Governor Connally Also A Target? LBJ Behind It!

JFK Assassination
LiAnn Simpson
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Governor Connally Also A Target? LBJ Behind It!

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

I talk about this briefly on another thread, but I would like to delve into this more because I have a theory about it. You all may shoot me down, but in my mind, it is plausible.
Years ago either Gov. Connally or one of his aides mentioned that he too may have been a target that day. We rarely think about his role in the assassination, but he was the one who arranged the entire trip to Texas for the President. I am including 2 links with more info on him.
He maintained to the end of his life that he was not hit with the same bullet as the President. I think he suffered later in life for making the decision to speak publicly about it. Because of him, however, more research was done by alot of people. Connally actually tried to talk the President out of the trip, but LBJ was the one who insisted he come to Texas. Gee, wonder why.
Think about it, if the President was expendable why not the Governor?? That would make the assassination even harder to figure out wouldn't it? If both men were killed, people would have to always wonder which one was the real target.
After all, he was hit. It may not have been a shot that was meant for the President. And he said he did not hear the shot that hit him, hence, silencer used. He did however hear the first and the third. The only thing that saved him was his ability to hit the seat immediately after, JFK not so lucky because the back brace forced him in an upright position rendering him unable to "duck" down.
Connally and LBJ were once cronies, but definitely not in the end.
Let me hear your thoughts anyone.

LiAnn ... Y-obit.txt
Ian Irving
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Post by Ian Irving »

LiAnn, I think that the situation regarding John Connally provides further evidence of the psychopathic and desperate nature of LBJ. Bear in mind that Connally was supposedly regarded by LBJ as 'like a son' and most books about the two men describe them in similar terms.Connally was supposedly the star in waiting, being groomed for the Presidency.

The night before the Dallas motorcade JFK and LBJ had a massive argument because LBJ wanted Ralph Yarborough (who he hated) in the limo with JFK. Yarborough was one of the intended targets, I am sure.

JFK refused to move Connally from his limo and LBJ stormed out of the meeting. But what does he then do, knowing that his 'son' Connally is then in mortal danger? he lets it all go ahead anyway! Why? because he just couldn't afford for JFK not to be shot that day. He couldn't call off the hit just because Connally was in danger of being hit also.

Did he tell Connally what was going to happen? yes he did, because Connally uttered those famous words when the shots rang out "My God they're going to kill us all!". Like, he knew that they should only have shot JFK.

Connally was familiar with guns and shooting/hunting. He knew the kind of accuracy that would be expected of someone using a rifle in Dealey Plaza. He almost certainly knew that Mac Wallace was one of the shooters (and Wallace was reputedly a very good shot). So he must have felt confident that Wallace would hit the target. Maybe Connally thought the shots would be coming from only the grassy knoll.

My guess is that LBJ conned John Connally by telling him that the shots would be coming from the front and side (probably from close up) and therefore Connally would be reasonably safe. Connally must have been assured of something like that otherwise only a maniac would have sat a few feet in front of JFK in the knowledge that shots would be fired from the rear.

Why do I think Connally was confident that he would not be shot? Because he didn't take any evasive action when the shots started. If the Zapruder film is to be believed he turned around in his seat and looked at JFK for about 4 seconds. He was speaking to Jackie; he turns left and right and seems to be looking off to the side of the vehicle but he doesn't seem frightened for himself.

After the murder of JFK my guess is that John Connally was about as pissed off as anyone could ever be; especially with LBJ. So he got angry and started to tell everyone he didn't believe that he had been shot by the same bullet that hit JFK. I think in the early days after the assassination Connally had simply not been told that the official story was the 'lone nut' scenario. Connally could not see the problem at first of telling the truth. Then it dawned on him.

However, he was leant on by Specter and he did change his story several times, eventually saying (and lying) that he did not see the shot that hit JFK in the head, giving Specter the chance to make up some rubbish about delayed reactions and neuromuscular spasms and so forth in order to explain how Connally and JFK were hit by the single-bullet but Connally carried on behaving normally for 4 seconds after having his rib shattered.

After the assassination Connally changed sides and became a Republican, serving in the Nixon administration. He made property investments worth millions of dollars which all went wrong and he lost a fortune, ending up bankrupt. He was also the subject of what appears to a trumped up corruption charge that resulted in his loss of public office. All in all, his life took a real turn for the worse after the assassination - probably because he just couldn't stop saying that he didn't believe the single-bullet fantasy.

