
JFK Assassination
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Post by Joost »

Hello all,

I've been reading this forum for some time now, have some of the DVD's, but still have a question.

According to James Files Kennedy was hit in the back of the head just before he hit him somewhere near the temple from the grassy knol.

The hit from the back explains the large pieces of brain coming out of the right side of JFK's head. From the autopsy photo's it's also visable that the right side of the back of JFK's head is gone. But these exit wounds can't be from Files shot right? Because the exit wounds from his shot from the grassy knol, should be more on the left side (or the left and back side) of JFK's head.

So my point is: should the exit wounds not be on the opposite site of the head (left side or left backside) from the entrance point of the bullet (right temple)?

Am I making some sense?
kjell roald
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Sure you´re making sense

Post by kjell roald »

But from what I understand, the bullet hits the scull at an angle. And so the bullet is deflected. ( Is that the word? It doesn´t any longer follow the straight line path that it would have. )
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Post by Giovanni »

Andre Murel
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Re: Headwounds

Post by Andre Murel »

Joost wrote:Hello all,The hit from the back explains the large pieces of brain coming out of the right side of JFK's head. Was there a hit from the back in the head?I thought it was in his back, therefore Files missed the spot on JFK's head where he was aiming for. (because the body lurged forward due to the impact)and hit him in the temple of his head instead of his right eye.Andre====edit=====Ooops Im wrongGiovanni wrote:1. North Curb Of Elm Street (TSBD or Overpass)2. Main Street Curb/James Tague (TSBD or Dal-Tex)3. Manhole Cover (Records building or Grassy Knoll)4. Road Sign (Grassy Knoll)5. Limo's Windshield Chrome (Dal-Tex, or caused by bullet fragment)6. Limo's Windshield (Was it a hole or a crack? I don't know!)7. Elm Street (Dal-Tex or TSBD)8. Limo's Floorpan (Records building)1. Kennedy's throat (was it even a bullet wound at all?!)2. Kennedy's back (Dal-Tex or TSBD)3. Connally's wounds (TSBD)4. Kennedy's head #1 (TSBD)5. Kennedy's head #2 (Grassy Knoll)13 shots!
kjell roald
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Joost wrote:

Post by kjell roald »

"The hit from the back explains the large pieces of brain coming out of the right side of JFK's head."

I´m not convinced that the hit from the back actually exited :

"ex-Marine and police sharpshooter Craig Roberts :

"Some of the supporters of the Warren Commission...stated that the bullet came from the rear because the eruption of brain matter and blood came out of the front of the president's skull. I saw something else. In a head shot, the exit wound, due to the buildup of hydrostatic pressure, explodes in a conical formation in the down-range direction of the bullet. Yet in the Zapruder film, I could plainly see that the eruption was not a conical shape to the front of the limo, but instead was an explosion that cast fragments both up and down in a vertical plane, and side to side in a horizontal plane. There was only one explanation for this: an exploding or 'frangible' bullet. Such a round explodes on impact--in exactly the manner depicted in the film."

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Post by dankbaar »

The hit from the back explains the large pieces of brain coming out of the right side of JFK's head. From the autopsy photo's it's also visable that the right side of the back of JFK's head is gone. But these exit wounds can't be from Files shot right?

It is not brain matter of an exit wound, it is brain matter of an entry wound. If you drop a stone in the pond, which direction does the water splash? You first need to understand how debris behaves if a bullet hits an object like a human head or a fruit. [/url]
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Post by Joost »

Thanx for all the replies.

I don't understand why I've assumed that the entrance wound can be just a neat wound of exactly the size of the bullet, and the exit wound much larger because of the explosion.

So can I put it like this: the large open wounds at the back of the head (autopsy photo's) are from the shot fired from behind (Nicoleti) and the exploding brain flying out on the right side of the head are caused by the shot of James Files?
kjell roald
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Post by kjell roald »

Joost wrote:Thanx for all the replies.I've assumed that the entrance wound can be just a neat wound of exactly the size of the bullet, and the exit wound much larger because of the explosion.

This is my understanding, and I´m pretty sure that this is the case. So in my understanding, the gaping wound to the back of the head was caused by the shot from the front. Absolutely.

( Maybe the shot from behind helped make it bigger. Or helps to explain that such a big fragment like the "Harper-fragment" (?) came about. )

So the way I figure, the shot from behind wasn´t powerful enough to go straight through. ( There´s also the shot to the back of the neck that apparently didn´t penetrate more than a few centimeters. )

So you can have quite a bit of matter shooting out as the bullet hits. But you won´t get a big entrance wound, just a small one.

( Maybe the bullet from behind did exit, or maybe the zapruder film is doctored, and that explains the matter coming out. It looks *really* weird, that matter. )
LiAnn Simpson
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The BIG Picture is................

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Look at how many bullets were flying in ALL directions! Proof positive that Oswald with 3 bullets from one direction DOESN't fly!!!!

Ian Irving
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Post by Ian Irving »


Robert Morningstar belives that he has identified a rear entry shot in a location almost obscured by the shot from the front; effectively two shots that have caused damage in the same location on the right rear of the head. There are pictures on the website.