Spooky Stuff

JFK Assassination
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Spooky Stuff

Post by Giovanni »

Something spooky is going on here.

1. Lee Harvey Oswald (15 letters)
2. John Wilkes Booth (15 letters)
3. John W. Hinckley Jr. (15 letters)

All 3 of these men assassinated Presidents Of The United States. Abraham Lincoln in 1865, John F. Kennedy in 1963, and Ronald Reagan in 1981.

When Lincoln was assassinted, Andrew Johnson took over
When Kennedy was assassinated, Lyndon B. Johnson took over

Andrew Johnson (13 letters)
Lyndon Johnson (13 letters)

1. Sirhan Sirhan (12 letters)
2. James Earl Ray (12 letters)

Ray and Sirhan both shot someone in 1968, two months apart.

Presidents Assassinated (See any thing strange in this list?)

1835 - Andrew Jackson (not injured)
1865 - Abraham Lincoln
1881 - James A. Garfield
1901 - William McKinley
1912 - Theodore Roosevelt (Shot in the chest , but recovered)
1933 - Franklin D. Roosevelt (not injured)
1950 - Harry S. Truman (not injured)
1963 - John F. Kennedy
9/22/1975 & 9/5/1975 - Gerald Ford (survived both attacks)
1981 - Ronald Reagan (shot in the chest, but recovered)
2006 - George W. Bush (survived assassination attempt)
Posts: 2931
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Post by Pennyworth »

Thank you for sharing this info with us Mr. Giovanni.I would like to add that it should be moved to 'Presidents, Past to Present Postsings...
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Re: Spooky Stuff

Post by Pennyworth »

[quote="Giovanni"]Something spooky is going on here.

1. Lee Harvey Oswald (15 letters)
2. John Wilkes Booth (15 letters)
3. John W. Hinckley Jr. (15 letters)

All 3 of these men assassinated Presidents Of The United States. Abraham Lincoln in 1865, John F. Kennedy in 1963, and Ronald Reagan in 1981.

When Lincoln was assassinted, Andrew Johnson took over
When Kennedy was assassinated, Lyndon B. Johnson took over

Andrew Johnson (13 letters)
Lyndon Johnson (13 letters)

1. Sirhan Sirhan (12 letters)
2. James Earl Ray (12 letters)

Ray and Sirhan both shot someone in 1968, two months apart.

Presidents Assassinated (See any thing strange in this list?)

1835 - Andrew Jackson (not injured)
1865 - Abraham Lincoln
1881 - James A. Garfield
1901 - William McKinley
1912 - Theodore Roosevelt (Shot in the chest , but recovered)
1933 - Franklin D. Roosevelt (not injured)
1950 - Harry S. Truman (not injured)
1963 - John F. Kennedy
9/22/1975 & 9/5/1975 - Gerald Ford (survived both attacks)
1981 - Ronald Reagan (shot in the chest, but recovered)
2006 - George W. Bush (survived assassination attempt)[/quotHello could you please elaborate on what you mena by 'letters' are you referring to correspondence?
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Post by Pennyworth »

Hello again, Mr. Giovanni,

Tell me what is going on I know you have my e-mail
James Jake
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Post by James Jake »

1. Lee Harvey Oswald (15 letters)2. John Wilkes Booth (15 letters)3. John W. Hinckley Jr. (15 letters)All 3 of these men assassinated Presidents Of The United States.

It certainly is a weird coincidence, however, Lee Harvey Oswald didn't shoot Kennedy
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Post by Giovanni »

Paul, what do you mean what's going on? Do you think I 've lost my mind or something? Maybe I have.


Lee Harvey Oswald. WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE SAID SOMETHING?! Little punk... If you shot Kennedy, why didn't you admit it? And if there was a conspiracy, why couldn't you say something? They were going to kill you off anyway.
James Jake
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Post by James Jake »

Lee Harvey Oswald. WHY COULDN'T HE HAVE SAID SOMETHING?! Little punk... If you shot Kennedy, why didn't you admit it? And if there was a conspiracy, why couldn't you say something?

LOL, that would make it to easy then...but I have to admit, at least to me that LHOs life is about the strangest thing that I have ever come across!
LiAnn Simpson
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What's Going On?

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

I'll tell ya'll what's going on. Ever heard of numerology?? I'm not a real believer in it, but if you look at those numbers you gotta wonder!
LiAnn Simpson
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More Spooky Stuff

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Ok, ya'll don't call me a flake but the numerology aspect of the assassination of JFK has already been examined. This article gets really over the top but keep reading, it's got some interesting stuff in it!
Hey if the bullets don't tell us the answers maybe the numbers will!