A clip with Vincent Bugliosi

JFK Assassination
kjell roald
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I have been into a couple discussions about this lately

Post by kjell roald »

on discussionboards. And if nothing else works, I ask the other guy this question :

"But you don´t really believe in a bullet crushing bones - in Connallys rib and in his wrist - and ending up with no striation marks, do you?

"The Warren Commission's "single bullet," according to all documentation:

* had no thread striations (fine lines etched onto a copper encased bullet tip and/or bullet side casing by clothing threads when the bullet first penetrates clothing threads),

* was marked with no blood,

* was marked with no human tissue,

* had no pieces of clothing attached,

* had lost only 1.5 % of its original average weight


Several of the exact same type 6.5 millimeter test bullets were test-fired by the Warren Commission investigators. The only test bullet that most matched the slight side flattening and nearly pristine, still rounded impact tip of CE399 was a bullet that had only been fired into a long tube containing a thick layer of cotton. (later tests show that such bullets survive intact when fired into solid wood and multiple layers of skin and ballistic gel, as well-- see Discovery Channel reference below)."


And adding this image :


None has come back with a reply to that thus far.
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

I would have more respect for Bugliosi if he HAD written a book that Elvis is still alive. I would believe that BEFORE I would believe the Warren Commission!!!
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Post by Giovanni »

Connally was hit by tweo bullets.

The first one entering his back and exiting his chest. The second one striking his right wrist and left thigh.

Both shots came from the 6th floor of the School Book Depository (6th floor southwest window).
LiAnn Simpson
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Court of Law Means Evidence Mr. Bugliosi!

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

The fact that a man like Bugliosi whose MAIN job it is to prosecute criminals based on the evidence COMPLETELY ignores the evidence in the JFK case, not only the evidence itself but how it was or was not handled!
1. President's brain is missing??? And we are going to believe the guys that LOST it?
2. Limo--NUMBER ONE piece of evidence after the brain and it is shipped out of town and dismantled??!!
3. Gov. Connally's clothing--sent to the cleaners after the shooting?
4. C. E. 339 aka the magic bullet- no blood, no tissue, lead fragments taken from Connally higher in weight than missing weight of bullet??!!
5. Bullet found on stretcher that was NOT Connally's??!!
6. Chain of command of evidence - lead fragments from Connally "disappeared" too?? Get real!
7. Documentation on chain of command of C.E. 339 highly in question!
9. Concrete curb where bullet hit Tague taken into FBI evidence and ALSO missing???!!
10. Parkland doctors SWORN statements that wounds in autopsy photos not what was observed on NOv. 22, 1963 by them, and they were the first ones to see the President's wounds after the shooting?!
The only proof that we have here is that living in Los Angeles causes BRAIN DAMAGE!!! Two men claiming to be "law" men, Furman and Bugliosi, BOTH, have come up with Oswald did it alone! Is it any wonder O.J. walked?? And Paris will have the last laugh??
LiAnn Simpson
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I Made a Mis-statement about Manson case

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

It suddenly occurred to me, I mentioned jailhouse talk broke the case. One of the Manson women had been brought in on another unrelated charge BEFORE the case broke and a cellmate overheard her talking about the murders. Obviously, she would not have already been in jail for the Manson case unless they knew she was involved.
Sorry if that caused any confusion.

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Post by Giovanni »

Susan Atkins - the bitch that killed Sharon Tate
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Why does everyone believe that B broke the case? The entire L.A. police force didn't have a clue, even 2 more people were murdered by Manson's gang serveral days later and they still didn't have a clue. The case would probably still be unsolved if it hadn't been for that woman in the jail hearing the other woman talk.

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Post by Giovanni »

By luck, a prisoner snitched.