His is an interesting story and he is one of the most puzzling characters involved that day if only because he seemed to have prior knowledge of the hit. By the way, he claims that he tried to talk JFK out of going to Dallas - there is no record that he did; nobody else has corroborated that claim and I for one don't believe that he did try to change JFK's mind at all. I think he was in on the plot but he just got more than he bargained for. It also looks like LBJ dumped on him from a great height after the assassination.
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Thanks, Ian lots of good information and I appreciate and respect your take on all of this.
However, being from Texas we get news here that others do not involving people from our state, famous or otherwise.
There was in fact a news report down here some years ago that Connally may have also been a target, that is why I included that information. I think he firmly believed that he too was expendable after the shooting.
I believe however that had he been in on the plot he would have been included in on the famous "meeting" with the likes of Nixon,H.L. Hunt, Murchison et al the night before the assassination. He was not there. "Good ole boys" always include their own. He and LBJ were not in fact still close in the end. He was furious with Lyndon and his behavior about the motorcade parade. I mean here's LBJ knowing he's going to be President within 24 hours and he's bitching because he has to ride in the same car with Ralph Yarborough! Hence his manic depression.
Connally's comment, "They are going to kill us all" was because he knew there had already been bullets fired before he was hit, they were flying everywhere and hitting everywhere, some with silencers. The silencers were the insurance policy to help promote the lone nut gunman, they HAD to get Kennedy, but could not let all those bullets be heard.
And why do I think Nixon hired him as Secretary of the Treasury? Not to reward him for the plot, but I am sure you have heard the saying, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer". What better way to silence him than offer him a plum job in the government."
Just like they hired Gary Mack at the LBJ museum, he is now forever silent on the conspiracy theory, is he not?
But what was odd about Connally was that even in the end he still said he did not believe that the same bullet hit him that hit Kennedy and that statement stayed the same all through the years and it led to alot more research because people realized, gee, he was there, he ought to know, the man was hit and could have been killed.
I was very sad for him in the end, seeing all of his things auctioned off. He was set up by Nixon about the milk price thing, Nixon stabbed every one of his cronies in the back to try and take the fall for him for Watergate. Bad investments in the 80's savings and loan scandal finally brought him down. I wish someone would do some serious investigation into the largest money scam in the history of this nation, but I don't see much written about it. So many people lost so much money, but somewhere somebody got very rich off of it, where are they and who are they?
Also, did you know that one of John Connally's daughters was killed by a shotgun blast when she was 16 years old? Don't know the exact year. I never knew that and it was never reported to my knowledge here in Texas, and I find that very odd. Let me know if you know anything about that.
LiAnn Simpson
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Ian, more Connally Info

Post by LiAnn Simpson » ... Y-obit.txt

The daughter was killed in 1958 so obviously no connection there, but I find it odd that none of us knew this until it came out after his death.

Read all of the things people say of him both Democratic and Republican, he maintained his Democratic friendships to the end, especially with former Gov. Ann Richards. I think had they thought he might have been in on the plot that would not be the case.

Ian Irving
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Post by Ian Irving »

LiAnn, Good points! He certainly didn't prosper from the assassination.

I was aware that his daughter was killed aged 16, I think she ran off to get married to some guy and it didn't work out. I could be wrong but I think they both died in a motel room in New orleans or somewhere like that. I read a lot of stuff about John Connally about a year ago, the data is fading in my remaining memory cell now.

By the way, we have all kind of got used to the idea that there was a party at Clint Murchisons house the night before the assassination. The link below pretty much debunks that notion but like everything we encounter the question is - where does the truth lie?

I know that Walt Brown got a bit exasperated with Madeleine Brown's inability to stick to her story. Like every time she spoke about the alleged party she gave a different version of events and attendees.

keep going, i enjoy reading your posts!

LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Ian, Perhaps the "big" party is something of an urban legend, but there would have to have been some kind of meeting before the fact, and possibly several. In the movie Executive Action, they make a big deal of these "meetings" and supposedly the premise of that movie was based on someone in Hollywood having "inside" information into the plot. Sadly, these CIA types seem to love the drama. They not only want to kill, they want to see it in "action adventure" form on a big screen, perhaps to convince themselves that it is all just fiction??!!
Somebody had to be the financier of this thing, LBJ certainly didn't have the money. It had to be someone obscenely weathly. I think some of it was financed with drug money, hence, the Rose Cheramie drug pickup and money exchange thing at the Port of Galveston. My God, my own father, may he rest in peace, used to meet ships at the port at all hours of the night as a steamship agent. If he had known anything like that was going on in that port he would have blown the whistle immediately.
Oddly enough, and this is not meant as a racial slur, but he hated the Greeks! He had to deal with them alot in the shipping business and he was always disgusted at their unscrupulousness. Some even say that Aristotle Onassis may have been behind one or both of the Kennedy killings.
There are so many twists and turns and angles to this case I wonder if we will ever be able to separate fact from fiction. Probably not.
LiAnn Simpson
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More on "The Meeting"

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Found this just doing some research:

It again talks of the infamous meeting the night before the assassination. Oh, what a tangled web.

Ian Irving
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Post by Ian Irving »

LiAnn, Aye, if only we could rely on some firm information!

I think there must have been a meeting of some sort the night before. They would have wanted a final assurance that things were in place. I'm just not sure that Madeleine Brown was there - maybe she heard about it and kind of embellished her role - I don't know.

Richard Nixon was in Dallas the day before and on the day of the murder; it looks like Hoover was there the night before also so the odds are there was some kind of get-together. Apart from anything else they would have wanted a little gloat.

We plough on.

LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Madeline Brown was definitely in a long term relationship with LBJ. One time she was on one of the tabloid talk shows sometime in the 80's with her son by LBJ. After seeing him, I was convinced he was LBJ's son, looked just like him. Did you know that he died of cancer sometime in the 80's, that was kind of sad, also found out he had filed a claim against LBJ's estate.

Ian Irving
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Post by Ian Irving »

LiAnn, Apparently Steven died of lymphatic cancer just 3 weeks after he filed a claim against LBJ's estate.

I seem to recall that Jack Ruby died of cancer just 3 weeks after it was diagnosed.........................

Coincidences in this case just stack up!