JFK Assassination
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

I have been told that my 9/11 comments are not welcome on this website, yet others have made numerous posts on this subject without any chastisement whatsoever. That tells me one thing. This site is not an open and honest forum of anything, at least where I am concerned. I stopped posting for awhile but got numerous private emails from people urging me to continue so I did. Only to be shot down again.
Perhaps if I cozied up to the James Files theory more this would not have happened. What is sad is that there are alot of really good people on here who deserve better than this. I did not see anywhere on this forum when I signed up that I must agree with the person or persons who run this sight about who killed JFK or I must fit some kind of psychological profile to their liking.
I have asked to be permanently removed from this site and I hope that my wishes will once and for all be granted.

LiAnn Simpson
Arthur Overweel
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Post by Arthur Overweel »

pfff... take it easy, it's not the end of the world! We are all different, nobody has to agree with anyone. You have to consider that there is a big difference between Europeans and Americans, that's obvious. We don't react in the same way. I think it would be best to not end up agitated after receiving a negative reply; Why should you? Big deal if someone does not agree with another person!
And yes, I also think that this forum is not the right place for the 9/11 conspiracy theories, just because the link between the JFK assassination and 9/11 is simply too weak. But hey, that is my opinion, maybe Wim or one of the other moderators could express his opinion about this, are there limits for this forum?


Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

At least you get reply s to your comments, positive, or negative. Some of us are ignored, a far worse fate.

If you believe in your position, STICK WITH IT! Don't let them run you out of town.................
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Post by M.C.Newton »

perhaps a better method would be to join in on the threads which contain 9/11 talk. the all caps titles are probably also a bit too much.

in Wim's defense he has a pretty respectable website here based on the murder of JFK, so i can understand that he doesn't necessarily want this to become a conspiracy clearinghouse.
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Post by Pennyworth »

LiAnn Simpson wrote:I have been told that my 9/11 comments are not welcome on this website, yet others have made numerous posts on this subject without any chastisement whatsoever. That tells me one thing. This site is not an open and honest forum of anything, at least where I am concerned. I stopped posting for awhile but got numerous private emails from people urging me to continue so I did. Only to be shot down again. Perhaps if I cozied up to the James Files theory more this would not have happened. What is sad is that there are alot of really good people on here who deserve better than this. I did not see anywhere on this forum when I signed up that I must agree with the person or persons who run this sight about who killed JFK or I must fit some kind of psychological profile to their liking. I have asked to be permanently removed from this site and I hope that my wishes will once and for all be granted. LiAnn Simpson

Dont' have a COW Li Ann :Chill out! Nobody asked you to can come and go at your own leisure..Y asked to be removed? You might come up with some more brilliant ideas and thoughts for posts and threads and change your mind about being removed........take a deep breath..a glass of wine will work ...come back when you feel l better...we all lock horns with someone everyday in many myriad ways..Li Ann,

I went off subject a few times and some of my posts were removed..I have also been told to keep with the subject at hand... join the club..
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

I am wondering why? I never been told to simmer down or stay on subject.
I get off subject all the time. Jeez you can only talk about JFK so long. No one is coming up with the answer anytime soon. If all we talked about was JFK we wouldn't be here anymore. We would say our theories and be done with it. They are all guess's anywho. File's? Hell. Bruce doesn't even talk about file's anymore. If we cannot talk openly about anything, then we need to discuss this problem. Make a list of acceptable things to post on this forum.
9-11 and Bush are fair play in this forum, because they are linked to the same event. The government that kills it's president also kills it's own to gain posture in the war zone.
Let's talk LiAnn.
R Croxford
Posts: 398
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Post by R Croxford »

Hey Newton!
M.C.NewtonJoined: 06 Jun 2006Posts: 71 Another very good documentary is 9/11 Press for Truth. Doesn't focus so much on the conspiratorial nature of the day, but lays out more of a chronological breakdown of the day. The film is based on Paul Thompson's complete 9/11 timeline and is backed by the "Jersey Girls" (widows of 9/11).
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Post by dankbaar »

I no longer want to participate in this website, please remove my name.
Thank You,
Linda Simpson
I tried to go in and do it but could not figure out how.


My answer:

You have asked once and changed your mind.

If you want to stay away, then stay away.


My addition:

This is a forum about the JFK assassination. I do not want it polluted by crazy diehard myths, like Greer shot JFK with a pistol, like Badgeman or Lucien Sarti shot JFK from the knoll, like a cruise missile hit the Pentagon, like the Twin Towers were taken down by controlled demolition, like mysterious military planes hit the Twin Towers and the commercial flights were made to dissapear .... etc, etc.

If you don't like it, or feel burned down, tough luck! There are numerous other sites where you can vent nonsense and find an audience.

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Post by Bob »

This will be my last word on this subject. I love Wim and this site. The information he has compiled is rivaled by NO one. I would compare Wim with Mark Lane, Jim Garrison and Oliver Stone in terms of getting people aware of what really happened on 11/22/63. But I have to disagree with Wim about the subject of 9/11. I think it is VERY relevant to the JFK assassination. I don't want to put words in Bruce's mouth, but I think he would agree with me. I believe the same forces that wanted to use Operation Northwoods also killed JFK. The events of 9/11 are a virtual blueprint of Operation Northwoods. Everyone knows my take on the Bu$hes. A lot of my opinions about them come from this site. But Prescott and Poppy Bu$h were advocates of Operation Nothwoods, as it was a plan that Allen Dulles fully endorsed. 9/11 happened with another Bu$h in complete power, this time it was Poppy's son...Dumbya. It was all about war profiteering, just like it's always been with the Bu$h family. How about this coincidence...Marvin P. Bush, the president’s younger brother, was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport. Samuel Bu$h sold arms to the Germans in WWI while the U.S. was engaged in the conflict. Prescott Bu$h invested in and profited from the Hitler war machine in WWII. He was even charged with trading with the enemy in 1942. Poppy Bu$h has his fingerprints all over the Bay of Pigs, Vietnam, Iran/Contra and the first Gulf war. Now we have Dumbya Bu$h and the war with Iraq, along with advocating torture and secret prisons. It sounds like a Nazi ideal. It makes sense, because that is the Bu$h family modus operandi. Making money off of other people's blood. How many have died because of their excessive consumption of wealth? The Bu$hes are nothing more than greedy and treasonous cowards.
R Croxford
Posts: 398
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Post by R Croxford »

I agree. Beside the point I have grown to respect the fellow members on this board. I respect that you do not want a side show but a ton of americans believe something is wrong with that day.
Just wondering Wim, Do you think everything with that day is on the up and up? Or are we a bunch of conspiracy nuts? Phd's are standing up left and right debunking everything they say. I have no clue why this site would attract conspiracy nuts wanting to talk about 9-11.? That day is bringing more and more people to our cause and while they are looking they find you. You do not have to promote it but you can at least let us answer a worried citizen's curiosity? Just my opinion, I might be wrong.