David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

JFK Assassination
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Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Post by kenmurray »

Con Pein as I suspected post the exact same post about this forum on McAdams "pigpen" forum as well He has posted over 14,000 posts over there. So he does a good job waddling in the mud with the rest of his pals.
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Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Post by Bob »

Take this from a guy who used to bounce at a couple of bars (including a biker bar)...the bigger the mouth...the bigger the coward usually. Von Pein is a lot like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly in that he loves to name call and SHOUT at people...but he NEVER really debates his enemies and only talks to his own audiences. It's hit and RUN for people like that. Not exactly being brave huh? It's actually embarrassing. I'll give John Beckham some credit, at least he came into our forum and debated. But I'm also disappointed in John, as it appears that he is painting us all on the same canvas in terms of our beliefs.
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Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Post by Pennyworth »

kenmurray wrote:Yes guys, the phony and coward is at it again attacking this forum and calling us names: http://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/in ... 6.0.htmlIs it laughable? I don't want to bother registering and logging on or in..can you post it here .? I am just curious as to the jiist of it. I can see that he is a jerk from the other link..
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Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Post by Bob »

Here you go Paul...FROM WIM DANKBAAR'S RETARD PIT AT JFKMURDERSOLVED.COM:http://jfkmurdersolved.com/phpBB3/viewt ... =1&t=1349A KOOK NAMED "ThomZajac" SPEWED THIS REPULSIVE B.S. ON 7/18/09:>>> "Okay, I tried watching the Cronkite PBS special. I tried. Cronkite is nothing short of a complete disgrace, working very hard to appear reasonable, open minded, and even handed, when in fact--and there really can be absolutely no denying it--he is doing everything he possibly can to convince the viewer that the lone assassin conclusion was a thoughtful, HONEST, and reasonable one. Oh, he says, it might be possible that Oswald had an accomplice, but a careful examination of the facts and evidence using all the latest scientific methods makes the long gunman conclusion even more viable than it was twenty five years ago, blah blah blah blah blah. I'm surprised that some of your guys are so seduced by spokesman for the CIA. Cronkite was BAD for America. BAD for democracy. He was a BAD man." <<<FOLLOWED BY THIS FROM ANOTHER KOOK NAMED KEN MURRAY (NOT THE FORMER ACTOR AND "HOLLYWOOD HOME MOVIE" GURU OF THE 1940s, 1950s, AND 1960s, HOWEVER; THIS IS A DIFFERENT KEN MURRAY; THIS ONE ON DANKBAAR'S FORUM HAS A FIXATION FOR ME....PLUS HE'S A REAL NUTHATCH TOO FROM ALL PRESENT INDICATIONS RE. THE JFK ASSASSINATION):>>> "Joseph Goebbels would also be proud of one David Von Pein and his spewing propaganda on the JFK assassination." <<<A KOOK NAMED "BOB" THEN STEPPED UP TO THE PLATE AND OFFERED UP THESE GEMS:>>> "Von Pein "in the ass" and his ilk are just an extension of the disinformation machine that the MSM uses, both with the way the news is delivered, what news is delivered and when the news is delivered. The disinformation machine also makes sure that some real news is never talked about in the MSM...things like the Bu$h involvement in the assassination of JFK and events like 9/11. I would bet that less than 10% of the American population know about Operation Northwoods in 1962 (a similar plan to the events of 9/11 hatched by the neocons) or know that Prescott Bu$h was not only a Nazi sympathizer and investor, but also involved in a coup to overthrow FDR. The Bu$H family and those in the power elite help fund and support cowards like Von Pein, McAdams and Mack to keep people away from the real truth of 11/22/1963 and the REAL recent history in the United States." <<<===============When you read silly tripe like the above three messages from Dankbaar's "All Kook Network" [AKN-TV and AKN-Radio], it just makes you feel kinda sick....doesn't it?I've heard multiple people starting to bad-mouth the late Walter Cronkite, who was unquestionably a very good and decent and HONEST man. The bad-mouthers include veteran conspiracy nutcase and marathon Internet poster Anthony Marsh. Marsh said this about the Most Trusted Man In America just 24 hours after Mr. Cronkite's passing (and the retard named Marsh didn't even have the decency to spell Mr. Cronkite's name correctly; twice in one post Marsh misspelled it too; probably deliberately, in order to denigrate Walter's memory even more by mangling the spelling of his great name): "Who was it who said we should not speak ill of the dead? How long should that last? Many of us researchers have always hated Chronkite [sic] for his being a CIA stooge and participating in the cover-up. Dan Rather the same thing." -- A. Marsh; 07/18/09The above negative comments about Walter Cronkite are beyond pathetic -- they're downright sickening.Marsh should be ashamed that he allowed those back-stabbing words to slip from his keyboard. But he's not ashamed at all. And neither are "Bob" and "Thom" and Ken at Dankbaar's snake pit of crackpottery.Of course, it's to be pretty much expected that many of the outer-fringe JFK conspiracy theorists almost HAVE to believe that Walter Cronkite (along with Dan Rather, Eric Sevareid, and Eddie Barker of CBS News as well) are devious Government-sponsored shills of some kind.Because