JFK Assassination
tom jeffers
Posts: 442
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by tom jeffers »

i have changed my views on several things and formed new opinions on things i never knew about in the past few years based upon the information you all have provided me. i hope i never get to old to change on anything.Namaste'
Posts: 39
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by Kirk »

Hey Tom,Me too, but I wasn't referring to you, if this is referring to me, and it probably isn't. I think some of feel late to the party, and are playing catch up. I have enough free time that I am a part of other forums, which are political punch and judy shows. And some times I take a little of that here with me.Have a great weekend. today is my friday.tom jeffers wrote:i have changed my views on several things and formed new opinions on things i never knew about in the past few years based upon the information you all have provided me. i hope i never get to old to change on anything.Namaste'
Phil Dragoo
Posts: 96
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

The hour is getting late

Post by Phil Dragoo »

JoeA fellow who became attorney for a U.S. president was part of a tradition of my college which I did not like. When I became my fraternity's senior council rep I waited for a night those geniuses would be at the bar and hey presto I changed the policy.Time has a way of humbling the proud.I found more earthy strength in the boys from Ken Tuckee and Tenn Asea at the factory, those with sixth grade educations and six kids with arms like oaks.I would ask all the know-it-alls how a guy drinking a Coke can blow a hole in the back of a man's head witnessed by forty medical professionals. For that is the score of those at Parkland and Bethesda (Robert Blakey of the HSCA be damned) who saw it with their own eyes--as did Jimmy Files.Posner and Bugliosi and yes that guy with the six-figure disinfo gig are all peeing on our leg, telling us it's raining.We are united in knowing these Warrenite Single-Bullet Cultists are wrong.Every day is a new revelation--today I'm seeing Maxwell Taylor and Lyman Lemnitzer as Edwin Walker supporters!The only man with nothing to learn is dead.There are many here among us who feel that life is but a jokeBut you and I we've been through that and this is not our fateso let us not talk falsely now the hour is getting late
Posts: 2931
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: The hour is getting late

Post by Pennyworth »

Phil Dragoo wrote:JoeA fellow who became attorney for a U.S. president was part of a tradition of my college which I did not like. When I became my fraternity's senior council rep I waited for a night those geniuses would be at the bar and hey presto I changed the policy.Time has a way of humbling the proud.I found more earthy strength in the boys from Ken Tuckee and Tenn Asea at the factory, those with sixth grade educations and six kids with arms like oaks.I would ask all the know-it-alls how a guy drinking a Coke can blow a hole in the back of a man's head witnessed by forty medical professionals. For that is the score of those at Parkland and Bethesda (Robert Blakey of the HSCA be damned) who saw it with their own eyes--as did Jimmy Files.Posner and Bugliosi and yes that guy with the six-figure disinfo gig are all peeing on our leg, telling us it's raining.We are united in knowing these Warrenite Single-Bullet Cultists are wrong.Every day is a new revelation--today I'm seeing Maxwell Taylor and Lyman Lemnitzer as Edwin Walker supporters!The only man with nothing to learn is dead.There are many here among us who feel that life is but a jokeBut you and I we've been through that and this is not our fateso let us not talk falsely now the hour is getting late Very preceptive PHil We'll need a steamshovel to keep away the dead. I need a dumptruck to unload my head
Posts: 2931
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: The hour is getting late

Post by Pennyworth »

Phil Dragoo wrote:JoeTime has a way of humbling the proud. Yes I have been noticing and witnessing this lately....And this board is a great leveler instrument...