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Re: List of Kennedy-murder-participants still alive

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 6:15 pm
by ChristophMessner
Praising Arlen Specter is fun, but I think we shouldn't waste our time as long as there are still JFK-murder-participants alive and rather bombard them with reproaches, public announcements and trap questions.

Re: List of Kennedy-murder-participants still alive

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 6:36 pm
by Chad Duncan
I'm sorry, but who was praising him or was that sarcastic? Just talking man, its not a big deal.

Re: List of Kennedy-murder-participants still alive

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:01 pm
by ChristophMessner
I meant "praising" ironically. Sorry, if it was not certain at first sight.

Re: List of Kennedy-murder-participants still alive

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:32 am
by Pennyworth
ChristophMessner wrote:So Paul, I enlarge my list with your names of the ones still alive and put "?" behind those I don't know, whether still alive or not, and additionally I enlarge it with descendants and other friends, collegues, relatives, who could be potential informants and could help solving the case, if they would only want: Ashcroft, John; descendants and relatives of Baker, JudythBall, Joseph? Bartell, J. Beardsley, Rex?Belcher, Frank? Bennett, RobertBernstein (Watergate journalist) Binion, JackBosch, OrlandoBush, George Sr. Cabell brothers; descendants/relatives ofCaifano, Marshall; descendants/relatives/collegues of Carter, Jimmy Castro assassinaton aspirants,operation 40 membersCesar, Thane Eugene?Cuban exiles,descendants/relatives ofDecker;descendants and relatives ofDulles,descendants and relatives ofFiles, JamesFord; desecendants and relatives ofFritz; descendants and relatives ofGiancana; descendants/relatives of mob bosses Granata, JoeHolt, Karyn Harcourt (daughter of Chauncey Holt)Hoover;descendants and relatives of...Hunt E.H, son ofKennedy family Lansky; descendants/relatives of mob bosses Licavoli;descendants/relatives of mob bossesMatthews, R.D.Paine, MichaelPaine, RuthPena, Manuel?Plumlee, ToshOswald, MarinaPosada Carriles, LuisRivell, JackRockefeller, NelsonRockefeller, DavidSirhan, Sirhan (victim)Specter, ArlenTanenbaum, RobertTexas Oilmen: descendants and relatives of Veciana, AntonioWacks, MichaelWarren; descendants and relatives ofWoodward (Watergate journalist)Worrell, James? A lot of people and certainly much more. Who of them could really help to get the files disclosed and to make the truth public in mainstream media?

Re: List of Kennedy-murder-participants still alive

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:44 pm
by ChristophMessner
Super, thanks, Paul!

Re: List of Kennedy-murder-participants still alive

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 5:25 pm
by tom jeffers ... htmlwonder if she has any important info to tell?

Re: List of Kennedy-murder-participants still alive

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 5:40 pm
by Bob
tom jeffers wrote: ... htmlwonder if she has any important info to tell?I saw that story too Tom on the Huffington Post. The story I saw originated from the New York Times. I wrote the author of the article at the NY Times and asked why the NY Times had NOT reviewed Family of Secrets. will be interesting to see if I get a response.

Re: List of Kennedy-murder-participants still alive

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 6:19 pm
by ThomZajac
ChristophMessner wrote:So Paul, I enlarge my list with your names of the ones still alive and put "?" behind those I don't know, whether still alive or not, and additionally I enlarge it with descendants and other friends, collegues, relatives, who could be potential informants and could help solving the case, if they would only want: Bush, George Sr. Bennett, RobertSpecter, ArlenRockefeller, DavidVeciana, AntonioPosada Carriles, LuisFiles, JamesPlumlee, ToshBeardsley, Rex?Bosch, OrlandoPaine, RuthPaine, MichaelSirhan, Sirhan (victim)Pena, Manuel?Cesar, Thane Eugene?Binion, JackMatthews, R.D.Granata, JoeBaker, JudythOswald, Marinadescendants/realtives/collegues of Caifano, Marshalldescendands/relatives of Texas oil menCarter, JimmyWoodward (Watergate journalist)Bernstein (Watergate journalist) son of E. H. Huntdaughter of Chauncey Holt, Karyn Harcourt Holtdescendants/relatives of Cabell brothersBartell, J. Worrell, James?descendants/relatives of Cuban exiles, operation 40 members, Castro assassinaton aspirantsdescendants/relatives of mob bosses Lansky, Licavoli, Giancana, Marcello, descendants/relatives of Dalles and Chicago PDs responsibles like Decker, captain Fritzdescendants/relatives of the former "authorities" like Hoover, Dulles, Warren, Ford, ....Ashcroft, JohnBall, Joseph? Belcher, Frank? Wacks, MichaelRivell, JackTanenbaum, RobertKennedy familyA lot of people and certainly much more. Who of them could really help to get the files disclosed and to make the truth public in mainstream media?Great idea, Christoph, and one I've been intending to do myself, for the past thirty years or so. A few suggestions if I may..First,I think it will be easier on all our brains if you separate the two Kennedy murders.Second, I think a primary list of those still alive and and a secondary list of descendants of those involved would also help keep a better focus should any of us want to use the list to pursue leads.That's just my two cents worth, though, and good luck no matter what form you choose-That said, here are a few contributions..Joseph Ball died Septmeber 21, 2000 at the age of 97.Still alive; Dan Rather Walter CronkiteWill ponder more- thanks again!

Re: List of Kennedy-murder-participants still alive

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 6:29 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
tom jeffers wrote: ... htmlwonder if she has any important info to tell?I bet that if she has anything important to say that shed light on the assassination, lone-nut theorists are going to claim that she's lying.That's what they like to do. You can show lone-nut theorists all kinds of witness statement, and they just claim that they're either lying or mistaken or something. They'll just claim she'd just doing it for the money or something.

Re: List of Kennedy-murder-participants still alive

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 6:54 pm
by ThomZajac
Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:tom jeffers wrote: ... htmlwonder if she has any important info to tell?I bet that if she has anything important to say that shed light on the assassination, lone-nut theorists are going to claim that she's lying.That's what they like to do. You can show lone-nut theorists all kinds of witness statement, and they just claim that they're either lying or mistaken or something. They'll just claim she'd just doing it for the money or something.Doesn't seem likely she would have anything on the assassination, but I guess we shall soon see.