Paul May wants an audience

JFK Assassination
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Paul May wants an audience

Post by dankbaar »

So I post his unsollicited email, a response to this webpage


You continue to lie to your minions in the name of profit! You, as a foreigner attempt to sell your wares in the

largest market in the world. You’re a sham Wim…and you know it. Want the proof? Here ya go:

JFK’s Dallas trip was announced by the White House on September 26, 1963.

September 26th was also the exact day Oswald decided on his trip to Mexico City.

Coincidence? Not a chance. What motivated Oswald to head to Mexico City

besides the White House announcement? Perhaps Daniel Harkers interview

with Castro on September 7th that appeared in the New Orleans Times Picyune

On September 9th threatening Americans leaders were they to continue their

attempts to eliminate Cuban officials. Who was living in New Orleans

on September 9th? Lee Harvey Oswald.

You might be able to sell your bullshit to those minions that frequent

your repository of bullshit but don’t for a minute believe I will allow

this to continue forever. Not a chance.

You Wim aspire to everthing wrong with your element: Greed.

You’re seen as a sham by numerous researchers which is why

you no longer post anywhere but your little repository. Do you

have any dignity left Wim? Any self respect at all?

Oswald denied his guilt? What a shock! A guilty man

denying he did it. Wow. What a revelation. Another

shock for you Wim: Oswald admitted his guilt three

times over that infamous weekend. How? By raising

his right fist three times showing a salute to the

facist party. You’re inate lack of historial knowledge

is alarming. In fact, moments before dying according

to officer Combest, Oswald, in the ambulance raised

his right fist. A death bed confession. Why didn’t

Oswald verbally confess? Very simple. Robert

Oswald told me directly “Lee wanted a trial”.

“He wanted the celebrity a trial would bring

to him”.

You totally ignore Oswald himself. You totally

ignore all of the scientific evidence proving

his guilt. What to you offer? Books and

dvd’s in your numerous attempts to defraud

the public with a story so disingenuous as

to be amusing.

I’ve been in touch with Tom Hanks and

after giving him a brief summary of you

Wim, we chuckled and moved forward.

I suggest you do the same. You have

no credibility left whatsoever in the

research community. I suggest you

go back to doing whatever it is you

did in your lovely little country and

leave history to those who know

something about it. You bought a

loser Wim….and I believe you know

Posts: 999
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Post by dankbaar »

By the way, Gary Goetzman and Tom Hanks should now be informed a little better:

Confirm Number: 9101148008600291889814

Print Date & Time: 06/14/07 10:30 AM
Ship Date: 06/14/07

1 spooks, 1 grassy knoll + 1 Files DVD

Address: Gary Goetzman Tom Hanks,
14139 Valley Vista Blvd
Sherman Oaks CA 91423-4042

Piece Count: 698
Postage Class: First-Class Mail
Weight: 6 oz

Gary Goetzman + Tom Hanks,
14139 Valley Vista Blvd
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423-4042

Label/Receipt Number: 9101 1480 0860 0291 8898 14
Status: Delivered

Your item was delivered at 10:05 AM on June 16, 2007 in SHERMAN OAKS, CA 91423.
Ray Mitcham
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Post by Ray Mitcham »

Comment by Paul May

"JFK’s Dallas trip was announced by the White House on September 26, 1963.

September 26th was also the exact day Oswald decided on his trip to Mexico City.

Coincidence? Not a chance. What motivated Oswald to head to Mexico City

besides the White House announcement?"

Oswald didn't "decide on his trip to Mexico" He set off in the early hours of 26th September, I would be interested to know the time of the White House announcement. It must have been incredibly early!
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

How does that jerk off get off saying that? I am also not american I think that helps us understand the assassination as a conspiracy as it wasn't our goverment lying to us? Wim do you agree with me on this. anyone living outside the united states finds it easier to belive that it was a conspiracy. And even today you'd think it would be, with this "war" in Iraq and 9/11 and all that it was all planned by who? the us goverment. I think I seen on tv that the US spends 18 billion dollors a month in Iraq? what a waste? to do what? get oil. And someting like 75% of americans no longer want the war and want there boys home and I don't blame them. Not to say anything bad about the US in general but I think your going to end up like The Soviet Union soon.
bob franklin
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Post by bob franklin »

Gee, thanx for making it all so clear, Paul. Oswald admitted his guilt by flashing a facist salute three times over the course of the weekend. He must have had a change of heart from his pro Castro literature hand-out days. Sooo, he's a right-wing pinko, then? A pinkonazi? We should probably shorten that last descriptive term, just for the sake of simplicity. Shall we just call him a "pazi", then?
Thank God for for people like Wim, who have the brass clangers to go up against the disinfo douchebags of our day. He may not be a U.S. citizen in the paperwork sense, but I'll damn sure take him over a lot of fellow "Americans" I know (and won't waste the breath to name).
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Post by dankbaar »

Paul seemed a little pissed I posted his unsollicited hostile email here.

----- Original Message -----
From: Paul L May
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 3:58 AM
Subject: An audience

When did I ask you to post that in your little repository?

You love the publicity I bring you don’t you Wim?

What I find most amusing is that there was only

one response to YOUR posting of my email.

Interesting. Could it be your reputation is crap

even on your own forum? I didn’t notice a

whole lot of support there Wim.
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Post by dankbaar »


From: Wim Dankbaar []
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 4:00 AM
To: Paul L May
Subject: Re: An audience

They find it best to ignore you. Logic.


To which I (and this forum) received more insults, and a threat.

----- Original Message -----
From: Paul L May
To: 'Wim Dankbaar'
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 10:25 PM
Subject: RE: An audience

The group in your repository is to stupid to have logic.

I’m going to end your misery for you Wim.



By the way, Bob Franklin, isn't it curious that Oswald is a lone nut commie one time, and a fascist another time? Oswald is a chameleon, just how it serves the boys like Paul.

bob franklin
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Post by bob franklin »

Yeah, these guys are like those fish that follow close behind submerged hippos in the river, feeding on dung. Very oppertunistic. I'd heed the threat, though. The phrasing on his post strikes me as kinda familiar. It reminds me of the poster who congratulated you on getting your site back up after it was hacked a while back. Well, time to hit the rack.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

I am sick and tired of everybody ganging up on Wim and saying that his only motivation is to make money. First let me say that every man has a right to be paid for his work. and what he does is work. Hw spends a lot of time and a lot of money to gather together all this information for us to research and exploit and talk about. Just because the man charges for his products doesn't mean his products are fake or worthless. The last time I went into the Texas School Book Depository Museum I think I paid about $20 but I didn't complain and call them money grubbers. I have never seen 1 book on JFK listed on amazon for free. They all cost. Anything wothwhile in life costs something. All those right wing christian preachers get paid also. does that mean they are money grubbers?
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »
