Zapruder film

JFK Assassination
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

The reason the whole issue of tampering with the Z film came up was that people were comparing still photos taken by other people in Dealey Plaza that day with still frames from the Z film. And things weren't adding up. People were in different places on the background of the Z film from where they were actually standing when the shooting happened.
There is a guy in Dallas with "another" museum, have not been but heard about it where he takes the Z film frame by frame and explains how it was tampered with and what they did. Some say it is pretty convincing and if you want to know what really happened that day do NOT got to the TSBD museum.
Has anyone been to this place or know about it? It was somewhere in downtown Dallas.

LiAnn Simpson
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Response to Ian's Earlier Question

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Ian, you asked a very good question about Jackie's lack of response when the final shot hit JFK in the head, and I gave you a really dumb answer. I have done a little more research on this, and am including a link. Ok, people can say the Zapruder film was not altered, but if you scroll down and read the entire synopsis of this book, it makes sense. And I think that the "other JFK museum" has this as it's main feature and people come away with a whole new view and attitude about the Z film. ... 13YXN7DRY6&
Really, Ian, when you think about it, it makes no sense that Jackie does not even react to that last shot, or what we thought was the last shot. I am totally on board now with believing that the film was altered, and that there were visible reactions to more shots on the film that they had to edit out as well as other visible signs of who may have been responsible.
They edited out just enough to not make it obvious, I mean you can see that his head jerks backwards, but if there were as many bullets flying as they say, there had to have been more. Now, mind you, he was wearing a full back brace which limited his movement, but a body still reacts to being hit.
Let me know what ya'll think!
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

Did any of you guys look at my Is the Zapruder Film Authentic topic?
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

I just answered you on that thread.

Brian White
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Reply to Ian Irving

Post by Brian White »

Ian, I agree that something is strange about that
black strip. It looks like something that was inserted
into the bottom of the frame,not the bottom of the frame
itself. Only reason I know of is to hide a reflection
of some kind-a muzzle flash?
The most suspicious thing about the film to
me is that the car never appears to stop or
slow down,when EVERY eyewitness-James Files
included-says that it did so. Also,on the Nix film,
a rapid acceleration of the car is a lot more
I've been debating about buying the "Great
Zapruder Film Hoax" book,but it looks a little
hard to follow,frankly.They also claim to have
proven that Chauncey Holt was lying about
being one of the tramps-that it WAS E. Howard
Hunt-but I believe Chauncey!
William Robertson
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Post by William Robertson »

Brian, I have four books that are specifically concerned with the Zapruder film but frustratingly none of them even mention the black rectangle mystery.

Probably the best critical analysis of the Z film is contained in the book by Harrison E Livingston which I think is called the Hoax of the Century or something similar; however it does not mention the black rectangle!

There are a couple of well written books that defend the authenticity of the film but I find them unconvincing as they tend just to accept that the film could not possibly have been altered (ignoring the many years when the original could have been worked on). As you say, when does the car slow down or halt in the Z film?

The other clincher for me is that we see an explosion of brain and blood matter at Z313 but it totally disappears by Z314 - 1/18th of a second. It is just not possible for the blood and brain matter to dissipate so quickly. According to Livingstone (and I am inclined to agree), the head shot blood splatter is painted in, designed to give the impression of a shot from behind with the blood spray going forwards.

Another factor - in the Z film we don't see any evidence that motorcycle policeman Hargis gets sprayed so forcefully with blood and brain matter that he thought he had been shot himself.
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Post by j.j.c.bruinsma »

William Robertson wrote:There are a couple of well written books that defend the authenticity of the film but I find them unconvincing as they tend just to accept that the film could not possibly have been altered (ignoring the many years when the original could have been worked on). As you say, when does the car slow down or halt in the Z film?The other clincher for me is that we see an explosion of brain and blood matter at Z313 but it totally disappears by Z314 - 1/18th of a second. It is just not possible for the blood and brain matter to dissipate so quickly. According to Livingstone (and I am inclined to agree), the head shot blood splatter is painted in, designed to give the impression of a shot from behind with the blood spray going forwards.Another factor - in the Z film we don't see any evidence that motorcycle policeman Hargis gets sprayed so forcefully with blood and brain matter that he thought he had been shot himself.

And why must the publiek waiting years to see it,
so the CIA/FBI can fix it.

CIA/FBI fix the autopsie,why not the Zapruder film.

I think it is not the hole film,thats why it,s a FEAKE.

Bob Lilly
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Post by Bob Lilly »

The Nix film does show the muzzle flash
Brian White
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Reply to William Robertson

Post by Brian White »

Thanks for your post, William-great points!
The "Great Z-Film Hoax" book also talked
about why the blood disappeared so quickly-
it IS kind of strange that the trunk of the
car never appears to have a drop on it,
isn't it?
Another thing I've always thought strange-
after the head shot, the car's left brake light
appears to be on (bright red)- but not the right
brake light. I guess it could have just been the
sun shining on the left light, though.
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

Ya, I was reading The Warren Report the other day and at one point it mentioned that when the first shot was fired that another man who was on the secrert service backup car started to run towards the presidential limo but was called back. Umm how come we don't see that in the Z-film? When I find the book again I'll put exactly what it says.

Ricky L. Clow