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Re: Family of Secrets

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:37 pm
by Bob
It does appear that President Obama does not want to ruffle any feathers, which is very disappointing. First off, his choice of Hillary as Secretary of State was mind boggling, as foreign policy was the ONLY major difference that Obama and Hillary had in their campaign. Then his choice of Tim Geithner as Treasury Secretary was also puzzling, as Geithner runs with the same crowd that Hank Paulson ran with. Paulson was the former CEO of Goldman Sachs before he ran the Treasury and the economy into the ground, thanks mostly to deregulation over the last 10 years or so on Wall Street. Now it also looks like Obama is looking away from NOT prosecuting Bu$h and Cheney for war crimes and other unconstitutional behavior. It's sad when a country like Spain has to go after folks like Bu$h and Cheney, when it should be the country that they used to "lead". Obama needs to grow a pair. I know it's easy for me to say. After all, look at what happened to JFK when he tried to fight these powers.

Re: Family of Secrets

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:46 pm
by saracarter766
beautifully said bob and you are so right.

Re: Family of Secrets

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:07 am
by turtleman
But I would also say that if Spain is able to indict for war crimes other European countries will follow suit. Obama may find himself behind the curve and feel some pressure to appoint that "truth squad." On the other hand I would be scared to death quite literally if he goes down that path. Bushy Knoll is a troubling piece of work. I am sure he is figuring out the forces at work behind the scenes and as smart as he is he can figure out for himself what he may be up against. My guess is he will govern right down the center just like Clinton did. I am sure he is getting schooled real quick on how things are done. I find the shape of this country quite sad right now. Real change will never happen. They won't let it. Obama is the only candidate I have ever knocked on doors for and I was 5 when JFK was taken out.

Re: Family of Secrets

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 5:57 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
turtleman wrote:But I would also say that if Spain is able to indict for war crimes other European countries will follow suit. Obama may find himself behind the curve and feel some pressure to appoint that "truth squad." On the other hand I would be scared to death quite literally if he goes down that path. Bushy Knoll is a troubling piece of work. I am sure he is figuring out the forces at work behind the scenes and as smart as he is he can figure out for himself what he may be up against. My guess is he will govern right down the center just like Clinton did. I am sure he is getting schooled real quick on how things are done. I find the shape of this country quite sad right now. Real change will never happen. They won't let it. Obama is the only candidate I have ever knocked on doors for and I was 5 when JFK was taken out.I understand your setiment, but I'm an optimist. I agree that the state of affairs is sad right now, but I also believe that the truth ALWAYS has a nasty way of surfacing eventually. Sometimes it just takes a lot longer, and sometimes it's VERY PAINFUL. They can't just keep running their game indefinitely. You can't fool all of the people all of the time. Just look at how quickly information can be shared around the WORLD. It's unprecedented. It will be the demise of those criminals. If they were really smart criminals, they wouldn't be so greedy. Maybe they're smart enough not to be greedy, but they're not smart enough to have controlled what these "bankers" and CEOs did to our economy. Someo of the most powerful are often taken down by the people around them...even the criminals. Look at John Gotti. All it took was people around him snitching to save their behinds. I suspect that the same thing will happen.What are they going to do if other countries find people guilty of war crimes? Ignore it? Ignore it forever? What are we going to do? Go to war with the UN or these other countries? Even if that happened, the truth WILL come out. I'm only a little nervous about what will happend BEFORE it does.

Re: Family of Secrets

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:57 pm
by Bob
I do like the way some people are questioning Obama and his recent decisions. People that one wouldn't expect like Keith Olbermann, Bill Maher and Jon Stewart. Especially about the Geithner appointment to the treasury, and all of the ass kissing that is being done to Wall Street, while the same folks are trying to gut the auto industry, are firing CEO's and are killing union workers. REAL American people (the workers), not clowns that wear Armani suits everyday. All the CEO's should be questioned in this country, not just on Wall Street and the auto industry, but in all walks of life.Look at these ridiculous salaries for CEO's... ... htmlThat's not being rich...that's being filthy and obscenely rich. All while the REAL people suffer.People are also questioning Obama on his refusal thus far to go after Bu$h and Cheney about their criminal behavior. Yes, there have been some very positive steps that have been taken, like releasing Bu$h torture memos, closing down Gitmo and other things. But the American people don't want another "Truth" Commission. We know how commissions work...please see the Warren and 9/11 commissions for example. Just appoint a special prosecutor and let them do his or her job. Let justice lead to where it may lead. JUSTICE FOR ALL!!! That's all we ask.

Re: Family of Secrets

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:04 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Yeah, that's obscene. Their pay is right out the window. What's funny is that those bankers in London are showing up to work incognito so they don't get egged or yelled at. LMAODo they actually think that people are going to starve and not have a reaction like that towards them? LOL

Re: Family of Secrets

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 2:16 pm
by Jsnow915
I'm all for it Bob...power to the people!...the one thing that sticks in my mind was how quick we were to save AIG with those unreal bonuses....but meanwhile the auto industry which supplies tens of thousands of jobs have to get their act together or they wont get a nickel...I'm starting to see the light...unfortunatly

Re: Family of Secrets

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 2:26 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Jsnow915 wrote:I'm all for it Bob...power to the people!...the one thing that sticks in my mind was how quick we were to save AIG with those unreal bonuses....but meanwhile the auto industry which supplies tens of thousands of jobs have to get their act together or they wont get a nickel...I'm starting to see the light...unfortunatlyExactly. Guys like the AIG guys simply have MORE money. The bottom line is...the bottom line with these people. There ARE other companies that are trying to come up that could take the place of companies like AIG if we just allowed AIG to fail. It's the same with the auto industry. I wonder how many smaller investors or smaller companies would JUMP at the opportunity to fill that vacuum if the major companies failed. They WOULD and they know they would.So, they get to screw up, and now they get to continue on with their grotesquely greedy lifestyles on TAXPAYER money while we're working paycheck to paycheck. WTF???And I totally agree that the bankers are getting far better treatment than the auto industry is.

Re: Family of Secrets

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 2:28 pm
by Bob
Jsnow915 wrote:I'm all for it Bob...power to the people!...the one thing that sticks in my mind was how quick we were to save AIG with those unreal bonuses....but meanwhile the auto industry which supplies tens of thousands of jobs have to get their act together or they wont get a nickel...I'm starting to see the light...unfortunatlyYes...John...Power to the People. Speaking of that...

Re: Family of Secrets

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 2:37 pm
by Jsnow915
wheres the TUCKER company when you need them?