
JFK Assassination
David Watson
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Re: sarti

Post by David Watson »

This is the best link I could find to reply. Hunt said it was a French Gunman in his deathbed confession. Sarti named from the guy in prison in France.I have seen two reports that there was a man in dark pants and a white shirt that tossed the gun to the guy in the plaid coat. So, Oswald fires one shot or placed the rifle in the TSBD, and another shooter using the same type rifle fires from the Dal-Tex building. The shooter driven to town with Chauncey Holt apparently. Maybe the shooter in the Dal-Tex building just didn't fire, and maybe there was someone in the drain, and they didn't fire. The Badgeman is crap.James Files, like a lot of other " bad guys" are in Dealey Plaze. A lot of them knew something bad was going to happen and just wanted to be there to see it. James Files has A LOT of information, edits himself in as the shooter, and it is all believable. Matches Hunt's story, the prisoner in France, Hoffman seeing two people and Bowers seeing two people. James Files could have come out and said that he was the spotter, the lookout, etc, or was there just like Holt and the watch. Wouldn't that have made James Files story credible?For some reason the public needs to put a name and a face to things when something tragic occurs, and that is how it is easy for some to accept LHO as the lone assassin. I think that a lot of what Files says is accurate, and one of those things is that LHO was there just to plant the gun. However, how did the real shooters escape unseen? If innocent, then why did he leave and not just sit there eating lunch. I am a novice. These are just some thoughts
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Re: sarti

Post by andries »

To escape unseen you absolutely need a my humble dutch opinion But you seem to have all the answers Than who fired the Mauser ?
David Watson
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Re: sarti

Post by David Watson »

I am a novice. I didn't know that about a Mauser. I read somewhere that the bullet matched the gun LHO supposedly fired. Would make sense that all the snipers in the buildings has the same weapon. Educate me on the Mauser.
tom jeffers
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Re: sarti

Post by tom jeffers »

