The Records Building Shooter

JFK Assassination
John Bruno
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The Records Building Shooter

Post by John Bruno »

I need information! Was there really a shooter firing from the rooftop of the Dallas County Records building? What about the rusted shell discovered on the roof in the '70s? Why are there no photographs of this shell? This just frustrates me.

The misses(Give me info! Photos! anything!):

*The road sign
*The curb on the north side of Elm Street
*The floorpan of the limousine
*The manhole cover on Elm Street(??)

Confirmed misses:

*The street(first shot, Z155)
*Main Street curb/James Tague(occured at Z285)
*The limousine's roof frame/windshield(Caused by fragments from the headshots)
Tommy Bullgotti
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Post by Tommy Bullgotti »

Well, there are some strong suspects. Like Mr. Gerry Patrick Hemming. He I believe was a self proclaimed shooter. Another suspect is "Saul" who was given that name by Hugh McDonald(See "Appointment in Dallas").

Saul has a very interesting story. It is claimed by Mr. Hugh McDonald that "Saul" was the fake Oswald in Mexico, captured on film by the Soviet Embassy camera(See W.C. Exhibits).

Now, it could go both ways... but if I were to say who I would think was the most prime suspect, I'd go with "Saul".

However, according to the "Saul" story, Oswald was fireing diversionary shots from the 6th floor window. Based on ballistics, we know this cannot be true, and at least 1 shot had to of come from the TSBD Snipers nest that actually hit an occupant of the limo. The myserious Saul also claims that he was to kill Lee Oswald right when the shooting was done, but Oswald stepped back into the shadows, and escaped.

As fare as the shell is concerned, I believe there is a photo of it. I will try and see what I can dig up, and I'll get back to you.

The roadsign hit has always been a theory. But according to Jim Marrs, he has seen and original "Garrison copy" of the Zapruder film. A first edition, without the splice at 208. He claims that it clearly shows a missed shot hitting the Stemmons Freeway sign. He then went on to say that the sign was removed early in 1964 by unknown peoples. The highway group claims it wasnt them. The Dallas road service claim it wasn't them. Nobody is talkin about it. But it did dissappear. He claims that it was clear as day that a bullet struck the sign.

I would be already to believe Mr. Marrs. However, I find it kind of hard to believe that someone would miss so far off. I mean lets speculate... to hit the sign from the TSBD Oswald Window, you'd have to miss by a longshot. To miss by the Dal-Tex building you'd have to miss by a longshot. To hit it from the Grassy Knoll fence, you'd have to miss quite a bit. To be a Records building sniper, you'd have to miss by a longshot.

I'm not so sure where this bullet hole could of been caused... Possibly the West window of the TSBD... that is, if it is true.

Elm st. miss....

If you have an good ol copy of "Rush to Judgement", Mark Lane cites a few witnesses who believed a shot had hit Elm St. I cannot remember the specifics, but I believe there even was an officer who claimed to of seen it. When he went to investigate weeks later, the miss had been filled in, and not a trace was left except for brand new concrete. I fully believe the witnesses to be credible, and feel that this is a for sure miss.

The floorpan is a mystery to me. A few people on this board could possibly know more than me. I believe I have heard Mark mention it before. He may have info on it. Or even Wim.

The manhole cover.... Well, it could have been caused by a missed shot. But I don't know of many witnesses who saw such a thing, nor any investigator on site that actually believed it to be a miss. I know there is a photograph of the manhole cover being looked at and gthere is indeed a dent or knotch in it, but I believe it would be impossible to confirm it as a miss. However, it cannot be ruled out, simply because it does indeed have an appearance of a possible knick from a bullet or fragment.

Lancer had this labeled as "Manhole cover", but I still think it is difficult to say. They maybe looking for skull fragments, or bullet fragments.

That's about all I can say about everything... I will try and look up some more, but I doubt I could say anything else.

I haven't completely rules all these missed and such out. I just am still at a mindset of disbelief, and doubt of everything. From both the LNer's side and CTer's. I don't trust much anything anymore. Disinfo is spread by both parties. I onlybelieve what I wish, and that's all any of us can do in a case like this.
Jorgen Sjolen
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Re: The Records Building Shooter

Post by Jorgen Sjolen »

John Bruno wrote:I need information! Was there really a shooter firing from the rooftop of the Dallas County Records building? What about the rusted shell discovered on the roof in the '70s? Why are there no photographs of this shell? This just frustrates me.The misses(Give me info! Photos! anything!):*The road sign*The curb on the north side of Elm Street*The floorpan of the limousine*The manhole cover on Elm Street(??) Confirmed misses:*The street(first shot, Z155)*Main Street curb/James Tague(occured at Z285) *The limousine's roof frame/windshield(Caused by fragments from the headshots)

Don´t know if this answers your question but i found this
John Bruno
Posts: 33
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Post by John Bruno »

Thanks for the information Tommy.

I don't believe anything I read off of the John Mcadams website. Don't you guys know he's CIA?
Jorgen Sjolen
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Post by Jorgen Sjolen »

John Bruno wrote:Thanks for the information Tommy. I don't believe anything I read off of the John Mcadams website. Don't you guys know he's CIA?

Timothy Franzen
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Post by Timothy Franzen »

And, The CIA can't be trusted for reliable information. They've got the shots coming from the TSBD. Give me a Break!!!!
Jorgen Sjolen
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Post by Jorgen Sjolen »

Timothy Franzen wrote:And, The CIA can't be trusted for reliable information. They've got the shots coming from the TSBD. Give me a Break!!!!

I can agree that the page is disinforming , but it is just showing the version relased by warren comminson

according to you , as i see it , when i read your post , is that the entire CIA was involved and everyone in CIA knows whats happend and is a part of the cover up ?

Give me a break
John Bruno
Posts: 33
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Post by John Bruno »

Give me a break
Give me a break
Give me a break of that Kit-Kat bar

The CIA knows about the cover-up because they were involved.
Jorgen Sjolen
Posts: 35
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Post by Jorgen Sjolen »

John Bruno wrote:Give me a breakGive me a breakGive me a break of that Kit-Kat bar The CIA knows about the cover-up.

Don´t think the entire CIA knows about it , that would be a very stupid thing
John Bruno
Posts: 33
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Post by John Bruno »

Everyone was involved!

1. The Mafia(Chicago and New Orleans)
2. The CIA
3. The FBI
4. Anti-Castro Cubans
5. Richard Nixon(Where the hell was he on 11/22/63?)
6. Lyndon B. Johnson(Suspect)
7. The Dallas Police
8. The Secret Service
9. Life Magazine
10. The Warren Commission
11. The Government
12. The Bushes
etc, etc, etc. I believe everyone was involved. This is the reason why the truth has been cover-up so long.