Texas School Book Depository

JFK Assassination
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Post by Giovanni »

I don't believe files on the JFK hit exist anymore. The Government ddestroyed them all.

I think the truth is already out. The reason the mob covered up JFK's murder was because they didn't want people to know Kennedy was using the mob to kill Castro.

The Mob and the CIA working together.
James Jake
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Post by James Jake »

Hello Again

Well, since this thread is kinda covering LHO I thought that I would post a few questions that I need help on.

1) Did LHO bring in a rifle to the TSBD the day before the assassination ?

2) If so then he would have to known that it would be for an assassination

3) Was it confirmed that LHO DID send a teletype message to the FBI that there was going to be an attempt on JFK...I mean did the message say that or did someone just think that?

4) and if so how would they know that it was from LHO

5) if they did receive a notice then wherever it went how did that place
avoid not getting into very serious trouble?

6) Why did he leave the TSBD, he was safe there. I mean the
assassination just happened and right after that the motorcycle
cop just came in there and saw him drinking a coke...an alibi

and heres a thought about that motorcycle cop. It sure seems mighty
fishy to me, we all know that there was some shooters there
somewhere in the TSBD

now how come the motorcycle cop didn't find anyone??? he ran upstairs
frantically searching for snipers and didn't find any???? and yet they
were still there, right??

So here is what I am wondering, the motorcycle cop (Mr.Marrion Baker)
is he dirty?? because he runs upstairs after telling LHO that the
President has been shot and goes upstairs searching and doesn't

find anyone and they ARE there, and or, did he go in there to shoot LHO
(remember he had his pistol drawn) but since there was a witness
with him he couldn't (the TSBD supervisor)

I know a lot of these answers will be conjecture, but that motorcycle cop
has been bugging me all day long at work...

P.S. I hope these questions make sense because I have this great gift
of having an idea but losing it when I type

LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

James, I will try to help with 2 of those.

As for the rifle, the man who gave LHO a ride to work that morning stated that the package he carried into the building was only about 2 feet long, it could not have contained the rifle. One of the WC witnesses, Julie Ann Mercer actually saw Ruby and another man with rifles the morning of the assassination near the site. She testified before the WC, actually named Ruby and picked him out in photos, but the WC or someone actually changed the written statement to say that she did not identify Ruby. She was interviewed by Jim Garrison before his trial of Shaw. I believe Ruby was in on the whole plot and may have planted the rifle, just like it is believed that he planted the bullet (on the wrong stretcher, no less). He was in it up to his ears and knew Oswald was going to talk and must be silenced.

As for the teletype, here is what happened according to my research. A teletype came into the New Orleans FBI office (do not know its origins). A former FBI agent in that office stated that he took it off the machine and placed in on the desk of the superior officer that would have been responsible for disseminating it to other offices. Well he dropped the ball because the original did not get sent to the other FBI offices and out of embarrassment and covering his ass, he destroyed it. It never got sent out. Personally I don't think it would have made any difference anyway. The warning signs were everywhere and nothing was done by anyone to stop the killing. If anything the people responsible for protecting the President, even if they were not in on the plot, were guilty by ommission of murder in my opinion.

Hope this was of some help to you.

LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

One more thing about the Oswald note.

He did in fact go into the Dallas office of the FBI and leave a note. This was confimed by James Hosty, an agent there in the office. HOsty claims the note was an angry message for them to stop interrogating Marina when he wasn't at home. HOsty claims the note was destroyed on the orders of his superior, and he flushed it down the toilet.
Garrison wasn't buying the story. He thinks the note was in fact a warning from Oswald to the Dallas FBI of the impending attempt on JFK's life. He makes a good point as to why he believes it was a warning about the assassination. He said that if it had been an angry note, all the more reason to keep it because it would have given even more creedence to the fact that Oswald was a lone nut angry man hell bent on killing. I would trust Garrison's word over the FBI any day of the week.

James Jake
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Post by James Jake »

Thanks LiAnn
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Sure, J.J.!
Now for something rreeeeaaallly scary, read my new topic about the CIA and drugs!

Ian Irving
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Post by Ian Irving »

James, another little nugget of info for you. It has been confirmed that there was a rifle being shown around among the guys in the TSBD a few days before the assassination I think it may even have belonged to Roy Truly if my memory cell is functioning - however, it was not Oswald's. It seems to be unknown as to whether that rifle was removed prior to the assassination.

Perhaps it was not that unusual for someone in Texas in 1963 to take a rifle into work to show off to the guys? It seems to me like everyone in Texas in those days had at least 3 rifles each!

It appears that the TSBD was not searched thoroughly for something like 40 minutes after the assassination, Bakers' search was only very cursory and did not include any real effort to search the 5th or 6th floors.
Larry Daniels
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Post by Larry Daniels »

Warren Castor, an assistant manager of Southwest Publishing, brought two rifles into the TSBD on November 20, 1963, to show to some of the employees (per his testimony to the Warren Commission). One of the rifles was a .22 caliber, and the other was a .30-06 sporterized Mauser.

It was very easy in 1963 to carry boxes weapons into a place of business, and it is still easy today, in the southern USA.
Larry Daniels
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Post by Larry Daniels »

I meant to say "boxed weapons", not "boxes weapons" in the last post.
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Post by Giovanni »

Couldn't you edit your post?