The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less:

JFK Assassination
Ed Teach
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by Ed Teach »

I think the chances for a Hot War are really high. My opinion.The CIA operations in the ME are coming undone. The Russians are giving us the cold shoulder. Our coalition is looking like a bunch of fools. The rest of the world is waiting with baited breathe to finally laugh at us. Just read the latest on Aleppo if you don't believe. And please read beyond the lame propaganda now all over western MSM. These guys are finally getting there comeuppance I think.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

10.30.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:07.06.2007 - I originally Posted this Predictive Headine.Since then some of the Best and Brightest JFKMS Forum Members have made substantial contributions offacts, opinions, and points of information.Last week The First American Soldier, a Delta Force Master Sergeant, was allegedly the First Americankilled in Iran in four (4) years.Today The White House announced at Least 50 American Special Forces' Soldiers will be sent to Syria.The Press Conference acknowledges that there will likely be American Casualties.WHAT IF ANYTHING IS OUR GAME PLAN ? BEGINNING GAME, MIDDLE GAME, END GAME ?Looks like, smells like, sounds like - VIET NAM - LAOS - CAMBODIA to many.America is already being called indecisive and weak Globally.This is already to be an Incremental Program, so that it can be slowly sold by The Main Stream Mediato "We the people…"About two (2) years ago Obama announced/promised to have No American Troops On The Ground There.Today "We the people…" have Troops On The Ground Being Ordered And Sent There.BUT NOT TO WORRY - WE ARE CONTINUING DIPLOMATIC DISCUSSIONS - YOU KNOW - LIP SERVICE WHILEMORE AMERICAN's WILL BE WOUNDED AND KILLED FOR NOTHING AMERICAN.THE COLD WAR IS FULLY HERE ON NUMEROUS FRONTS. Afghanistan, Al Quaeda, Communism, Iran, Iraq, Isis, Israel, Palestine, Pakistan, Russia, Syria, etc., are in increasing turmoil.What has Obama Improved In 8 Years ?Chicago has almost 14,000 shootings in the last 5 years. Maybe we need to invade Chicago First ?HEROIN AND OPIUM HAS INCREASED OVER 10,000 % IN 8 YEARS. NOW THERE'S PROGRESS.* CONTROL OF THE POPULATION.* GENOCIDE.* POPULATION CONTROL.All of this is a Direct Trancendence of The Removals of JFK, MLK, and RFK. The Last Leaders America hashad.Matters will only get worse. That you can count on.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, research, studies, thoughts,or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's whomay not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by Slav »

Bruce your right not happens from happenstance it's all a game, and Joe all this stuff really is to keep us looking in the wrong direction.Will it end? Idk if it ever will but all these people in the shadow will have a price to pay one day, maybe one day we will have another Jfk who will stand up against the shadow and arrest them all.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

02.11.2017Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:07.06.2007 - I originally Posted this Headline after Vladimir Putin secretly met with George H. W. Bush,and George W. Bush, ostensibly to "PLAN THE NEXT 25 YEARS OF FUN AND GAMES CALLED THE COLD WAR."No President of the U.S. since JFK has tried to create and initiate communication with Russia until DonaldTrump.Regardless of what you may think of Trump, Pro or Con, I find this ISSUE OF MAJOR INTEREST TO ME.Every Aspect of the U.S. Military Industrial Complex seems against Trump on this ISSUE as was done withJFK.As always, I recommend that you completely read, research, and study material on your own, then formulate your own Opinions and Thoughts.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

