My version of the events of "11/22/1963"

JFK Assassination
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My version of the events of "11/22/1963"

Post by Giovanni »


The presidental motorcade turned on Houston Street. Nellie Connally told JFK "You can't say Dallas doesn't love you Mr President". The president replied and smiled at the crowd.

The limousine turned on to Elm Street passed the Texas School Book Depository building. JFK heard turned to his right and waved to the crowd. All of a sudden, BANG! JFK grabbed his throat and slumped in his seat. Mrs. Kennedy turned around and looked at him. Governor Connally turned to his his right because the sound of the shot scared him. As he looked over his shoulder, BANG! the second shot hit him in the back and exited his chest. The Governor fell into his wife's arms and said "no no no". Then, BANG! President Kennedy was hit in the head by the third shot. The bullet entered the back of his head and exited out the right side. Jackie climbed on the back on the limo seeking help. A secret serivce agent jumps onto the back of the limousine as it sped away tothe hospital.

12:33, Oswald leaves the School Book Depository and takes a bus ride. The bus gets stuck in traffic. Oswald exits the bus and takes a cab ride to his rooming house. Oswald goes to his rooming house. He puts on his jacket and loads his revolver and puts it in his pocket.

1PM, JFK is announced dead on television. Oswald leaves his rooming house and begins walking to 10th street.

1:12 PM, A police car approaches Oswald. The police car stops. Oswald goes up to the window and talks for a few seconds with the officer. Then, the officer gets out of his car. Oswald suddenly pulls out his revolver and fires 3 shots over the hood of the car. Two of the shots hit Officer Tippit. One of them hit the street. Oswald walks away, then he stops and walks back to the police car. Goes to Tippit's body and fires 1 last shot into Tippit's head and kills him.

Then, Oswald's runs off to hide in the Texas Theatre where his arrested moments later.

3 witnesses saw Oswald shoot Tippit. And all of them were positive it was Oswald. And no one else.
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Post by Bob »

Last response ever to you. You aren't even worth a debate. You are in simple terms...FULL OF SHIT.
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Post by Giovanni »

SCREW YOU JERK James Files is a liar. He's just trying to make money so he can get out of prison early. James Files didn't kill JFK. Oswald did. He's fooled all of you with his "confession".
James Jake
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Post by James Jake »

Hello Group,

My first post here, yup! I'm a newbie but on to the topic at hand:

...12:30PM,The presidental motorcade turned on Houston Street. Nellie Connally told JFK "You can't say Dallas doesn't love you Mr President". The president replied and smiled at the crowd.The limousine turned on to Elm Street passed the Texas School Book Depository building. JFK heard turned to his right and waved to the crowd. All of a sudden, BANG!....

WOW!! that particular version is exactly what the US government wants everyone to believe...however, it WAS a classic coup d'etat !!!
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Post by Giovanni »

Welcome to the nut house
James Jake
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Post by James Jake »


....James Files didn't kill JFK. Oswald did.....

Just for my own interest Giovanni, why wouldn't Oswald take the shot to Kennedy when he had him coming down Houston? I mean, if he was the lone

nut like you suggest why would he wait until Kennedy passes him with a direct head on shot and then wait for him to go to his far right where he would have to hang out of a window?
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Post by Giovanni »

Q:Why didn't Oswald fire when the limousine was on Houston Street?

A: Because it would've been the worst time to fire such a shot. In order to hit Kennedy, he would have to risk hitting Jackie, Nellie Connally or the limo driver.

The best time would've been around frames 210-225 when the limousine came out from under the oak tree. (After the limousine completed it's turn on to Elm Street.)

Oswald was in the Marines. He was good at firing at rifle. Those who say he was a bad shot are liars. He's really a good shot. His marine records show that he got 48 out of 50 hits when shooting a rifle and the distance was twice as much than in Dallas.
James Jake
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Post by James Jake »


Q:Why didn't Oswald fire when the limousine was on Houston Street?A: Because it would've been the worst time to fire such a shot. In order to hit Kennedy, he would have to risk hitting Jackie, Nellie Connally or the limo driver.

Well, that actually doesn't make any since to me, let me explain please, if Oswald was a total nut job like you are saying why would he care if he killed anyone else?

Oswald was in the Marines. He was good at firing at rifle.

Also, you just got done telling me that he was a good shot so why NOT take a shot that would more than likely be a ONE-HIT shot...I mean he had a rifle, a scope, and he was a good shot too.

Btw, since he was a good shot like you just said why did Oswald need
three to four shots to kill Kennedy?

Thanks for your reply
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Post by Giovanni »

Oswald was aiming at a moving target. In the marines, he wasn't shooting at a moving target.

The limousine was moving at around 10MPH when it was on Elm Street. Oswald fired the first shot, but instead of hitting Kennedy in the head, he missed by like 5 inches and it hit him in the neck.

Oswald reloaded, aimed, and fired the second shot, but it missed Kennedy and hit Connally because Kennedy suddenly moved farther to the left.

The limousine began to slow down almost to a complete stop after the second shot, giving Oswald more time to aim better. And that's why the third shot killed Kennedy.

Because the stupid limo driver slowed down and to look over his shoulder because he heard stuff going in the back of the limo.

You must understand, it was hard to tell what was going on. Some people thought the shots were backfires from the police motorcycles. Others thought they were firecrackers. Also, you have crowds of people yelling and stuff. It's hard to hear things.

If you look at the Zapruder Film, you see that not many people were reacting to the shots.
James Jake
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Post by James Jake »

Oswald was aiming at a moving target.

The moving target was coming towards him so wouldn't that make it a very, very easy shot then? you know, rifle, scope he's a good shot, that kinda stuff!

Thanks for your reply