if Cronkite, et al, are NOT the cover-up artists that people like "Thom" and Tony Marsh believe them to be -- then it's very, very likely that those conspiracy theorists' favorite "patsy" for all 11/22/63 murders in Dallas was GUILTY of the two murders he was charged with committing that day in Texas.And that's true because of the extensive and detailed re-investigation into President Kennedy's assassination that was conducted by the CBS Television Network in 1967 (and, to a somewhat lesser extent, by CBS in 1964 as well).Every single test and re-examination of evidence that was done by CBS in 1964 and 1967 favors the likelihood of Lee Harvey Oswald being able to perform his evil deed of double-murder -- by himself! -- on November 22nd, 1963. Without a doubt.So, if Cronkite & Company (including Rather, Sevareid, and Barker, among many others at CBS News in the mid-1960s) were being truthful and above-board with the facts and evidence surrounding JFK's assassination during those lengthy CBS specials that they did in '64 and '67....where does that leave the "Anybody But Oswald" conspiracy nuts?It leaves them up a tree without a ladder (and without a second gunman on the Grassy Knoll either).But, as sad as it is, those people who are bashing a very good man like Walter Cronkite are probably PROUD of their hateful words. People like that usually are. And people like that rarely feel themselves getting red in the face after saying something incredibly stupid.And when it comes to incredibly-stupid statements being spoken on the Internet in the last couple of days since the sad news of Mr. Cronkite's death, the one repeated below takes home first prize in the "Most Pathetic & Vomit-Inducing" category: "Cronkite is nothing short of a complete disgrace. .... Cronkite was BAD for America. BAD for democracy. He was a BAD man."I feel the urge to slap somebody silly after reading the above garbage. But it wouldn't do any good. Because the person who penned the above junk doesn't have any feelings at all .... so he'd never even feel my backhanded blow to his rotten face.God bless you, Walter C.I miss you already.David Von PeinJuly 19, 2009------------------------- « Last Edit: Today at 02:22:57 AM by David Von Pein » -------------------------MY REVIEWSMY YouTube CHANNELDVP ON THE JFK ASSASSINATION View User Profile Email Personal Message (Online) Show Posts by this user Show Stats of this user John B Beckham Today at 02:29:31 AM Sr. MemberPosts: 323 lol! what else would you expect from murdersolved David? Walter covering up the conspiracy? i'd like to know who wasn't involved in the assassination in 1963 according to the wimsters.------------------------- -------------------------"Mr Johnson should remember that I am not just anyone and that he is only president of the United States by the grace of my son's action. " Marguerite Oswald David Von Pein Today at 04:17:56 AM Full MemberPosts: 171 Britany Spears probably isn't a suspect. (Yet.)But Patty Duke, Sally Field, and Sebastian Cabot are surely on Wim's list. (Plus Jerry Mathers, Fabian, and Lassie too.)------------------------- « Last Edit: Today at 04:21:18 AM by David Von Pein » -------------------------MY REVIEWSMY YouTube CHANNELDVP ON THE JFK ASSASSINATION View User Profile Email Personal Message (Offline) Show Posts by this user Show Stats of this user Christoph Messner Today at 08:18:41 AM Hero MemberPosts: 717 At least Walter Cronkite had better style than you, David, he did not denounce and call people names from other fori, without proving them wrong like you as far as I know.I think you change personal disinclination and criticism on the function of a CIA-friendly journalist. ------------------------- -------------------------chase the truth and the devil will overtake you View User Profile Personal Message (Offline) Show Posts by this user Show Stats of this user Ken Murray Today at 09:21:04 AM Full MemberPosts: 224 Well Con Pein calling people names again? Don't worry I will pass it along your comments to Thom and Bob. As far as you go you big coward go around the internet and spewing your garbage about DiEugenio. If he is 100% wrong like you said he is, why don't you debate him there chicken? What you afraid of chicken, you might disappoint your adoring fan John Beckham? The reason you will not debate DiEugenio is (1) You would get your clocked rung (2) you are chicken and (3) you would get exposed to what a buffoon and phony you are. Be sure to listen in about 12 days for DiEugenio's next appearance on Black Op Radio. I have a feeling you will get even more air time this go around in more detailed. Oh be sure now, that after the interview is over there chicken, you spend all night doing a review of the program and send it all over the internet as so you do so well hiding behind your so called " paper debates".Oh BTW, Happy Bugliosi promoting------------------------- View User Profile Personal Message (Online) Show Posts by this user Show Stats of this user Miles Scull Today at 09:39:45 AM Sr. MemberPosts: 484 Quote from: John B Beckham on Today at 02:29:31 AMlol! what else would you expect from murdersolved David? Walter covering up the conspiracy? i'd like to know who wasn't involved in the assassination in 1963 according to the wimsters.John Blakely: It's my view that you have the intellectual integrity and personal self respect which would cause you to scruple and to not rudely drag down the sacred name of "LASSIE" down into the pig pin mud of this disgusting & noxious contretemps.You've got more style than that! That I know. ------------------------- « Last Edit: Today at 09:43:55 AM by Miles Scull »
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Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Post by Bob »

