JFK Assassination
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Post by Pennyworth »

dankbaar wrote:I hear a lot of doom scenarios lately, and they might well be right. But thusfar the market is rising against the wall of worry. Anyway, I believe raw materials (oil, agriculture food sources like grain, corn, coffee, metals, like copper, zinc,) are a good investment (better than gold or silver) whether the market will keep rising or crash. Do you know why I believe that, Tom?Wim Hello Wim Are you talking about stock market investments on agricultural items or personal hoarding?The Rockefellers INC and illuminati own/control the South American agricultural fields which bring forth GMO (genetically modified organism ) food.Copper yes! They should be backing currency with it instead of making fiat picture pyramid backed paper.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

dankbaar wrote:I hear a lot of doom scenarios lately, and they might well be right. But thusfar the market is rising against the wall of worry. Anyway, I believe raw materials (oil, agriculture food sources like grain, corn, coffee, metals, like copper, zinc,) are a good investment (better than gold or silver) whether the market will keep rising or crash. Do you know why I believe that, Tom?Wimin a doomsday scenerio, you are right on the money so to speak. you can't eat gold or silver. commodities are getting scarcer because china is rapidly becoming the worlds leading consumer of goods and materials. is that what you are thinking?tom
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

Pennyworth wrote:tom jeffers wrote:it is hard to say because the us and world economy are so entangled. buy staples, seeds, consummable items like toilet paper cigarette lighters, candles and if you really think things are going south stock up on cigarettes to use as barter.namaste'tobacco lol Tom. I'm trying to stop smoking but my nerves have gotten the better of me (its the postings here that are causing it).The mormons stock up on I believe a 3 year supply of food and items .think about it, if the sh#t hits the fan and supply lines go dry there are a lot of people out there addicted to cigarettes that would trade anything for a cigarette. they'll trade food for cigarettes, if you don't believe that then you have never seen people on food stamps sell their stamps to buy cigarettes!tom
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Post by dankbaar »

Yes Tom, that is what I am thinking partially. You are right, the world population keeps growing and we all want to keep driving our cars, warming our homes, and fill our bellies. Hence the need for raw materials will only grow, especially in China. But in addition there is somthing far more important playing. The gigantic stimulus programs to rescue the US and European economies are financed by printing money. Out of thin air. This means that the money supply is increased, but the total amount of goods is not. Sooner rather than later this will result in inflation. That means that the money in your bank account will decrease in value, the raw materials out there that you MUST buy for that money will thus rise in price. It will go very fast once the process kicks in. Think of it very simply. What do you value more in times of hyperinflation? A bread to eat or the money in your bank that can't even buy you a bread. Wim
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

i think we are in a slightly deflationary period however i believe that hyperinflation is right around the corner and commodities will skyrocket.
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Post by kenmurray »

tom jeffers wrote:i think we are in a slightly deflationary period however i believe that hyperinflation is right around the corner and commodities will skyrocket.Tom, I think you will be right on with your analysis.
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Post by Pennyworth »

Pennyworth wrote:dankbaar wrote:I hear a lot of doom scenarios lately, and they might well be right. But thusfar the market is rising against the wall of worry. Anyway, I believe raw materials (oil, agriculture food sources like grain, corn, coffee, metals, like copper, zinc,) are a good investment (better than gold or silver) whether the market will keep rising or crash. Do you know why I believe that, Tom?Wim Hello Wim Are you talking about stock market investments on agricultural items or personal hoarding?The Rockefellers INC and illuminati own/control the South American agricultural fields which bring forth GMO (genetically modified organism ) food.Copper yes! They should be backing currency with it instead of making fiat picture pyramid backed paper.World copper supply surplus expected to grow to 85,000 metric tons the Roman Empire, copper was principally mined on Cyprus, hence the origin of the name of the metal as Cyprium, "metal of Cyprus", later shortened to Cuprum. A number of countries, such as Chile and the United States United States, officially United States of America, republic (2005 est. pop. 295,734,000), 3,539,227 sq mi (9,166,598 sq km), North America. The United States is the world's third largest country in population and the fourth largest country in area. , still have sizeable reserves of the metal which are extracted through large open pit mines. Nevertheless, the price of copper rose rapidly, increasing 500% from a 60-year low in 1999, largely due to increased demand. This metal has come into the limelight on account of high volatility in prices. According to New Scientist, the earth has an estimated 61 years supply of copper left. ... 0167660392
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

we have been see sawing the last month. the dow still could move up to 10000 to 10500 in the next few days then a powerful leg down. i look for the cartel to drop the price of gold within a few days. they are still in control over the gold prices otherwise gold would be $3000 per ounce or better. they have lured in a lot of futures buyers and they are ripe to pick their pockets those greedy sobs. they want it all. once the dow goes down it will hit 6500 fairly quick like right after the dismal christmas sales are reported. there will be a breather around then where the dow will retrace up to 7500 and then its off to the races to 400. yes you heard it right from me the dow will go to 400 and actually be lower than the price of gold.
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Post by Lofty »

I have often wondered who calls the shots at the very pinnacle of the world economy, and who gave our one eyed chancellor ( now unelected prime minister ) the brilliant idea to sell off most of Britains gold reserves when gold was at an all time low, resulting in a multi billion pound loss for my country . Brilliant financial strategy that, then he has the balls to claim he has eliminated 'boom and bust', when in actual fact it seems recessions are cyclical and manufactured by the people at the top of the tree, if what i have read on this is true.Scary times.
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Post by Lofty »

After all furore recently against bonus schemes for the bankers, given the massive multi billion pound /dollar tax payers handouts guess what? ... Disgusting