WHATS the skinny on SARAH PALIN?

JFK Assassination
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Re: WHATS the skinny on SARAH PALIN?

Post by Kirk »

my only disagreement with what you say is the left leaning part on this site.turtleman wrote:Am I missing something here? Dealy Joe you are on a leftward leaning website that is trying to unravel the many layers of the JFK assassination. A no doubt right wing hit however you stack it up or believe things went down. And now you are singing praise to Sarah Palin and say you would rather vote for Satan than Obama? My oh my! While I must admit Obama has been disappointing the nitwit from the north would just about finish us off if she was in charge. Like Dumbya she is a dangerous combination of an excess of ambition and a shortage of smarts. She is all about one thing: Sarah.
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Re: WHATS the skinny on SARAH PALIN?

Post by Kirk »

That is right of course. My big concern is that so few really participate either by voting or by running for elected office. More power to you, but I believe President Obama much as President Kennedy is trying to do what he can working inside the system that we have. Dealey Joe wrote:yep Tom I know you are correct.I was in hopes Sarah might make some difference but I knew better.Didn't have much choice anyway Barack Hussein or John Sidney.i would have voted for Satan before I would vote for Obama
Dealey Joe
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Re: WHATS the skinny on SARAH PALIN?

Post by Dealey Joe »

well I guess I stepped in it huh!Thank you all for responding.I don't think about right and left.I thought birds needed wings to fly.Maybe I am out of place here?Don't matter because I am where I am because that is where I chose to be.I view things as either Good or Evil. Maybe that is too simple.As for Sarah, I felt like she was a breath of fresh air in a slime pool.I guess the reason she looked so bright is because of what surrounded her.Gentlemen, who could do worse than than those who have been in office for the last 50 years?I would prefer someone as the leader of our country who is a real American.Maybe not so savy on how to steal us blind, Give zillions of dollars to big buisness, Send our sons and daughters to be slaughtered in a war with no intentions to win.If congress would do it's job it wouldn't make a damm who was president.My constitution says that the office of president is an executive position.Don't see anything in there about Legilation.The founders of this nation knew quite well what a King was.I am from the old school who still have hope of someday restoring our republic.I also beleive that progress on the JFK assination would be a start on that track.Obama is a representative of the Chicago machine, who were probably very involvedin the JFK conspiracy.When you talk about bringing the perptrators of the Assanination to justice you are talking about restoring a constitutional government in the US.Maybe I am in error assuming we are trying to expose and bring people to justice?Maybe we are just trying to find out who knew who.
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Re: WHATS the skinny on SARAH PALIN?

Post by Kirk »

Joe, Not to belabor the point. I personally do not see most as good or evil, but I see their actions or lack of actions as possibly being that way. I am not a Bush fan, or Bush Family fan, or Secret Society Fan. I am not against the rich and powerful, as long as they are not against working class people, but Rich people do not need my help or support. Strangely have met in one way or the other some of what some others consider the most powerful people in government. Mostly I find them to be human. I voted for President Obama because he was the best choice. I did not vote for him at first in the primaries. I might have voted for MCCAin in 2000, but I think I would have regretted it. His decision to choose Palin was a dangerous chose to make. Palin only knows what she believes to be so, and that isn't enough in this world, no matter how good inside she might or might not be. I doubt the JFK assassination means much to her. If it did she would not have encouraged some of the venom in her followers towards President Obama, knowing that it is taking a chance of repeating Nov. 22, 1963.I am a little of all things. I am conservative in my own life, and liberal leaning for others. I believe in freedom, and freedom to choose in this country. Whether we really have choices are not depends. I think we search for truth and demand justice.I note that the so called left leaning people never commit crimes like that day in Dallas, but the ultra conservative types do, ,and normally use the name of God for what they do. Note that so many despised Bush, but none ever acted up the worst of their humanity.Dealey Joe wrote:well I guess I stepped in it huh!Thank you all for responding.I don't think about right and left.I thought birds needed wings to fly.Maybe I am out of place here?Don't matter because I am where I am because that is where I chose to be.I view things as either Good or Evil. Maybe that is too simple.As for Sarah, I felt like she was a breath of fresh air in a slime pool.I guess the reason she looked so bright is because of what surrounded her.Gentlemen, who could do worse than than those who have been in office for the last 50 years?I would prefer someone as the leader of our country who is a real American.Maybe not so savy on how to steal us blind, Give zillions of dollars to big buisness, Send our sons and daughters to be slaughtered in a war with no intentions to win.If congress would do it's job it wouldn't make a damm who was president.My constitution says that the office of president is an executive position.Don't see anything in there about Legilation.The founders of this nation knew quite well what a King was.I am from the old school who still have hope of someday restoring our republic.I also beleive that progress on the JFK assination would be a start on that track.Obama is a representative of the Chicago machine, who were probably very involvedin the JFK conspiracy.When you talk about bringing the perptrators of the Assanination to justice you are talking about restoring a constitutional government in the US.Maybe I am in error assuming we are trying to expose and bring people to justice?Maybe we are just trying to find out who knew who.
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Re: WHATS the skinny on SARAH PALIN?

