
JFK Assassination
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Post by Giovanni »

Want my opinion? Sirhan Sirhan acted alone.
r christen
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Post by r christen »

An opinion based on what? Extensive reading?

The "sloppy" LAPD investigation and hasty destroyal of evidence makes me more than just a bit suspicious.
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Post by Bob »


You don't have any. You proved that a couple of days ago with one of your posts. This thread proves it again. Hello, disinformation man. Here is an example...

My God, all of of you are nuts I thought I was talking to people that were sane. It turns out everyone here is crazy. Bye everyone. And for your info Bob, I've done my homework. You guys haven't. All of you are a bunch of conspiracy kooks that probably believe in aliens, Santa Claus, and the Tooth Fairy. I do not. I thought my history teacher was crazy. It turns out 80 % of American citizens are crazy. Must be something in the air. I don't know. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. Jim Garrison messed up history. And he also screwed up this country. He was not a hero like Stone's crappy film "JFK". Turns out Garrison was a freak. I'm off to the bookstore now to grab a copy of Bugliosi's "Reclaiming History". All of you need help. Seriously. Can't say I haven't done my homework. I've read the Warren Commission's report, Case Closed, read conspiracy and lone gunman stuff. Watched hundreds of documenteries. It must feel good making money off of a dead president. And defending a murderer by saying he's innocent. The "JFK Conpiracy" thing must be good business when it comes to making money. What happened to the truth? Other Americans don't want to know the truth. They'd rather want to believe in conspiracy because they can't believe one little creep killed the most powerful man in the country. The president of the United States. Well, it can be done. One person can change the world and put their name in the history book. Anyone remember Virginia Tech? Things don't need to happen for a reason.

That's was quite a take! So you in essence believe that Oswald and Sirhan acted alone, because you also said Sirhan acted alone in this thread. Facts mean nothing to you. Say enough lies and hope someone will believe you. Not here, disinfo man. Dumbya Bu$h must be your hero.
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Post by Giovanni »

You're just paranoid. The LAPD has nothing to hide. Nobody saw anyone else besides Sirhan firing a gun that night.
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Post by Bob »

Giovanni wrote:You're just paranoid. The LAPD has nothing to hide. Nobody saw anyone else besides Sirhan firing a gun that night.

Yeah right. The LAPD has a sparkling resume. Let's see, there were 13 bullet holes found initially by the FBI investigating the case. That included wounds to everyone, including RFK, and also bullet holes in a door jam and ceiling tiles. Sirhan had eight rounds in his gun. The LAPD conveniently threw out the door jam and the ceiling tiles. Nothing to hide? Nothing to hide except crucial evidence. You want more evidence? The coroner said that the fatal bullet in RFK's brain came from about one to three inches away from his head. The powder burns were quite evident. Not ONE witness said that Sirhan got that close. He was always in front of RFK and he never got more than 3 feet away. However, Cesar was PRECISELY where the assassin had to be.
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Post by Giovanni »

SHOW ME THE EVIDENCE? Photographs, anything!
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Ricky, you must ask yourself this question..................................
If Oswald wanted to make himself famous (or infamous) and notorious, WHY WOULD HE DENY KILLING THE PRESIDENT??!! Why would anyone want to go down in history denying that they did something? People who are self absorbed and want to make a name for themselves have to brag about what they did. Otherwise, they wouldn't be BAD ASS, right??
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Re: Ricky

Post by Pennyworth »

LiAnn Simpson wrote:Ricky, you must ask yourself this question..................................If Oswald wanted to make himself famous (or infamous) and notorious, WHY WOULD HE DENY KILLING THE PRESIDENT??!! Why would anyone want to go down in history denying that they did something? People who are self absorbed and want to make a name for themselves have to brag about what they did. Otherwise, they wouldn't be BAD ASS, right??Very good point LiAnn..go tellwhats his name bug (doorstop)compilation put together withthe computer's help wanna be bookwriter