02.15.2017:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:07.06.2007 - I originally Posted this Extremely Analytical, Predictive, Probative Post, Headline, and Supporting Material that I think has increasing relevance today, that will continue to develop and grow over the next 25 years in the U.S., Russia, and Globally.SPECIAL NOTE: (AS BRILLIANT AND DRIVEN AS JFK WAS, HE WAS ALSO NAIVE. HE ACTUALLY THOUGHT THAT HE WAS IN CHARGE OF THINGS.RICHARD MILHOUS NIXON WAS THE SACRED COW FOR THE SECRET STATE WHOM "THEY" EXPECTED AND WANTED TO WIN.ATTEMPTS TO DESTROY JFK BEGAN IMMEDIATELY.AS BRILLIANT AND DRIVEN AS DONALD TRUMP IS, HE IS ALSO NAIVE. HE ACTUALLY BEGAN THINKING THAT HE WAS IN CHARGE OF THINGS.EITHER JEB BUSH OR HILLARY CLINTON WERE THE PREDICTIVE SACRED COWS. AFTER JEB BUSH's EARLY EXIT FROM THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARY, HILLARY CLINTON WAS THE "CHOSEN SACRED COW" "THEY" EXPECTED AND WANTED TO WIN.ATTEMPTS TO DESTROY TRUMP BEGAN ALMOST IMMEDIATELY. 02.15.2017, BB.)AMERICAN THINKER:February 14, 2017THE CIA BROKE THE LAW TO TAKE OUT ITS CRITIC GENERAL FLYNN:By Thomas Lifson:Make no mistake: we have just witnessed an operation by members of the CIA to take out a high official of our own government. An agency widely believed to have brought down democratically elected governments overseas is now practicing the same dark arts in domestic American politics. Almost certainly, its new head, Mike Pompeo, was not consulted.Senator Chuck Schumer, of all people, laid out on January 2 what was going to happen to the Trump administration if it dared take on the deep state – the permanent bureaucracy that has contempt for the will of the voters and feels entitled to run the government for its own benefit:New Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday that President-elect Donald Trump is "being really dumb" by taking on the intelligence community and its assessments on Russia's cyber activities."Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you," Schumer told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow."So even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he's being really dumb to do this."Or, as the old rueful saying has it, "you've got to go along to get along." This means that we the people had better acknowledge that the bureaucrats have turned into our masters, and the old expression "public servant" is as ironic as anything Orwell came up with. Schumer knows this and likes it, because the deep state wants a bigger, more powerful government, just as he does.Note that the law was broken by whoever leaked the transcripts to the media. Not only is the crime underlying the "scandal" being ignored, but the criminals are being hailed. On Morning Joe's first hour today, the host, a former congressman (i.e., a lawmaker) himself, called the leakers "heroes."This interference in domestic politics by the CIA should be regarded as a major threat to our democracy, but of course our Trump-hating domestic media are reveling in a major point scored against the new president.David P. Goldman (aka Spengler), writing on PJ Media, explains the level of hatred the CIA has for Flynn for daring to take on its spectacular failures:… the CIA has gone out of its way to sandbag Flynn at the National Security Council. As Politico reports: "On Friday, one of Flynn's closest deputies on the NSC, senior director for Africa Robin Townley, was informed that the Central Intelligence Agency had rejected his request for an elite security clearance required for service on the NSC, according to two people with direct knowledge of the situation." Townley held precisely the same security clearance at the Department of Defense for seventeen years, yet he was blackballed without explanation. At DoD, Townley had a stellar reputation as a Middle East and Africa expert, and the denial of his clearance is hard to explain except as bureaucratic backstabbing.... Gen. Flynn is the hardest of hardliners with respect to Russia within the Trump camp. In his 2016 book Field of Fight (co-authored with PJ Media's Michael Ledeen), Flynn warned of "an international alliance of evil movements and countries that is working to destroy us[.] ... The war is on. We face a working coalition that extends from North Korea and China to Russia, Iran, Syria, Syria, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela and Nicaragua." The unsubstantiated allegation that he presides over a "leaky" National Security Council tilting towards Russia makes no sense. The only leaks of which we know are politically motivated reports coming from the intelligence community designed to disrupt the normal workings of a democratic government – something that raises grave constitutional issues.Flynn is the one senior U.S. intelligence officer with the guts to blow the whistle on a series of catastrophic intelligence and operational failures. The available facts point to the conclusion that elements of the humiliated (and perhaps soon-to-be-unemployed) intelligence community is trying to exact vengeance against a principled and patriotic officer[.] ... The present affair stinks like a dumpster full of dead rats.Note that the suspicions eagerly being raised by the media center on Trump being a pawn of Putin and Flynn secretly pledging fealty or some such absurd subordination. In other words, suspicions of treasonous behavior by the new president are being cultivated in the general public. We can expect the media to fan these flames at every opportunity.Spengler also explains why the Logan Act references are insulting:Senior officials speak to their counterparts in other countries all the time, and for obvious reasons do not want these conversations to become public. The intelligence community, though, was taping Flynn's discussions, and the transcripts (of whose existence we are told but whose contents we have not seen) were used to embarrass him.This last point is critical. The entire "scandal" is based on innuendo. Flynn tripped over his own feet by misinforming Vice President Pence on the nature of his call and allowing the veep to issue a too sweeping denial of any discussion. If Flynn had said in his conversation with the Russian ambassador that we will discuss the sanctions after Trump takes office, he might well have told Pence that they did not discuss the sanctions. And the CIA leakers could have used the appearance of the word "sanctions" in their transcript to brand Pence a liar. We don't know, and for some reason, nobody is gaining access to the actual transcripts so that we may see the content. Perhaps the congressional investigations to come will gain access. But Flynn is now gone, and media memes have been firmly planted in the public mind. The Flynn Affair is a huge scandal, all right. But the media are misdirecting our attention toward the lesser dimension while they studiously ignore the real threat to our democracy.Relative to The Removal of JFK analyses, interpretations, and perspectives almost all differ to some degree or other in qualification and quantification of many/most aspects, influence, and levels of involvement of The Removal Of JFK on 11.22.1963 in Dallas, Texas at 12:30 p.m., Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.Richard Milhous Nixon, Vice President under President Dwight David Eisenhower for eight (8) years, was the anointed, cultured, developed, hand picked, nurtured, trusted designate to succeed President Eisenhower, by all facets of The High Cabal and the Tenatcles of The Octopus. Nixon had been originally hand picked by Prescott Bush. Never loose sight of that fact. Its far reaching ramifications span decades that many/most fail to understand.While certainly all/most politics in the U.S. is/has been arguably corrupt, and fixed, Joseph Kennedy, Sr., and His Cash Dollars For Supporters and Votes Program Clearly Stole the November, 1960 Election for the President of the U.S. Much to the chagrin of anybody and anything affiliated with the Presumed Victory of Richard Milhous Nixon. THIS SENT SHOCK WAVES IMMEDIATELY THROUGHOUT ALL INTERCONNECTED POWER STRUCTURES IN THE U.S. This is where the Trail of The Removal of JFK Began. It is simplistic to think otherwise. My Opinion.The Truth of the Matter, like it or not, is THAT JFK DID NOT "WIN." Joe Kennedy, Sr., Bought-Stole The November, 1960 Election for JFK. Certainly this wasn't the first, nor the last, corruption to surface in the U.S. Presidential Election.To a Degree Joseph Kennedy, Sr., by his corrupt actions Began The Inevitable Removals of both JFK and RFK.THE HIGH CABAL AND THE OCTOPUS THAT JOE KENNEDY, SR., "TEMPORARILY DEFEATED" DID NOT, AND DOES NOT FIGHT BY THE MARQUESS OF QUEENSBERRY RULES.JOE KENNEDY, SR., STIRRED MULTIPLE HORNET's NESTS THAT WERE SO FAR BEYOND HIS COMPREHENSION AND CONTROL THAT HE NEVER CONSIDERED, ENVISIONED, OR COULD HAVE IMAGINED.JFK, as brilliant as he was, was naive enough To Think That He Was In Charge. JFK WAS IN CHARGE OF NOTHING. JFK, MLK, and RFK are still dead. And The High Cabal and Its Far Reaching Octopus is larger, healthier, and more powerful than ever.Bear in mind that Conversations and Discussions of What Might Need To Be Done about JFK actually began about 01.20.1961, The Day of JFK's Inauguration. This is crucial to accept and understand. You must read, research, and study carefully about the Transitional Period before, during, and after this. My Opinion.Compartmentalization and Need to Know has tremendously helped create, develop, and perpetuate a varied Set Of Analyses and Belief Structures of The JFK Removal that virtually nobody accepts or agrees with even today, with 52+ years of JFK Experts chasing their tails and tales.Just a few of The Many Forces That Allegedly Removed JFK, MLK, and RFK.* Bilderberg Group* Bush* Castro* Chicago Outfit* CIA* Council on Foreign Relations* Cubans* DIA * DOD* Federal Reserve* FBI* J. Edgar Hoover* KGB* LBJ* LHO* Mafia* Masons* Military Industrial Complex* New World Order* Nixon* NSA* Oil Depletion Allowance* Russians* Viet Nam* Certainly there are many others believed or thought to be involved.As always, I recommend that you completely read, research, and study material on your own, then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by Bob »

