JFK Assassination
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Post by Giovanni »

The names of the REAL assassins:

1. Lucien Sarti (The Grassy Knoll)
2. Francois Chiappe (Dal-Tex building or Texas School Book Dpeository)
3. Jean - Paul Angeletti (Dal-Tex building or Texas School Book Depository)

This is what I think really happened. The Mafia killed JFK. The CIA covered it up.

The People Involved:
The Chicago Mafia
The Gambino Family (?)
New Orleans Mafia
The French (assassins)

This is what I believe is the real story.
Ray Mitcham
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Post by Ray Mitcham »

The above information is confirmed in Anthony Summers book The Kennedy Conspiracy (Pages 523/525)
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Post by Bob »

Giovanni, I believe this is your 3rd version of events in less than a month. First you said it was Oswald, than you said Jimmy Files was right, and now this.
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Post by Giovanni »


I came to this board beliving Oswald acted alone. Then, I looked at Wim's information on Files, and I started to believe it was a conspiracy and Files was involved. That's when I said I believed Files was the shooter.

Then, I began searching google on James Files. I wanted to see if Files was a hoax or not. I wanted to do futher research than what's on here. I discovered otherwise. Files is a hoax. Disinformation or not, should I believe James Files? I don't know.

Then, last night, I was going research on the Mafia theory. I discovered Lucien Sarti as the Grassy Knoll gunman. Everything is the "French Assassins" theory makes sense.

I'm sorry, but I do not believe James Files was on the Grassy Knoll on 11/22/1963. Sarti was. I finally put this puzzle together. Now I've got a big clear picture of what really hapened in Dallas.

Jim Garrison was blaming the Cubans of killing Kennedy because he was protecting the Mafia (Marcello).

I truly believe the Mafia killed JFK and the CIA covered it up. Sarti was the shooter on the Knoll. And tomorrow and months afters, I 'll still believe the Mafia killed the 35th president of the United States.

R.I.P. John F. Kennedy
The truth is finally out. E. Howard Hunt had the same information. Three French assassins killed Kennedy.
kjell roald
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What about the Secret Service standdown?

Post by kjell roald » ... ed&search=

( 7 min )

Note at 5 min 10 sec :

Emory Roberts ( the same agent ordering the standdown ) :

“They got him! They got him!”
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Post by Giovanni »

The Secret Service were not involved in the conspiracy. And the parade route was never changed.

There's an explantation in John Davis' book "The Kennedy Contract".
kjell roald
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Post by kjell roald »

Giovanni wrote:The Secret Service were not involved in the conspiracy. And the parade route was never changed. There's an explantation in John Davis' book "The Kennedy Contract".

I don´t know it, so I can´t comment.

Let´s move on : How about Malcolm Wallace´s fingerprint being found in the "snipers nest"? ... ed&search=
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Post by Bob »

The Sarti rumors were brought long ago by Stephen Rivele in the The Men Who Killed Kenneedy in 1988. Rivele also found out that the other two assassins who he thought were involved were ACTUALLY NOT involved. He still says Sarti was, but others place Sarti in Europe during the JFK assassination. The Secret Service was definitely involved in the assassination, at least in terms of derilection of duty. Emory Roberts should never have allowed the two SS agents to stay off of JFK's limo and William Greer might have been the WORST driver in assassination history when shots started ringing out in Dealey Plaza. I believe that the assassination stems from various factors. Those involved include the CIA, top government officials, the mob, and Big Oil and Big Banking. Why was JFK assassinated? He was breaking the CIA into 1,000 pieces and he just fired sacred cow Allen Dulles in 1961. He wouldn't attack Cuba and he was going to de-escalate the Vietnam war. He was probably going to replace LBJ as his running mate in 1964. His brother Bobby was going after the mob with vengeance. JFK was also making big changes to the oil and banking industries, like the changes he was going to make with the Federal Reserve. Now what family was connected to all of those factions?
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

Where's the bullet that hit the sign?
TMWKK has said three different people killed JFK and one of them was LBJ, so why you believe this one story from Nigel?
Nice story but I do not believe it either, nsound s like File's brother with all the can't say,can't recall, don't know why he used explosive ammo. No PROOF right? At least Files has a round with a bite mark on it. What does Sarti have? I am not on the Files band wagon and I am definately not on the Sarti bandwagon. Is there any evidence that what you think is even plausable? Any PROOF? If not it is another theory that holds no water.
Next week you will say martians did it right?
Here is a fact for you that we do KNOW! The stemmons freeway sign was removed the next day????WHY? Do you know there was a puddle of blood found in Dealy plaza that day Jr.? They can't explain it, People thought it was a secret service officer but that was wrong. Who's is it? You have a long way to go son a long way. I admire a curiosity in a mystery but you have a long way togo. Think outside the box and find out who has enough power to coherse the CIA and the US government? Nice belief story but no actual who did it? Mafia???Why would the CIA cover that up? Why would Ford, Nixon and everyother person in the country go along with it? Lotsa missing pieces Jr.
kjell roald
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"Lots of missing pieces"

Post by kjell roald »

Yes, I´m wondering : How about Oswald in this theory? Was it like : The FBI realized they had to cover up what happened, and so they started looking for a fall guy. And by coincidence, there was Oswald, the perfect fall guy, working in the depository?

And in this theory : Who killed Tippit, and why?

And who let Ruby get in to kill Oswald? And why did Ruby do it? And why did he later claim that it was men in high places who had put him in this position?