Shooting from the 6th floor window

JFK Assassination
Ian Irving
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Shooting from the 6th floor window

Post by Ian Irving »

I have never been to the TSBD, and it has always puzzled me how someone who was right-handed (as I believe Oswald was) could have fired a rifle with the butt of the rifle against his right shoulder, right finger on the trigger, without leaning out of the window considerably.

Surely if a right-hander was trying to shoot from that window he would have been leaning out enough for someone to have seen him quite clearly?

Has anyone who has stood in that window got an opinion on that?
Rob Waters
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Post by Rob Waters »

ive been twice and its clear that you can. ... ngspot.jpg ... 0_0067.jpg ... 0_0061.jpg

However, they will not let anyone that goes to the museun near the 6th floor window. I beileve the scenes in JFK had to be shot from the 7th floor if i remember correctly.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

I have been to the 6th floor. They have a clear plastic guard from the floor to the ceiling surrounding the famous window with the boxes arranged as they were supposedly found. I think the shooter would have been partially hidden by the wall surrounding the window.
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

In the movie earlier on it shows The characters Jim Garison and his partner on the 6th floor, Alos the iwndows on the 7th are a different shape. The film might have been made before the museum was made. Any clue when this was? also maybe they did it on the 5th floor?

Ricky L. Clow
Rob Waters
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Post by Rob Waters »

not sure exactly. i have the directors cut and it has a commentary by Oliver Stone. He said they had to do the scene from the 7th floor i thought. could have been the 5th but im pretty sure he said 7th. ill have to check again.
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

oh ok I have that to. But I never did it with the commentary.
LiAnn Simpson
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6th Floor Museum

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

I read somewhere that Jim Garrison was never actually in the TSBD but did visit Dealey Plaza. The building in the 60's was still used for business. It was not until many years later that the museum came into being.
Regarding sniper's nest, there is a perfectly legitimate reason why they blocked off the view from the window, I mean, think about it.
Everyone that has visited that window that looks down, says, NO WAY! I can't see a damned thing from here!
A comedian once commented in his monologue that "Yeah, the scene is totally realistic now, cause Oswald's not in it!!
Some may disagree with me, but I consider the museum to be yet another attempt to "control" the public's access to the so-called murder scene and promote the lone gunman theory even after it has been totally debunked by our own government. It is their attempt to hijack history.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Shooting from the 6th floor window:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

11.07.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:06.29.2007 - Mr. Ian Irving Posted this interesting Headline.A short, interesting discussion evolved that raises some interesting facts,points of information, and opinions that many are not aware of today.This should be considered in conjunction with the other Headlines andPosts about LHO here on the JFK Murder Solved Forum.Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research,studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of these subject matters ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Shooting from the 6th floor window

Post by kenmurray »

Here is more views of the 6th floor window:
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Re: Shooting from the 6th floor window

Post by kenmurray »

Witnesses not mentioned in The Warren Report see man with a rifle: ... h-a-rifle/