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Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 11:52 pm
by Bob
turtleman wrote:Channel 246 on Direct TV tonight at 9:00 p.m. central time. Next week he discusses 9/11. Don't need to guess what that will be about.Thanks for the clarification T-Man. I have Verizon here in FLA, and I looked up Direct TV on the web, and couldn't find it. I'm glad it WILL be on Direct TV though.

Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 11:50 am
by scottjfkmad
Being a wrestling fan for literally years, Jesse Ventura, literally is his own man...He was on WWE Raw a few weeks ago, promoting his new show, and a clip of JFK played...I would be very intrested to see what Jesse's new show was like...

Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:14 pm
by Dealey Joe
Not being a wrestling fan most of my recallections of Jesse are from the political arena.and he also was part of a show similar to this a few years back.I like his attitude and charisma.Walk softly, carry a big stick

Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:42 pm
by kenmurray
Jesse said in an interview that his new show will deal with topics that have occurred during the last 10 years. I was hoping he would do one on JFK since he has been an avid follower of the case through the years.

Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:46 pm
by Jsnow915
I saw the show last night and can't say I'm shocked by another hidden Military installation...Jesse is a true American,he served our country as a navy seal and as a politician (an honest one,go figure)...I checked into some interviews by him on youtube and found that when he became Governer he was forced to meet with a panel of CIA operatives and questioned...he told them isn't it by law that you only investigate outside the US,not in the US...the mans got balls...I hope the show continues,you know how quickly these kinds of shows get the boot.

Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 1:49 pm
by kenmurray
Jsnow915 wrote:I saw the show last night and can't say I'm shocked by another hidden Military installation...Jesse is a true American,he served our country as a navy seal and as a politician (an honest one,go figure)...I checked into some interviews by him on youtube and found that when he became Governer he was forced to meet with a panel of CIA operatives and questioned...he told them isn't it by law that you only investigate outside the US,not in the US...the mans got balls...I hope the show continues,you know how quickly these kinds of shows get the boot.Jsnow, the man does have balls for sure. Your right another hidden military installation. Go figure.

Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:26 pm
by Bob
Here is some information about the subject matter on last night's show... ... ex.htmI'll bet that former Governor of Alaska (and quitter) Sarah Palin has gotten a tour of that facility, unlike Jesse. You betcha.

Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:34 pm
by Dealey Joe
Bastards want us to think we are causing global warming.Should send Al Gore up there and roast his ass.

Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 8:00 am
by dankbaar
I suggest you all send Jesse Ventura an email requesting to look at the story of James Files. I'll bet that James, if he lives that long, would even talk to Ventura directly. They seem pretty much carved some the same piece of wood. Bruce? Wim

Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 3:18 pm
by dankbaar
Subject: Jesse Ventura ShowI think Jesse should investigate James E. Files who is in Stateville Prison, Joliet, Il. and who claims to be the Grassy Knoll gunman who fired the shot that took part of JFK's head off on 11/22/63. His story is told on He has a very convincing story and a lot of people DO believe him but it seems the main stream media will have nothing to do with him. It's like a conspiracy to keep him out of the publics' eye. They don't want people to find out about him. I think he would be a really interesting subject for Jesse to investigate & maybe interview him in prison. Thanks.What is the email address you sent this too? Hi Wim, I clicked on the link for the trutv show on your Forum, I scrolled to the bottom and clicked on Contact us, scrolled down to programming and clicked on Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.That brought up a page to fill out with name. etc. and a comments section to fill out, which I did. Do you think he'll be interested? Hope some of your Forum members do the same.