Lee Oswald's accent

JFK Assassination
Ian Irving
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Lee Oswald's accent

Post by Ian Irving »

Can any of our American colleagues comment on Lee Oswald's accent please?

The reason for asking is in the context of the two Oswalds scenario put forward by John Armstrong. i.e. one 'Oswald' born and raised in New York and one from Fort Worth Texas. I would imagine that they would have quite different regional accents.

Given that the theory is that the guy taken into custody is actually the New Yorker, does the evidence of his spoken words support that contention?

Listening to his "I'm just a patsy" and other statements, I don't detect a Texan accent; his speech seems quite modestly accented.

Any views on this?
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Well, Ian, funny you should ask. You would have never heard the Texas Oswald say ya'll!
Here's a funny parallel, my father was an identical twin. He and his brother were born and raised in Texas. My uncle worked for U.S. Steel and ended living up in Cincinatti then later San Francisco.
My Dad remained in Texas.
This always struck me as odd, my Dad spoke with quite a northern type accent, no Texas "twang" like you hear so much down here, yet he never left Texas.
My Uncle, his identical twin who lived more in the North? Biggest Texas twang accent you ever heard, it was really strange.
So I guess to sum up, I don't think geography necessarily has anything to do with accent.

Kathy Becket
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Re: Lee Oswald's accent

Post by Kathy Becket »

Ian Irving wrote:Can any of our American colleagues comment on Lee Oswald's accent please?The reason for asking is in the context of the two Oswalds scenario put forward by John Armstrong. i.e. one 'Oswald' born and raised in New York and one from Fort Worth Texas. I would imagine that they would have quite different regional accents.Given that the theory is that the guy taken into custody is actually the New Yorker, does the evidence of his spoken words support that contention?Listening to his "I'm just a patsy" and other statements, I don't detect a Texan accent; his speech seems quite modestly accented.Any views on this?

I noticed this too, but I don't know where it would be from.. If I l remember, "Harvey" uses axe("No, I've not been charged with that...no. one has axed me that,") instead of using the word ask.(I believe it was at the Press Conference.) IMO He also has a nasal tone, and this is really expressed in the way he says "patsy". I wouldn't know where to place him accent-wise.

H&L is quite a read, isn't it???Thank God it has a sewn in bookmark, huh?
I'd hate to lose my place. I'm afraid I'd never find it again!!!.

William Robertson
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Post by William Robertson »

Kathy, I am ploughing through Harvey and Lee at present; having read hundreds of books on the JFK murder I have to say that this one is probably one of the top 3 most remarkable that I have seen in the sense that it really moves the case forward towards proof of conspiracy.

I have never been convinced that LHO was innocent of involvement in a conspiracy; it is simply that the case against him as being one of the shooters was flimsy and based on obviously falsified evidence which would not have stood up in court. However, Lee Oswald was certainly involved (as was the imposter Marguerite Oswald and Robert Oswald also).

What I think this book certainly proves beyond a reasonable doubt is that there were two different people known as Oswald, both being manipulated by the CIA, and one or both of them were in it up to their eyeballs. I would recommend that anyone with an interest in the case gives this book some serious attention (even though it is hard going!).

Only 900 more pages to go..............

Regards, Bill
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Post by dankbaar »

There was only one Lee Oswald.

The thesis laid out by John Armstrong , that the Lee Oswald shot by Jack Ruby, was another Lee Oswald than the one that "defected" to Russia, is preposterous.

"They are taking me in because I lived in the Sovjet Union. I am just a patsy!"

It can also be disproven by stronger means, like the recently discovered audio tape of Lee in Russia, which is clearly the same voice as Lee in New Orleans and Dallas.


Lee was impersonated the weeks before the assassination, that's for sure.

William Robertson
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Post by William Robertson »

Only one Lee Oswald?

Who happened to be 5 feet 11 inches one day, 5 feet 7 inches the next day; who was either bull-necked and heavy set or thin and weedy (or both?). Who was boft left-handed and right-handed. Who had a mastoidectomy scar behind his left ear, but it had disappeared at his autopsy. Who had a front tooth knocked out but it had somehow grown back by the time he was killed.

Who spoke with a New York accent and a Southern drawl? Who was a loud-mouthed lout and also an introverted quietly spoken boy?

Who couldn't speak a word of Russian and had no interest in Russia and then 4 months later was fluently speaking Russian, so well that native Russians thought he was one of them? Whose mother was either tall and elegant or short, fat and dumpy at the same time?

Are you sure there was only one Oswald? maybe James Files could enlighten us - perhaps he knew both of them.
Kathy Becket
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Post by Kathy Becket »

The "Lee" in Russia and Dallas, was HARVEY, which is exactly correct. I don't know who came up with the idea that this would disprove Armstrong's theory. I think the problem with Armstrong's theory, if there were any, would be Judyth Baker, and why isn't it credible to posit that she was seeing Lee instead of Harvey (although I really don't believe her)
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Lee Oswald's accent

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

10.19.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Members and Readers:07.10.2007 - Mr. Ian Irving Posted this interesting Headline.A short discussion developed with some interesting facts, pointsof information, and opinions.This should be considered in conjunction with the other Headlines and Posts about LHO here on the JFK Murder Solved Forum.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings,research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of thissubject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.