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Re: Zapruder Film Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:02 pm
by ThomZajac
Thank you, Ken. The jury may also want to look at the people on the grass and consider whether their orientation is correct; are they looking at the president and his wife as the limousine drives by? That many of these people do not respond to the motorcade in a manner you would expect does not, of course, constitute proof of film alteration, but it is supporting evidence that deserves your consideration.Now then, back to the size of the people issue and Jack White. In the previous clip, Jack White used a composite to show that the grassy area between Elm and Main was larger (taller) in the Zapruder film than it is in reality. But what of the people? Well, it just so happens that there are clear and irrefutable points of size reference in the composite and that some of those reference points can be used to determine the height of at least one person in the grassy area. The identity of that person is known, as is her height.Here then is exhibit D (still frames of Zapruder film present by Ken are exhibit C). Start at the 22:30 mark and continue to feel free to comment (encouraged in this court). There is much more to come,

Re: Zapruder Film Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 5:16 pm
by kenmurray

Re: Zapruder Film Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:27 pm
by Martin Hinrichs
kenmurray wrote:Zapruder film, Truth or Deception? ... relatedKen, i think everything can be debunked in this video except the fast head movement of Greer.I believe that the Zapruder film is not altered.It would have been a hard task even today with the newest technology.The film is so blurry and to mask objects exactly out at that time is to me impossible.You can see the desperate attempts in this video and how awful it turned out.Martin

Re: Zapruder Film Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:45 pm
by neab
I thought it was altered when i watched it over a few times, but i dont buy the idea the conspirators wanted a film of the assassination as a trophy, nor do I feel zapruder was placed there specificly for this job. I always thought the footage was altered mostly cos the movements in the car didnt match the speed of the car among some other things that jack white's video presented.

Re: Zapruder Film Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:45 pm
by ThomZajac
Martin,Of course I disagree with your assessments, but I'm puzzled how you can find the Zapruder film to be unaltered even though you seem to acknowledge that the speed of Greer's head movements present a problem. How do you explain that? Just curious.Thom

Re: Zapruder Film Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:49 pm
by Bob
neab wrote:I thought it was altered when i watched it over a few times, but i dont buy the idea the conspirators wanted a film of the assassination as a trophy, nor do I feel zapruder was placed there specificly for this job. I always thought the footage was altered mostly cos the movements in the car didnt match the speed of the car among some other things that jack white's video presented.Again...know this about Zapruder...Abraham Zapruder-White Russian affiliation, 32nd degree Mason, active MEMBER of 2 CIA Proprietary Organizations: The Dallas Council On World Affairs and The Crusade For A Free Europe;These two organizations were CIA (backed) Domestic Operations in Dallas whose membership included:Abraham Zapruder, Clint Murchison (owner of the Dallas Cowboys at that time) , Mr. Byrd, (owner of the Texas School Book Depository and the founder of the LCAP), Sarah Hughes, who swore LBJ in as the 36th President while Air Force One was still on the ground in Dallas, George DeMohrenschildt, (CIA contract agent AND best friend of LHO), George Bush (also close friend of George DeMohrenschildt), Neil Mallon, (mentor that Bush named his son, Neil, after), H.L. Hunt, & Demitri Von Mohrenschildt (George D's brother).In 1953 and 1954 a woman named, Jeanne LeGon worked SIDE by SIDE with Abraham Zapruder at a high end clothing design firm called, Nardis of Dallas. Jeanne LeGon designed the clothing and Abraham Zapruder cut the patterns and the material for her.Incidentally, Abraham Zapruder's obituary mis-states the date/year that he departed Nardis of Dallas, incorrectly citing 1949. The correct year was 1959, [the same year that his "partner in design" Jeanne LeGon became known as, Jean LeGon DeMohrenschildt... She had married Lee Oswald's BEST FRIEND (to be), CIA Contract Agent, George DeMohrenschildt!Also consider this...And DO NOT forget that Zapruder gave his film to Time-Life. Time-Life kept this film under wraps for years so the American public could not view it. But WHO owned Time-Life then? Henry Luce. A Bonesman from 1920. Good friends of Prescott Bu$h.

Re: Zapruder Film Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:18 pm
by turtleman
I thought the film was altered long before this forum ever showed any evidence of such. White goes into major detail showing an extremely wide variety of flaws when held under the microscope. Zapruder no doubt was an insider who was too connected to other major players in the coup to just be in the right place at the right time. The Moorman pic alone when compared to Zapruder shows tampering of some kind. I understand technology was pretty weak back then but when you have unlimited funds your access to the best technology in regard to tampering is there. But in looking at it in detail it really seems rather amateurish at this point. I really don't see how anybody could look at White's work and Thom's points and come to any other conclusion. Bottom line is that it worked and they were able to pull it off regardless of how complicit the MSM was and how naive the public continues to be. We know most of the facts at this point. The details are about all that remains. Sad part is all but a few of us give a rat's ass and the MSM won't touch this thing with a ten foot pole.And if you haven't read Russ Baker's book you need to. And Dr. Mary's Monkey as well.

Re: Zapruder Film Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:29 pm
by neab
you can make anyone look suspicious when you sayin ,he knows so and so and he was 2nd cousin of... who worked for .... Doesn't make any sense for the conspirators to have footage of the assassination, especially since most people who view the zapruder footage conclude that a shot was taken from the front.

Re: Zapruder Film Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:57 pm
by ThomZajac
Neab wrote-"Doesn't make any sense for the conspirators to have footage of the assassination, especially since most people who view the zapruder footage conclude that a shot was taken from the front."I think it is pretty clear- regardless of whether Zapruder played a role or not- that the conspirators quickly decided that the film was not fit for public consumption, and they did indeed manage to keep it from being shown publicly for twelve years! And even then, they showed it only in slow motion so the full impact (no pun intended) of the implications could not be realized. I will have more on this later, but my plan is to continue with a point by point presentation of evidence.

Re: Zapruder Film Discussion

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 9:57 pm
by kenmurray
More on the Zapruder film and other films of the assassination: