout Catholic who must have bent the rules only out of religious impulses and a high degree of frustration.

The intelligence community source also confirmed past CIA activities in drug smuggling, which have now been resumed by Porter Goss. Three CIA proprietary airlines that flew in Laos during the Indochina war flew heroin from the Golden Triangle in Burma to South Vietnamese and American intermediaries for street distribution to U.S. troops in South Vietnam. The CIA proprietary airlines involved were Air America, Byrd and Sons, and Continental Air Services, Inc. (CASI). CASI, based in Vientiane, Laos, flew the most lucrative aircraft for hauling large amounts of heroin -- ironically, the Swiss-built Pilatus "Porter" -- which could haul large amounts of drugs, 15 armed men, and land uphill on remote airstrips in Laos.

Porter Goss was a clandestine CIA officer in Latin America during the height of the CIA's illegal drug smuggling activities. The current leaks of information about renewed CIA drug smuggling activities are clearly an attempt by some CIA professionals to link Goss to past illegal activities.
LTC Daniel Marvin
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The CIA's attempt in 1966 to kill me and my men

Post by LTC Daniel Marvin »

Now that the trial they engineered in vain to bankrupt Kris Millegan (my publisher) and myself in Charleston SC Federal Juried Court is over with Kris and I victorious - proving what I wrote in my book "Expendable Elite - One Soldier's Journey Into Covert Warfare) was truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, perhaps the CIA will tell the world about their plot to assassinate Prince Sihanouk, and when I unilaterally aborted the mission - why they sent an ARVN Regiment to wipe out my Special Forces Camp. Go to my website www.ExpendableElite.com and read all about it, even read a share of the evidence we presented in court to defeat the Special Forces Association. It was proved in court.
I personally believe the CIA has released what they believe will take all you folks off their back. I say - ride them hard for the truth.
James Jake
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Post by James Jake »

The CIA's attempt in 1966 to kill me and my menNow that the trial they engineered in vain to bankrupt Kris Millegan (my publisher) and myself in Charleston SC Federal Juried Court is over with Kris and I victorious - proving what I wrote in my book "Expendable Elite - One Soldier's Journey Into Covert Warfare) was truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, perhaps the CIA will tell the world about their plot to assassinate Prince Sihanouk, and when I unilaterally aborted the mission - why they sent an ARVN Regiment to wipe out my Special Forces Camp. Go to my website www.ExpendableElite.com and read all about it, even read a share of the evidence we presented in court to defeat the Special Forces Association. It was proved in court.I personally believe the CIA has released what they believe will take all you folks off their back. I say - ride them hard for the truth

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Post by Bob »

I have complete confidence in the word of LTC Daniel Marvin. I believe what he says in the previous post and also his words regarding the JFK assassination, in which he was asked to be a participant in the cover up (eliminating a key witness). Marvin has also backed up the true existance of Jimmy Files. I wholeheartedly agree with Dan...continue to ride the CIA hard for the truth. You sure won't be hearing it from any of the Bu$hes.
john hines
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Post by john hines »

A convelescant Castro just recently reiterated the same sentiments. Like a magic trick, watch one hand while the other hand is working.