review roger craig's testimony and look at the report by officer weitsman who found the rifle on the 6th floor. it was stamped on the barrel 7.65 regard to eye witness testimony, those who investigate for a living know that eye witness testimony is the most unreliable of all the facts however it is the most believable by a jury. most people think they saw what they saw but we all see with filters that we have accumulated through our lifetime. hoffman was probably looking in all areas that day not really understanding what was happening and later after discovering the president was killed tried to piece everything together. 1st interviewUNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Dallas, TexasJune 28, 1967 ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENTJOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDYDALLAS, TEXAS, November 22, 1963 On June 26, 1967, Mr. Jim Dowdy, 725 McLenore, Texas, advised a deaf mute, Virgil E. Hoffman, who is employed at Texas Instruments, had indicated he wanted to furnish information to Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation regarding the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. It was pointed out to Mr. Dowdy that Hoffman should put in writing in detail everything he saw the day of the assassination. On June 28, 1967, Virgil E. Hoffman appeared at the Dallas Office of the FBI and advised he resided at 424 Grand Prairie Road, Grand Prairie, Texas, and was employed at Texas Instruments, Dallas. He said he parked his automobile near the railroad tracks on Stemmons Freeway and Elm Street, about 12:00 noon on November 22, 1963. Hoffman said he was standing a few feet south of the railroad on Stemmons Freeway when the motorcade passed him taking President Kennedy to Parkland Hospital. Hoffman said he observed two white males, clutching something dark to their chests with both hands, running from the rear of the Texas School Book Depository building. The men were running north on the railroad, then turned east, and Hoffman lost sight of both of the men. Approximately two hours after the above interview with Hoffman, he retuned to the Dallas Office of the FBI and advised he had just returned from the spot on Stemmons Freeway where he had parked his automobile and had decided he could not have seen the men running because of a fence west of the Texas School Book Depository building. He said it was possible that he saw these two men on the fence or something else. Hoffman said the only description he could furnish of the men was that one of them wore a white shirt. He stated he had discussed this matter with his father at the time of the assassination, and his father suggested that he not talk to anyone about this, but after thinking about what he saw, Hoffman stated he decided to tell the FBI.ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENTJOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDYDALLAS, TEXAS, November 22, 1963 Virgil E. Hoffman was not interviewed prior to June 28, 1967. On July 6, 1967, Roy S. Truly, Manager, Texas School Book Depository, advised there is a fence approximately 6 feet tall running from the parking lot west of the Texas School Book Depository for about 150 feet to the north of the Texas School Book Depository. This fence was constructed approximately two years prior to the assassination and has not been moved to date. On July 5, 1967, Mr. E. Hoffman, father of Virgil E. Hoffman, and Fred Hoffman, brother of Virgil Hoffman, were interviewed at 428 West Main Street, Grand Prairie, Texas. Both advised that Virgil Hoffman has been a deaf mute his entire life and has in the past distorted facts of events observed by him. Both the father and brother stated that Virgil Hoffman loved President Kennedy and had mentioned to them just after the assassination that he (Virgil Hoffman) was standing on the freeway near the Texas School Book Depository at the time of the assassination. Virgil Hoffman told them he saw numerous men running after the President was shot. The father of Virgil Hoffman stated that he did not believe that his son had seen anything of value and doubted he had observed any men running from the Texas School Book Depository and for this reason had not mentioned it to the FBI. NOTE: Virgil E. Hoffman, a deaf mute employed by Texas Instruments, Dallas, Texas, advised Agents of our Dallas Office that immediately following the assassination, he observed two white males running from the rear of the Texas School Book Depository building. Males were allegedly clutching something dark. Two hours after furnishing this information, Hoffman returned to our Dallas Office and advised he had reobserved the area where he allegedly saw the two men and decided he could not have seen the men running because of an intervening fence. Bureau files contain no identifiable information with Virgil E. Hoffman and Dallas is being instructed to fully resolve this matter. Upon completion of the investigation the results will be furnished to the Criminal Division of the Department and to Secret Service. RE: ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On March 25, 1977, Richard H. Freeman, Texas Instruments, Semi-Conductor Building, Richardson, Texas, telephone number 238-4965, home address 2573 Sheli, Frisco, Texas, telephone 377-9456, telephonically advised Special Agent [REDACTED] that he knew sign language and has communicated with Virgil E. Hoffman, a deaf mute who is employed at his building at Texas Instruments. Mr. Hoffman communicated with him by the use of sign language and Hoffman was concerned that the FBI perhaps did not fully understand what he was trying to communicate. Hoffman communicated the following information to Mr. Freeman: Hoffman was watching the motorcade of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, at Dallas, Texas. Hoffman was standing on Stemmons Freeway watching the presidential motorcade, looking in an easterly direction when the motorcade sped away and headed north on Stemmons Freeway. Hoffman communicated that this must have been right after President Kennedy was shot. Hoffman saw two men, one with a rifle and one with a handgun, behind a wooden fence, approximately six feet in height, at this moment. This fence is located on the same side of Elm Street as the Texas School Book Depository building but closer to Stemmons Freeway. Since he is deaf, he naturally could not hear any shots but thought he saw a puff of smoke in the vicinity of where the two men were standing. As soon as he saw the motorcade speed away and saw the puff of smoke in the vicinity of the two men, the man with the rifle looked like he was breaking the rifle down by removing the barrel from the stock and placing it in some dark type of suitcase that the other man was holding. The two men then ran north on the railroad tracks by actually running on the tracks. Hoffman was standing approximately 75 yards from this fence. This fence was at approximately the same height or level as the ground floor of the Texas School Book Depository building. RE: ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Both men were white males, both dressed in some type of white suits, and both wore ties. He was too far away to furnish a more detailed description. There were no other people in his area of observation, nor in the area where the two men were standing behind the fence. On March 28, 1977, Richard H. Freeman, Texas Instruments, Richardson, Texas, was telephonically contacted by Special Agent [REDACTED] and was requested to contact Mr. Hoffman in an effort to communicate with him and to advise him if he could come to the Dallas FBI Office in order to make a personal visit to the area of Stemmons Freeway from where he observed the presidential motorcade on November 22, 1963. On March 28, 1977, Virgil E. Hoffman accompanied Special Agent [REDACTED] to Stemmons Freeway, also known as Interstate Highway 35 North, Dallas, Texas. Hoffman communicated that he was driving a 1962 Ford Falcon on November 22, 1963. He parked his car on the west shoulder of Stemmons Freeway at the northbound lane near the Texas and Pacific Railroad overpass that crosses Stemmons Freeway. He could not see the presidential motorcade as it was proceeding west on Elm Street toward the Triple Underpass. He saw the motorcade speed up as it emerged on Stemmons Freeway heading north. His line of vision was due east looking from Stemmons Freeway toward the Texas School Book Depository building. The two men he saw were behind the wooden fence above the grassy knoll north of Elm Street and just before the Triple Underpass. He indicated he saw smoke in that vicinity and saw the man with the rifle disassembling the rifle near some type of railroad track control box located close to the railroad tracks. Both men ran north on the railroad tracks. He tried to get the attention of a Dallas policeman who was standing on the railroad overpass that crosses Stemmons Freeway, but since he could not yell, he could not communicate with the policeman. He drove his car north on Stemmons Freeway after the motorcade passed him in an effort to find the two men, but he lost sight of them. Special Agent [REDACTED] took color photographs from the area of Stemmons Freeway where Mr. Hoffman was watching the presidential motorcade on November 22, 1963. Photographs were also taken of the area north of the grassy knoll where the wooden fence is located, and the area adjacent to it, which is now primarily used as a parking lot. The distance from where Mr. Hoffman was viewing the motorcade on Stemmons Freeway to the area behind the wooden fence is estimated at approximately 280 (105) yards, with the elevation being approximately the same height as the first floor of the Texas School Book Depository building. Photographs were taken with a Bessler Topcon camera, using Kodak Vericolor II, Type S film, with a distance setting of infinitive, f Stop 14, and film speed 1/125 of a second.
David Watson
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Re: sarti

