Officer Tippit

JFK Assassination
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Post by dankbaar »

Mmmm, why would he receive an order after the assassination to proceed to the Oak Cliff area?

James Jake
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Post by James Jake »

TippitIt is so odd that all 3 men, Kennedy, Tippit, and Oswald died on the same day.

I believe you meant to say that ONLY two died that day as Oswald was gunned down on Sunday...
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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The Raven Has Recently Died:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

07.02.2007Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:J stated that the Raven died. He was the man who may have killed OfficerJ.D. Tippit. He had consistently requested that his name and involvement never be disclosed to protect his family, loved ones, and friends.When the Raven came to see J at his hotel room from his mission theRaven told J "...that they had to burn a cop."The mission may have been to track and/or kill LHO. A mission that J reluctantly thinks that he may have put into play with his phone callafter JFK's Assassination. J liked LHO, and appreciated his help that week.LHO had spent part of that week showing J around Dallas, and surroundingareas, over a few days.The mission originally, as far as J knew, was never to kill Officer J. D. Tippit.Further, J knew of no prior plans to kill LHO. However, everything wascompartmentalized, as is always the case in assignments like this, on aNeed To Know Basis.In addition, things are very fluid in situations like this, with responses tounforseen or unplanned occurrences necessary with no prior anticipationor planning.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Brian White
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Post by Brian White »

Wasn't Nicoletti called "the Raven"? Why are you using his
nickname to refer to Tippit's killer?
Posts: 2652
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Post by Bob »

Nicoletti was not the "Raven" in this case. But Bruce can explain more than I can.