Lady Bird Johnson passed away

JFK Assassination
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Re: Lady Bird Johnson passed away

Post by Pennyworth »

I liked her idea of planting bluebonnets along the highways so motorists can enjoy their travels of America by way of Texas ......
LiAnn Simpson
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Lady Bird

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Despite her husband's politics, she was a great lady and will be very much missed in Texas.

Contrary to what most people know, it was not LBJ that named her Lady Bird. She was from a wealthy family and her nanny named her that when she was just a little girl, her maiden name was Taylor. She had a very sad upbringing because her mother died when she was just a little girl.
After the tragedy, she had a vision one time that her mother was walking down the road towards her carrying a boquet of bluebonnets. From then on, she adored flowers and always wanted them in her life. And the rest is history.

Thanks Lady Bird!

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Re: Lady Bird

Post by Pennyworth »

LiAnn Simpson wrote:Despite her husband's politics, she was a great lady and will be very much missed in Texas.LiAnn think bluebonnets are the state's flower. (Don't quote me on this).. or is it the yellow rose?????

I wonder if she knew what a snake LBJ was. If she did know, actually she was in a trap not being able to do anything about it. I read somewhere that Jackie suspected LBJ of being in on the assassination...Jackie Kennedy did write some memoirs but had them sealed until 50 years after her last child had passed....wouldn't it be interesting to know what she said?
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Re: Lady Bird

Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:LiAnn Simpson wrote:Despite her husband's politics, she was a great lady and will be very much missed in Texas.LiAnn think bluebonnets are the state's flower. (Don't quote me on this).. or is it the yellow rose?????I wonder if she knew what a snake LBJ was. If she did know, actually she was in a trap not being able to do anything about it. I read somewhere that Jackie suspected LBJ of being in on the assassination...Jackie Kennedy did write some memoirs but had them sealed until 50 years after her last child had passed....wouldn't it be interesting to know what she said?
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Yes Paul, the Bluebonnet is our state flower, Lupinus Texensis, so named because the lupine bloom looks just like one of those bonnets the Ingalls girls used to wear in Little House of the Prairie. The yellow rose of Texas is a song made famous sometime after the Texas Revolution. Supposedly the "Yellow Rose" was the woman that "occupied" Santa Anna's time during the siesta one afternoon, allowing the Texas Army to sneak in and kick butt at the Battle of San Jacinto, thus winning the war after the horrendous defeat at the Battle of the Alamo, thanks to General Sam Houston.
It is because of Mrs. Johnson that our state highways here look far better than they used to. We owe her alot.
As for Jackie, I will always wonder why they gave her those red roses in Dallas. And I found out last night that they were presented to her by the Dallas mayor;s wife, Mrs. Cabell (that name sound familiar?). Even Jackie commented later on that everywhere else but Dallas she was presented with yellow roses.
As for what is in that letter, well, I have read alot of speculative things. One of them is that good old Ari was behind the assassination of Robert Kennedy, which spurred Jackie into getting her kids out of the country out of fear and running to his multimillion dollar yacht. Don;t know how she found out he was behind it, but supposedly that is why they divorced. Isn't it odd that both their sons were killed in plane crashes. She loved his millions but I guess she found out the hard way what he had to do to get those millions--- lie, cheat, steal, kill, repeat.

LiAnn Simpson
Posts: 191
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Thanks Andre and Paul

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Thanks for remembering Lady Bird, she is quite often referred to as The First Lady of Texas.
I found that link that gives great detail about the origin of the song The Yellow Rose, it's a great read!!! And juicy!! Really cool history about our state!
Oh and thanks for the beautiful wildflower pictures, unfortunately they only bloom once a year in March and April but they are breathtaking, everyone should come to Texas and see!