Bruce brings up some excellent points. I wholeheartedly agree with him about why JFK was removed and who was involved. The current state of affairs is a very interesting dilemma. Unlike the last four Presidents, Poppy Bush, Bill Clinton, Dumbya Bush and Barry Obama, who all had CIA connections and associations, our current President, Donald Trump, has none.Not only has the United States and the Soviet Union/Russia been enemies for well over a half of century, but so have the CIA and the KGB. And guess who used to head the KGB? That would be Vladimir Putin, the current President of Russia.To me, there is no doubt that the intelligence agencies in the United States are doing everything in their power to make Trump look bad, which they hope will lead to his removal. Certainly the CIA and NSA are, while the FBI is sort of on the fence. Plus, we know how the FBI affected the vote for the Presidency with the dirt they put out on Hillary just a couple of weeks before the actual election.The CIA would much rather have a Mike Pence in the White House. He has a proven track record of being a team-player. Pence was a big supporter for the war in Iraq and was one of the water-carriers for pushing the anthrax scare that the Bush administration was using to further their intention of invading Iraq. All that being said, I don't see Trump as being on the right side of all this. Why? We just don't know what his true relationship with Russia is. Trump won't release his tax returns, which would shed a lot of light. By now, most of us have heard or read about the dossier of Trump's seedy situation with Russia by a former British spy. But even without his tax returns, a lot of light about Trump's financial ties to Russia can be found in this article: ... ions/Where will this all lead? That is an excellent question. But based on what happened to both JFK and Richard Nixon when they took on the CIA, my guess is we should be prepared to say President Pence at some point in the relatively near future.
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by Slav »