Since you are watching us Mr. Von Pein, tell me where I was inaccurate...A KOOK NAMED "BOB" THEN STEPPED UP TO THE PLATE AND OFFERED UP THESE GEMS:>>> "Von Pein "in the ass" and his ilk are just an extension of the disinformation machine that the MSM uses, both with the way the news is delivered, what news is delivered and when the news is delivered. The disinformation machine also makes sure that some real news is never talked about in the MSM...things like the Bu$h involvement in the assassination of JFK and events like 9/11. I would bet that less than 10% of the American population know about Operation Northwoods in 1962 (a similar plan to the events of 9/11 hatched by the neocons) or know that Prescott Bu$h was not only a Nazi sympathizer and investor, but also involved in a coup to overthrow FDR. The Bu$H family and those in the power elite help fund and support cowards like Von Pein, McAdams and Mack to keep people away from the real truth of 11/22/1963 and the REAL recent history in the United States." <<<PROVE to me and the forum that ANY of that is wrong. I dare you.
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Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Post by Pennyworth »

Pennyworth wrote:kenmurray wrote:Yes guys, the phony and coward is at it again attacking this forum and calling us names: http://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/in ... 6.0.htmlIs it laughable? I don't want to bother registering and logging on or in..can you post it here .? I am just curious as to the jiist of it. I can see that he is a jerk from the other link..He must be watching this board...I wonder what he thinks of my posts ? Lets hear it David
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Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Post by Pennyworth »

Here's one for David....Walter Cronkite said WHAT?!http://caps.fool.com/Blogs/ViewPost.asp ... 3551905860
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Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Post by kenmurray »

Bob wrote:Take this from a guy who used to bounce at a couple of bars (including a biker bar)...the bigger the mouth...the bigger the coward usually. Von Pein is a lot like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly in that he loves to name call and SHOUT at people...but he NEVER really debates his enemies and only talks to his own audiences. It's hit and RUN for people like that. Not exactly being brave huh? It's actually embarrassing. I'll give John Beckham some credit, at least he came into our forum and debated. But I'm also disappointed in John, as it appears that he is painting us all on the same canvas in terms of our beliefs.Great post Bob. That pretty much sums up Pein. All mouth but no guts to take on DiEugenio in a debate. I do have a feeling that the next time DiEugenio comes on Black Op Radio, Con Pein will be mentioned in more detail. Stay tuned.
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Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Post by kenmurray »

Con Pein's idea of debating his enemies is his "paper debates" As I have mentioned before he gave a glowing review of " Reclaiming History" before the book ever made it to the bookstores. Hey David, we here at the forum want you to give a "glowing review" of Tom Hanks HBO miniseries right now too, even though it is not scheduled till around 2013!!!
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

kenmurray wrote:Yes guys, the phony and coward is at it again attacking this forum and calling us names: http://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/in ... .0.htmlDid you see the latest posts? Someone else from here has joined the band wagon over there. LOLWTF is going on? How can people flip-flop like that?