The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less:

JFK Assassination
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by JDThomas »

I found the Paul Craig Roberts article very disappointing. He's on safer ground with analysis of warmongers in the military, but he clearly has no understanding of the dynamics on the ground in Ukraine. He really should slump back into his armchair for an extended nap
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

03.06.2014Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Mr. Ken Murray - Excellent Post, and Outstanding Contribution that deserves veryserious thought, analysis, and comparison. Thank you very much for locating andPosting this information, Ken.Understand that nobody is telling the truth.Russia, the KGB, and Putin can't and won't tell the truth.America, the C.I.A., Obama and Kerry can't and won't tell the truth.The media on all sides can't and won't tell the truth.What is occurring on the ground may not be deciphered for decades, if at all.To help this analysis, I strongly recommend that those seriously interested read"JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, And The Plot To Assassinate John F. Kennedy" by ColonelL. Fletcher Prouty, With An Introduction By Oliver Stone.Specific, and hyper-analytical attention must be paid to the readings of:Chapter 1,The Role of the Intelligence Services in the Cold War: 1945 - 65, the Vietnam Era;Chapter 2, The CIA in the World of the H Bomb;Chapter 3, The Invisible Third World War;Chapter 4, The Opening Wedge;Chapter 5, The CIA's Saigon Military Mission;Chapter 6, Genocide by Transfer - in South Vietnam;Chapter 7, Why Vietnam ? The Selection and Preparation of the Battlefield;Chapter 8, The Battlefield and the Tactics, Courtesy CIA.To this day few, if any, can explain the beginnings and developmental processesthat occurred in Vietnam better than Colonel Prouty did. My Opinion.To this day few, if any, can explain the beginnings and developmental processesthat laid the foundation for the Absolute Necessity For The Assassination AndTotal Cover-Up Of That Process For John F. Kennedy, than did Colonel Prouty.Note, 11.22.2013 it was so buried, convoluted, and entrenched in a mire of deceit and lies, that it will not be resolved in the next 50 years. My Opinion.Read and analyze what I recommend. Then compare it to what you are able tointelligently discern from what you then think is occurring.Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by Dealey Joe »

Anyone have a timely comment on this post by Bruce.Are we hearing rumblings of cold war?
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by kenmurray »

Right now the rumblings are coming from our borders with the invasion of Mexico, eventually The United States of Mexico!
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by Dealey Joe »

sometimes I think some of this crap is to keep us looking in the wrong direction?
Ed Teach
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by Ed Teach »

My thoughts...more likely a 'hot' war as opposed to a 'cold' war...possibly nuclear hotLots of double dealing and shady deals going on here...They needed something bigger than Iraq and Afghanistan those were just gambits. So now we have the new Caliphate which apparently is supported by the Sauds and armed by us??? There is massive desert storm churning in that region (since 1948) and it is pulling in everyone around and once they get into the maelstorm it will be to late for them to pull back. Flashpoint is going to be either Gaza, Syria, or...get ready for this one...Crimea. If Crimea is attacked then we have World War 3. Once the world is brought to it's knees then we will get to see their (MIC) real objective - centralization of power in one group, centralization and exploitation of the world's resources by one group (oil), and centralization of the banking industry in one group. One world government led by one group of people the MIC. A world we would not recognize now today...we can still only read about it in books like 1984. But it is coming...soon. IS wants to rule the Levant. The Levant includes Israel. When Israel gets hit then we and the UN will be forced by mandate to come to their aid. The MIC loves the UN!Note...personally I have never understood why so many refer to the USA as the last remaining superpower...Russia is a superpower - when you have that many nuclear missiles you are a superpower even if you are a broke joke...but what is this Russia trading oil with China and Iran? They are trying to exit the situation gracefully but the maelstorm in the desert is hurricane strong today. Hit Syria or hit Crimea and the Bear will be forced to come out of his hibernation. Latest news I have heard - militants in N Syria declare now we have a Caliphate and an Emirate who are opposed to each other but yet both are Sunni Muslims. Interesting huh? It is getting Sahara Africa hot in the Middle East right now.Presently the IS is 45 miles from Baghdad and currently strongly engaged near Haditha Dam...not much time left for Baghdad.Get those 650 out of their ASAP...note many of these folks possibly all of them have been guaranteed 1 month only deployments. What does that tell you? Well it tells me we are going to operate just like we did when we left Ho Chi Minh city...a war which was not about preventing the spread of Communism just like Afghanistan was not about 911 and just like Iraq was not about a large extant these are wars are about money it seems but alas I think there is a much more sinister plan behind it...complete world domination...the Empire of EmpiresImagine if you could rape the whole world!
Ed Teach
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by Ed Teach »

Qatar just bought 11 billion dollars worth of Patriot systems...what does that remind you of?Imagine how the world would be if JFK had survived Dealey plaza that day.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

03.16.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:07.06.2007 I Posted this ominous Headline.A serious, thought provoking discussion developed by some of the GreatMinds here.The World has been mired in Beheadings, Bombings, Extremism, Terrorism,et cetera, since then to the present.In the Mean Time The Cold War, which may have never really left us, hasclearly returned.With all of the U.S. and World Intelligence Agencies, Military Groups, and LawEnforcement Agencies, look at the U.S. and the World today.I don't think that we are getting our money's worth. Do you ?Such chaos can not exist by chance and happenstance. My Opinion.Where are we ?Where are we headed ?Any signs of improvement ?Let's send another Saturn Rocket to the Moon or Mars so we can study the Earthmore closely. There's a plan.What can be done ?What will be done ?What do you want to see done ?Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generationof JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

10.07.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:07.06.2007 - I originally Posted this Powerful Headline that I believed to be highly analyticalperceptive, and probative. I felt as strongly then as I do now that Putin and Bush 1 and 2 were Planning the Next 25 - 50 years ofThe Cold Wars, or Controlled Wars, as I like to call them.CONTROL OF THE POPULATION.POPULATION CONTROL.Some of the Best Minds of the JFKMS Forum contributed intelligently.THE COLD WAR IS FULLY HERE, OPERATIONAL, AND EXPANDING WITH GEOMETRIC GROWTH.We don't know what we did or are doing in Afghanistan, Egypt, Greece, Mexico, Iraq, Israel, Pakistan,Syria, or all of South America, nor the U.S. come to think of it.We do know that we are giving $ 100,000,000.00 to Iran so they will like us again like John Kerry andObama promise.COMMUNISM IS ALWAYS A GOOD SELL.Now we have a Menu of Boogie Men and Wars. Never Ending Wars.The War on Al Quaeda, The War on Communism, The War on Isis, and The Catch All War On Terrorism.Lots of Wars and all need more airplanes, bombs, guns, jets, weapons, etc. Maybe we better rebuild the Navyalso.We need to quit bombing hospitals, but that was Collateral Damage. "We're sorry."Connect the dots from The Removals of JFK, MLK, and RFK to today. DRAW A STRAIGHT LINE. My Opinion.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writingson any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's whomay not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.