will the real GWB please stand up

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: will the real GWB please stand up

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

nephew23 wrote:Bob wrote:nephew, I do NOT trust Panetta for a couple of reasons. One, he is another Clinton aide (chief of staff etc.), and I have already mentioned the Bu$h/Clinton alliance that I am wary of. I also thought his hearing on being named director of the CIA did not go well, as he backtracked and sounded like he endorsed the CIA interrogation tactics (waterboarding etc.) of the Bu$h administration. There have to be other candidates that have much more experience than Panetta. This looks and smells like political payback instead of making practical sense. I have not been pleased with some of the appointments that Barack Obama has made with some of his cabinet positions and jobs like this one. Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State is a good example. In the Presidential campaign for the Democratic nomination, the biggest and clearest difference between Obama and Clinton were their views on foreign policy. So who does Obama make his Secretary of State? Hillary. Makes no sense practically, but may be a payback. Remember the meeting that Obama and Hillary had at the last Bilderberger meeting. JFK also had some people in his admininistration that he didn't want...see LBJ...but still had him for political reasons because of the 1960 Presidential election. I think JFK was going to jettison LBJ and others from his administration in 1964. But back to Panetta, I don't like the choice. Poppy was made the CIA director for one BIG reason. To stop the HSCA in it's tracks pertaining to any cooperation from the CIA in terms of the JFK administration. A lot of key witnesses also died while he was the head of the CIA as well.True and true ... but my point is this ... If Panetta could be appointed to Director of the CIA without any type of CIA background, then clearly PGHWB could have been as well. The implication has opened up a brand new bag of tricks! Like I said, I'm hooked on PGHWB's involvement ... BUT ... what if he really was not part of it ... never in the CIA and never in Dallas on 11/22/63???Wim?Nephew, I understand your train of thought regarding Panetta being appointed director of the CIA without any overt experience, but there are WAY too many coincidences about Poppy Bush being in the CIA that it would be statistically improbably that Poppy Bush was NOT in the CIA. Hoover even mentions him in a memo. Take a look at this documentary, JFK II from this website. It very plainly points out the reasons that Poppy Bush is suspected of being in the CIA from well before he was appointed director. Here's the link. You can also find the link on the left. http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/JFK2.htmIn my opinion, after reviewing the facts, there's no doubt in my mind that Poppy Bush was in the CIA and connected to Nixon and Hunt and therefore Watergate and Iran-Contra too.
tom jeffers
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Re: will the real GWB please stand up

Post by tom jeffers »

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Re: will the real GWB please stand up

Post by Bob »

I only wish one thing would have happened...I think it was great that in TMWKK that LBJ was named as a possible conspirator in The Guilty Men portion of that show. You know, the one that was removed or taken off American TV due to complaints by people like Gerald Ford...another co-conspirator...at least in the cover up. I only wish that TMWKK would have had a segment about Poppy. He deserves it just as much as LBJ did. Maybe more. However, that is wishful thinking. The MSM has always protected the Bu$h family. No one in the MSM ever reports about the legacies of Samuel or Prescott Bu$h and their treasonous behavior during WWI and before and during WWII. Also, remember that Prescott Bu$h was one of the founders of CBS. Plus, remember Operation Mockingbird, where the CIA planted operatives in the MSM to make sure that their views were expounded to the American people. That, plus making sure that any damning stories (see the Bu$h family history) would not be revealed. But I would love it if they ever reprise TMWKK that they did a segment on old Poppy, before he takes a dirt nap. Poppy has been very emotional as of late in his rare public appearances, with a lot of crying jags, so I wonder how emotional he might become if his treasonous past was REALLY exposed.
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Re: will the real GWB please stand up

Post by Jsnow915 »

does anyone know where I can get a copy of the MWKK stuff that was pulled....I bought the dvd from A &E but it didn't have the stuff I saw on line about Liggit(I think thats him.) the guy who did the funeral work suppossedly on JFK.
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Re: will the real GWB please stand up

Post by Bob »

I don't know where you can get a copy, but you can watch it on You Tube for instance. I have posted it here a couple of times. Here it is again...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaWUcyjA ... re=related
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Re: will the real GWB please stand up

Post by Jsnow915 »

thanks Bob....I saw it the first time thanks to you.
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Re: will the real GWB please stand up

Post by Bob »

No problem, you can also see the other episodes as well on You Tube, including The Smoking Gun episode and The Love Affair episode that talks about Lee's affair with Judyth Baker. Here they are...The Smoking Gunhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNTeQ9ckmD8http ... relatedThe Love Affairhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ry3DrsN9PY&fea ... re=related
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: will the real GWB please stand up

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Jsnow915 wrote:does anyone know where I can get a copy of the MWKK stuff that was pulled....I bought the dvd from A &E but it didn't have the stuff I saw on line about Liggit(I think thats him.) the guy who did the funeral work suppossedly on JFK.I'm pretty sure I bought mine from Amazon.com.Just make sure the version you get has all the parts in it.
tom jeffers
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Re: will the real GWB please stand up

Post by tom jeffers »

i am in the process of reading family of secrets by russ baker. its a great read in understanding the dynasty built by the bush's. he concludes that william w bush was brought into the agenc for only a few months during this critical time period to have plausible deniability for george hw bush in case any memo's surgaced later with his name on the. this was a tactic frequently used by the cia. the other bush was called up to work for them a few months during the summer and fall of 1963 and he had no actual authority but was a night watchman that would never had been briefed on any security matters. gearge hw bush clearly had political ambitions at an early age and was pushed by daddy prescot. interestin is that big georgie always tried to prove to his dad that he could wear the big hat and his relationship with little gearge was just the same. why didn't they just hire dr ruth to straighten out their ego deficiencies?