JFK Assassination
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Post by Bob »

Bruce, I think Lansdale and company were willing to go all out in taking over the country. It never came down to it, but the advanced weaponry and the explosives tell you what extremes they were willing to take. JFK was a HUGE threat to the CIA and the MIC. He was also a big threat to the Mob, Big Oil, Big Banking and key government officials. All were involved in the assassination, but the CIA and MIC were the big benefactors. Vietnam was allowed to happen and both the CIA and the MIC were very happy. The war in Iraq today has once again allowed the war profiteers to smile like pigs in shit. The U.S. now has around 160,000 troops in Iraq. But guess what? There are more than 180,000 war contractors in Iraq! The Carlyle Group, Halliburton, General Dynamics, Lockheed, Raytheon, Exxon and Chevron are loving life. But speaking of life, or loss there of, the U.S. has lost almost 4,000 troops, while the Iraqi losses are over 500,000 dead according to some estimates. Like the Reichstag Fire was to Germany in 1933, 9/11 was to the United States. It gave Dumbya Bu$h the green light to start a war based on lies, just like his idol Adolph Hitler did in the 30's. But then again, Dumbya is just the fourth generation of the Bu$h family to be treasonous and to profit from blood and war. ... ath_part_1 ... ath_part_2
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Re: re

Post by Pennyworth »

R Croxford wrote:It was not a coup d 'etat, The coup d 'etat happened already earlier.It was a prevention of a coup d 'etat, by Kennedy to take back the government from the ass bankers. He was after everything that was created by the Rothschilds and the Rockerfellers. The Fed, the CIA and the corrupt FBI. Nixon Thought he was going to do it also but changed his mind after Haig told him he would lose. When he found he was going to be removed , he threatened to surround the white house with marines and declare a state of emergency.Nixon stated he was in Dallas the day earlier, not the 22nd. Problem is he stated he was attending a pepsi shareholders meeting when there was no such meeting according to pepsi.Put the puzzle together you will see it clearly. The problem is, you have to see it because I nor Wim or anyone else really cannot explain it. It is like one of those pictures you have to stare at to see.I have made it clear as day light to see the steps without the satanistic or cult following that they want to hear. This is no rightwing or kkk agenda. The new world order is real and as soon as you find out every FACT about the new world order. The easier the picture comes into focus.Clinton was a good president, but do not think for a second that they are any different. You do not become head of the round table because people voted for you.All the players are prepaid and ready to lead you like a soap opera.Can anyone explain to me why before you become anything in the world you have to be a member of the cfr or the trilater or bilderburgers?????Anyone want to deny that fact even?Prove me wrong?Until someone does......The coup d 'etat started in early 1900. The cfr is now under attack. Seee if you can keep up.The cfr is under attack by pnac and Bush cronnies. a coup d 'etat is in effect now. Everything being attacked is cfr related. Lemme explain and see if I can focus this.Say me and you have a meeting. I say " We need a major event to change the status of this country." You say ok. But we need to do it with minimal casualties. (feel good BS) So lets look at the minimal damage on 9-11. The whole world knows bankers hours right? 9-5? Then why attack a bank at 8:45? And if everyone in the second building had used thier heads. It would have been evacuated completly before the second hit. Everyone knew the pentagon was being remodeled right? Why attack the side that was just re-enforced? Allow a plane you are hijacking to fly around long enough and low enough for people on board to call everyone and tell the world where you are. Then fly it straight into the ground.How many hijackers were saudi's?? Answer that 1 too while we are at it please.Basically there is a hostile takeover of the government again.Masons created it, Rothschilds took it from them, Now someone is trying to take it from them. Focus.Remember this....Why are they all prepaid?Generals,presidents everyone.Anyone who say there were too many people involved can have me explain that again if you want.Peace Jammin' post Croxford

What was Flagler County Florida like? Was it close to a big city? I heard that the Du Pont s were all fruitcakes .......the pieces fit, they own companies in Juarez
R Croxford
Posts: 398
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by R Croxford »

Ty Paul
You are focused my friend.
Flagler is right next to Daytona Beach.
Brian White
Posts: 169
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Reply to Bruce Brychek

Post by Brian White »

Mr. Brychek, where did you get the information
about Lucien Sarti being in Paris on 11/22, and
about his $1,000,000 hit fee? Don't get me wrong,
I believe James Files was on the knoll, but we now
know from LTC Marvin that Corsican Mafia shooters
were there that day, somewhere on the route, at least.
Steve Rivele seems to have done some pretty solid
research on this, and a man named Michel Nicoli
(who was vouched for by a DEA agent named Tobin,
I believe), said that Sarti was in Dallas. I asked LTC
Marvin in another thread whether he had heard of
Sarti, or Jean-Paul Angeletti and Francois Chiappe.
No answer yet! Maybe Rivele got close to the truth,
after all!
I believe the explosives in the boxcar were to give
Holt & Co. a plausible cover story for being there,
since they had fake ATF credentials. If they were
caught, they could claim to be working on a case,
which is what actually happened. No other reason I
can think of for them to be there-were the conspirators
going to blow up the train?
LiAnn, I believe the tall tramp is Harrelson-Chauncey Holt
says he (Harrelson) introduced himself by name that day,
and I believe Chauncey is the "old tramp". It does look a
lot like Hunt,though, and I'm sure Hunt was there that day.
As to why Harrelson never admitted it-well,he DID
once or twice when he was stoned,but maybe he
was too loyal to the "Company" to admit it when
sober- or maybe he was worried about repercussions
to Woody's career and image-loyal to his son,too!
As to why James Files is still alive, I guess he was
just low-level enough to fly under the radar for a long
time-very few people knew he was the knoll shooter,
and he was smart enough to keep quiet! Maybe people
in the Mob assumed it was Roselli,after all.He has had a
guardian angel on his shoulder all these years, though!
My personal opinion is that God preserved him all these
years,in order to lead him to the light,and to make
him a source of light on the forces of darkness who
did this, and who still run this country today.