Post by David Watson »

Could he be that Hunt wasn't lying in his confession, and Sarti was on a hit team, but didn't do anything in Dallas.Did Hunt just assume Sarti was the shooter because he was brought in to do that very thing. I watched Wim's video again and James Files is very convincing. Acknowledges the guy to his left and makes you think that maybe that guy was put there to help Files with his fake SS i.d. I don't know.All very interesting.
tom jeffers
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Re: sarti

Post by tom jeffers »

i always believed that sarti was involved but i do think it was possible that he might have been in the drain or that there were other teams located either on the other side of the stemmons freeway or at the trade mart where jfk was going to speak. those would have been plan b or c. since plan a worked then those teams were called off.
David Watson
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Re: sarti

Post by David Watson »

Tom,You are better read on this then me, so tell me if this sounds odd.Files gets into a car while Nicoletti and Roselli wait and all three drive off together.Why would all the bad guys leave the area in the same car?Why not go their seperate ways?dw
tom jeffers
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Re: sarti

Post by tom jeffers »

3 gataway cars- 3 times as likely for someone to get caught. also official word was lone gunman, police were looking for lone gunman not 3 guys plus this car was designed to hide the weapons in back of the seats and under the dash so if they got pulled over-no trace of rifles.namaste'
David Watson
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Re: sarti

Post by David Watson »

I don't know if they are 3 times as likely to get caught just because they have three different cars. People ran up that knoll trying to catch the guy. What is Files ( if he was the shooter) had to run. Where is going to go? The car with others? He gets busted getting into the car, then they all get busted and the cops would find those hidden guns.I can just see that meeting. Ok, guys I am going to shoot fromDal-tex, James you shoot from the knoll. Were killing the most important person in America and they will give us the death penalty if we get caught. So, lets all shoot this guy in a crowd of hundreds and then meet back at the car and we will go get pancakes. Seems odd to me to all leave in the same car. With the bad guys in on it. Seems like they all could have gotten in separate cars. Like Files said: Once the job is done, its done. All leaving in the same car seems logical of none of them had weapons or fired a weapon, and they just came to watch..too.
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Re: sarti

Post by dankbaar »

David, just curious: What is your age? You're mixing Sarti (the story was blown apart years ago) with Files now? So french speaking Sarti was the spotter of James Files, but James left him out of his tale. Correct? Wim