John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln

JFK Assassination
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

You have something other then you bullshit to add to this forum????
Because if you do not. Pipe down.
You tell me the 8 people genius.

Now if your too dense to see that I was joking around with the thread saying all the other coincidences are there then also like Lincoln's assassination there should be 8 people involved if you ARE GOING BY THAT COINCIDENTAL THEORY. UNDERSTAND??????

Do you even know people were involved other then John Wilkes Booth?
The first woman executed in this country was because the conspiracy surrounding Lincoln's assassination.

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Post by Giovanni »

R Croxford,


If you have nothing good to say to me, don't say anything at all. I'm no genius. I never said I was one. Yes, I know that the Lincoln assassination was a conspiracy. A program was aired on the history channel a couple years ago.

Who the hell do you think you are to talk to me this way? What makes you so special? I don't like your attitude.
LiAnn Simpson
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Gentlemen, Please----------------

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Let's put the boxing gloves away and get back to who the REAL enemy is!
Don't you know the government types love it when we conspiracy theorists fight amongst ourselves?? That distracts us from getting to the real truth of the matter.
There is nothing wrong with a little humor on here, let's just not get personal with it.

Ok, you all have just been e-lectured by the e-teacher and e-sat in the e-corner for e-time out!

Now, let's get on with solving the crime!!!!!!!!!!!

LiAnn Simpson
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LBJ most definitely involved!

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Yes, I think we can honestly say now beyond a doubt that LBJ was most definitely involved in this crime. He implicated himself with his own words both before and after the crime. He stood to gain absolutely the most with Kennedy out of the way.
1. No further embarrassment about his criminal dealings for which he was about to be indicted and dropped from the 64 ticket.
2. A job promotion.
3. Chicks would dig him now that he was the head honcho( this is no joke, he was quite the ladies' man!)
4. Now all the politicians he had to be subservient to before would have to be subservient to him. He hated Ralph Yarborough and John Connally.
5. He could now continue all of his self enriching dirty dealings because he was protected by the cloak of "Executive Privilege" which is basically a license to kill, steal, and cover both up.

On another note, John Connally years ago once said that he felt that he was a target that day. You know what, he may very well have been, they hit him didn't they? People think that because he changed parties that he was always loyal to the other side but that is not the case. He and LBJ had been arch enemies for years. Remember, he told the TRUTH on camera about the shooting, that he was NOT hit by the same bullet as Kennedy, he absolutely was adamant about that. I think he angered the wrong people by that, and his later years were filled with scandal and ruin, in his last years he was selling off all his belongings in auction to pay his legal debts. It was a sad sight to see. I think the powers that be ruined him in the end for telling the truth. He may not have been sqeaky clean but his statements that he did not believe the WC findings led to alot more research into the case, we have to thank him for that.

James Jake
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Post by James Jake »

... 8 ) Lyndon B. Johnson

I was just going with the flow of this particular thread, you know, adding a little humor, but LBJ was in it wayyyyyyy over his freaking, criminal, hypocritical, bigot head!

Btw, who the hell wasn't in on it in Texas back then...good grief
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

I do not believe that Connally was in on it, I mean, think about it, would he volunteer to ride in a car that was about to get shot up??

Read my new topic about Connally, because I have a theory about him and the whole assassination thing.

However, there were definitely Texans in on it, after all, they had all the money back then and the motive and the means to do it and to get state law enforcement to assist in the coverup. But LBJ as I said had the most to gain.

James Jake
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Post by James Jake »

James,I do not believe that Connally was in on it,

hehe, well, you've got me there! it was actually more of a rhetorical question than anything else

but I do think that it would be safe to say that everyone in that caddy was not in on it...also, there is no way and no how that anyone could ever convince

me that the hit was on was a highly organized paid hit to kill President Kennedy, a classic coup d'etat with V.P. Johnson waiting in the wings for his moment.

Thats the way I see it, and until I see something really different I will go to my grave believing that.

James Jake
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Post by James Jake »

!!! THIS IS A TEST !!!

seems kinda strange that there is no one posting since yesterday so I thought I would see if the boards are still working and see if I'm still allowed in here
LiAnn Simpson
Posts: 191
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Yes, James, now that you have done your e-time in the e-corner you may come back in!!

