
JFK Assassination
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Re: Zapruder

Post by Kirk »

Ken and All,This was very helpful for some one like me to watch. Though some of it could have been shortened it gave me a real sense of things.ThanksKirk
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Re: Zapruder

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:Zapruder fakery: Jack White interview: ... latedGreat stuff Link Murraydale.
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Re: Zapruder

Post by ThomZajac »

Hey, I like jack White a lot, but have you guys read this interview (posted earlier)? ... horne.htmlIt's great! It's THE key aspect of the JFK assassination. To discuss the Zapruder film without first coming to terms with the government's handling of JFK's corpse is like trying to examine sea life by looking out an airplane window. Horne is brilliant- he nails it! And I do hope you guys take the time to read it and comment. THIS IS IT.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Zapruder

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messers. Phil Dragoo, and Thom Zajac:Gentlemen, this Post is incredible. Every JFK Forum Member MUST READ THIS.There are far too many points to list.Of course one of my favorites is that several small bullet fragments were removed from JFK'S skull, ala Jimmy Sutton's Mercury Filled Hollow Point.And of course the fact that the cover-up began immediately. Something I alluded to previously in my Headline that JFK died instantly, and the frantic efforts to revive him were total nonsense.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Re: Zapruder

Post by Bob »

Indeed. The Horne interview does cover some utterly fantastic material. The whole thread is fascinating. Now I know why Zajac was a Doubting Thom.
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Re: Zapruder

Post by kenmurray »

Don't forget that Doug Horne will appear on Black Op Radio this thursday Dec 10th at 9pm est.
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Re: Zapruder

Post by ThomZajac »

You know, this forum has always been good, but it is now incredibly good. I'm writing less because I am reading more, and some of the links you guys have posted (along with your own insights) have been mind-blowingly good. Many thanks!
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Re: Zapruder

Post by ThomZajac »

Can't stop thinking about it...This was one of my favorite parts-"D.R.: WHAT DOES THIS INDICATE TO YOU ABOUT THE FORCES BEHIND THE ASSASSINATION? DOUG HORNE: Well, you can go two ways. If you accept a government cover-up as a given, then it’s either a benigh one or a sinster one. If it’s benign, then the people engineering the cover-up weren’t part of the murder plot, but they think that for one reason or another, they can’t tell the truth – the truth might endanger the country because it might trigger World War Three if it appears, rightly or wrongly, that there was foreign involvement in the assassination. Or, there might be a real fear that he public would lose faith in our institutions, if we have to admit to our citizenry that ‘multiple people shot the president and we don’t know who they are and we can’t catch them.’ The other alternative, the sinister one, posits that the people performing the cover-up actions – lets say the actors on the ground, Humes and Boswell and the photographers involved – believe that they are doing a benign cover-up for national security reasons. But the people giving them their orders know better, and are part of the assassination plot. I believe that the latter scenario detailed above is the most likely one. I’m sure as I can be that Humes went to his grave thinking that, ‘Yes, I lied and I obstructed justice, but I did it for the good of national security, and I’m not going to tell anybody because to do so would open the biggest can of worms in history and turn me into a target, so I did my duty and I’m a patriot and that’s the way it is.’ James J. Humes often acted and spoke over the years as if he was harboring some great secrets about the assassination that no one else was smart enough to figure out, and that he was not going to tell any of us what those secrets were because none of us had a need to know – that only he (and “J” Thorton Boswell) did. "
Phil Dragoo
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Assassination Science

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Assassination Science page 331 re Zapruder:Two head shots have been combined into one. The witnesses saw a bloody spray and tissue debris with the second head shot (near Z-358 in the first reenactments) but apparently no halo and little debris with the first head shot. That such a halo was seen with the second shot, but not with the first one is eminently reasonable. Only after disruption of major intracranial blood vessels and passage of a brief period of time (during which blood could accumulate) would ther be enough blood to see a halo.Page 338:Frame excision and traveling mattes (for frame alteration) can explain multiple curious features: the absent limousine stop, the altered movement of JFK's head (including the contraction of two head shots into one), the loss of Connally's left turn, the disappearance of obvious blood on Connally's shirt front, the excessively rapid movement of multiple individuals, the disappearance of tissue debris from the limousine trunk and from the air, the register mark at Z-028 and Z-308, and more.My personal favorite for proving excision of frames from the Zapruder film is the book's chapter titled The Case for Zapruder Film Tampering: The Blink Pattern by Mike Pincher, J.D., and Roy L. Schaeffer. In pages 221 through 238 the authors use the clock of the Lincoln's emergency lights, a metronome on a .41-second flip-flop switch to state the original 48 frames per second was excised to produce the current 18.3 fps.The reason for the excision included to expand the three shot scenario from the 5.6 seconds of Z-210-313 from 4.3 seconds at the alleged speed.Their most dramatic conclusion is of a shot at Z-330 following a head shot at Z-313 less than a second afterward (because there are only 17 frames between the two shots).And what does that one-second interval mean--more than one shooter: a conspiracy.
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Re: Zapruder

Post by Bob »

ThomZajac wrote:You know, this forum has always been good, but it is now incredibly good. I'm writing less because I am reading more, and some of the links you guys have posted (along with your own insights) have been mind-blowingly good. Many thanks!I second that motion. If Alex Trebek ever had a JFK assassination game of Jeopardy, this forum would win hands down with ANY other JFK assassination forum. Plus, we would clean the clock of any lone nut club forum as well. The expertise, knowledge, persistance, research connections and differing opinions is what makes this forum great. We debate, learn and educate. Everyday seems to get better!