Why isn't this getting out???

JFK Assassination
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Re: Why isn't this getting out???

Post by ThomZajac »

That's 'partly sunny'?I'd hate to see your 'doom and gloom.'I'm still hoping that the aliens will save us. Say 12/21/12?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Why isn't this getting out???

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

kenmurray wrote:I have posted this before but here is the link that Pasquale mentioned about the next Discovery Channel documentary coming in the future. Please voice your opinion: http://www.ctka.net/alerts.htmlThat's the exact link that I used to write to them. I just edited the suggested text to my own style. For everybody else who hasn't, it's VERY easy. They need to be bombarded with letters and e-mails about this.
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Re: Why isn't this getting out???

Post by Bob »

ThomZajac wrote:That's 'partly sunny'?I'd hate to see your 'doom and gloom.'I'm still hoping that the aliens will save us. Say 12/21/12?Doom and gloom was when Dumbya Bu$h "won" the Presidential elections in 2000 and 2004, with the help of his brother Jeb, Diebold, voter discrimination etc.Somehow, we survived that period...barely. Dumbya gave us the plan that JFK WOULD NOT...that is an Operation Northwoods type plan executed on 9/11. He also gave us two bogus wars, MASSIVE energy prices, HIGH healthcare costs and the biggest economic downturn since the great depression. All his friends and family were very happy after his 8 years in office as BIG banking, BIG oil and the military industrial complex were all smiling like pigs in shit. All three of those industries are staples of the Bu$h modus operandi.Now it is time to look ahead...not back, although I would love to see Bu$h and his criminals (like Cheney and Rove) prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. However, Obama doesn't seem to want to go in that direction...probably because the puppet strings are being yanked. Plus the MSM is continuing it's spineless and nadless type of journalism.Again though, I refuse to quit and once again I'll give an example why, in one of the best motivational speeches ever...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q47bpOCTcaY
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Why isn't this getting out???

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:ThomZajac wrote:That's 'partly sunny'?I'd hate to see your 'doom and gloom.'I'm still hoping that the aliens will save us. Say 12/21/12?Doom and gloom was when Dumbya Bu$h "won" the Presidential elections in 2000 and 2004, with the help of his brother Jeb, Diebold, voter discrimination etc.Somehow, we survived that period...barely. Dumbya gave us the plan that JFK WOULD NOT...that is an Operation Northwoods type plan executed on 9/11. He also gave us two bogus wars, MASSIVE energy prices, HIGH healthcare costs and the biggest economic downturn since the great depression. All his friends and family were very happy after his 8 years in office as BIG banking, BIG oil and the military industrial complex were all smiling like pigs in shit. All three of those industries are staples of the Bu$h modus operandi.Now it is time to look ahead...not back, although I would love to see Bu$h and his criminals (like Cheney and Rove) prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. However, Obama doesn't seem to want to go in that direction...probably because the puppet strings are being yanked. Plus the MSM is continuing it's spineless and nadless type of journalism.Again though, I refuse to quit and once again I'll give an example why, in one of the best motivational speeches ever...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q47bpOCTcaYSpeaking of spineless and nadless, I still can't believe that Chris Mathews of MSNBC had that mutual jerk fest with Gerald "Poser" Posner. I thought Mathews was the "Hardball" guy. I think he's an ass.Here's the link. You only have to watch the first minute to hear the jerk fest start.Chris Mathews calls Gerald Posner a "smart guy" who "nailed" the JFK case with his "great book." Is he kidding? I was expecting Mathews to ask Posner out on a date after that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axHF1u6kBjQ
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Re: Why isn't this getting out???

Post by kenmurray »

Pasquale, I think Mathews and Posner would make a "cute" couple. Posner's book "Cased Closed" came out in 1993 after all the uproar over the 'JFK" movie. Interest began in the case to newcomers and the other side didn't like that one bit. So, when Posner's book came out it got rave reviews by the MSM. Notice too that when James Earl Ray died in 1998, the King family believed in his innocence and that brought back interest in the case. But guess who came to the rescue to dispel that Ray was innocent? Who else but Posner in his book "Killing the Dream". The MSM loved that book too. I don't find these two incidences a coincidence either.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Why isn't this getting out???

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

kenmurray wrote:Pasquale, I think Mathews and Posner would make a "cute" couple. Posner's book "Cased Closed" came out in 1993 after all the uproar over the 'JFK" movie. Interest began in the case to newcomers and the other side didn't like that one bit. So, when Posner's book came out it got rave reviews by the MSM. Notice too that when James Earl Ray died in 1998, the King family believed in his innocence and that brought back interest in the case. But guess who came to the rescue to dispel that Ray was innocent? Who else but Posner in his book "Killing the Dream". The MSM loved that book too. I don't find these two incidences a coincidence either.You're right on the money, Ken. He appears to be a disinformation agent. I posted this link before, but I want newcomers and others to see it. It's an essay and analysis of the first 100 factual errors in Posner's book, Case Closed. The interesting part is that the errors were put into three groups: Errors that leaned toward a conspiracy theory, errors that lean toward the Oswald-did-it-alone theory, and inconsequential errors. The end result, surprise surprise, is that NO errors leaned toward a conspiracy theory, and 22 of the errors were inconsequential, and 78 of the first 100 errors leaned toward the Oswald-did-it-alone idea. That means that those errors were not statistically likely at all, which also means that the mistakes were not random and therefore INTENTIONAL. http://karws.gso.uri.edu/Marsh/Jfk-conspiracy/ecc.htm
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Re: Why isn't this getting out???

Post by Jsnow915 »

Posner comes off as like "Snidley Whiplash"...remember him?...he seems to know what side has the money,power and the promotion.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Why isn't this getting out???

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Jsnow915 wrote:Posner comes off as like "Snidley Whiplash"...remember him?...he seems to know what side has the money,power and the promotion. Exactly! LOL