Amen BobI think the only thing saving trumps ass is that he is prepared to fight North Korea and Iran and that would save him and put him in the CIA best friends corner, I can see the CIA starting a war from Korea and Iran by attacking the USA somehow and you know that will get Trump in let's get them mode.I still do not believe Trump will live out his 4 year Term.
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by JDB4JFK »

Bob a few things here, I hope you're not getting swindle in by the press and their false and guess work reporting. This Russian thing feels like Deja vu all over again like when they found out JFK was getting along with Russia, they called him a traitor, and put out "Treason" posters on him! That article above is all guess work, they said, "we don't know the full relationship between Donald Trump and their enterprises with the network of world class criminals know as the Russian oligarchs!" Henry acknowledges that this article poses more questions than answers!" I've got a novel idea why doesn't Henry find out if there is any relationships, and get some proof or don't write another article on the subject!All Trump did during the campaign was compliment Putin on being a better leader than our current President, which was most intuitively obvious to the most casual observer! There has been zero proof of Russians hacking the DNC, zero proof of Russians hacking the election to make Hillary lose, and zero proof of Donald Trump having any business dealings with Russia! The article should of said there is no proof of Trump dealing with world class criminals like the CIA and the KGB!
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by Bob »

JDB4JFK wrote:Bob a few things here, I hope you're not getting swindle in by the press and their false and guess work reporting. This Russian thing feels like Deja vu all over again like when they found out JFK was getting along with Russia, they called him a traitor, and put out "Treason" posters on him! That article above is all guess work, they said, "we don't know the full relationship between Donald Trump and their enterprises with the network of world class criminals know as the Russian oligarchs!" Henry acknowledges that this article poses more questions than answers!" I've got a novel idea why doesn't Henry find out if there is any relationships, and get some proof or don't write another article on the subject!All Trump did during the campaign was compliment Putin on being a better leader than our current President, which was most intuitively obvious to the most casual observer! There has been zero proof of Russians hacking the DNC, zero proof of Russians hacking the election to make Hillary lose, and zero proof of Donald Trump having any business dealings with Russia! The article should of said there is no proof of Trump dealing with world class criminals like the CIA and the KGB!JDB4JFK, sometimes you have to go on a hunch. Before this forum, there were at least two others which were hacked and taken down. In the previous forums, I was one of the first forum members, if not the actual first, who talked about the Iraq invasion being based on lies, as well as 9/11 being an inside job. I think history has proven my views to be correct. Listen, I'm no fan of the MSM. Nor the CIA. Especially due to what happened on 11/22/1963. The CIA was instrumental in what happened that day and the MSM has continued to cover up what really happened (just like they have done regarding 9/11). All that being said, my gut says that Trump is dirty and has indeed been compromised by the Russians. I've studied this guy for over 30 years. He truly is a pathological liar who doesn't have an ethical bone in his body. One day soon, we will find out if I'm right or if I'm wrong. If I am wrong, I will be the first to admit it. I don't believe I am.