Post by Bob »

One could say that I lean towards the left politically, but not in all areas. Yes...I have taken my shots at Poppy & Dumbya Bu$h, Ronny Reagan, John McCain, Sarah Palin and the like, but anyone that has read my posts know that I have gone after LBJ, Slick Willie & Hillary Clinton, Joe LIEberman, Arlen Spector etc. with equal aplomb. What do all of those individuals have in common? All were bought and paid for. Obama has shown cracks in his armor as well, based on the escalation of the war in Afghanistan, while at the same time keeping things the same in the war in Iraq. To me...that is a MAJOR crack. But McCain and Palin would have been even worse. At least Obama was against the war in Iraq, while McCain was not only for it, but wanted even more troops put there. By the way, just like Iraq, Afghanistan will see more private contractors than troops on the ground. Lots of Blackwater and Halliburton types. Lots of war profiteering pigs at the trough. The healthcare issue is also shown signs of another crack. If there is NO public option, then Obama's efforts will be wasted. It will show the health insurance companies and big pharma really do run things in D.C., right LIEberman? Palin is very similar to Dumbya, in terms of absolutely ZERO qualifications to be a leader and also in respect to having absolutley no ambition to learn and become more educated. Do you folks remember Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska...the Republican who shielded the big oil heads from testifying under oath before Congress? Stevens is as dirty as they come and was convicted of being on the take. Palin runs with the same crowd. Also, how can a Governor even think about quitting before she even finishes her FIRST term? Well...Sarah did. I agree with Kirk, Palin is the poster child of ALL that is wrong with politics nowadays, but she has PLENTY of company. I also agree with T-Man...Sarah is ALL about Sarah.
tom jeffers
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Re: WHATS the skinny on SARAH PALIN?

Post by tom jeffers »

Bob,i respect you and your opinions but dag nab it, you think there would have been anything different if mccain would have won? atleast he came out and said what he was for. obama ran as a peace candidate "if i am elected president, we will be out of iraq within 6 months, you can take that to the bank" well i took it to the bank and it came back NSF. atleast mccain wouldn't be pushing this socialistic healthcare plan down our throats and further put us into debt. now i understand that you are holding out hoping your man is going to come through. i do not understand you guys. you all believe in this shadow government yet you think obama got there on his own and is his own man. if there is a shadow government then it doesn't matter who the front guy is. it's only a popularity contest. the same market manipulation and wars happen anyway. i hope you are right and i am wrong but that is my two cents worth.namaste'
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Re: WHATS the skinny on SARAH PALIN?

Post by Jsnow915 »

I gotta say Tom...I believe the shadow government theory...I voted for Obama,hoping for the lesser of two evils(plus not knowing then what I believe now)...so as far as I'm concerned,they all suck.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: WHATS the skinny on SARAH PALIN?

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messers. Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall, and Tom Jeffers:Joe - You belong here. You are an excellent JFK Forum Member who brings to the younger JFK Forum Members insight that they do not have because of your age today, and being alive on 11.22.1963. Your perspective from 1963 is factual and well founded.Younger people of today can not grasp the U.S. World of 1963. Only black and white T.V., with only channels of 2, 5, 7, and 9, then later 11. Only records, 45'S and 33'S. No eight (8) tracks, no cassettes, no CD'S, no DVD'S, no cell phones, no email, no faxes, no photocopy machines, no cable T.V., no computers, no lap tops, no Blackberries, etc. Younger members can never look back and taste the full flavor of the world as it functioned on 11.22.1963.Joe - You read between the lines very well as far as me. I am a Chicago, Illinois boy. I bought Obama's anti-war nonsense hook, line, and sinker. I dared to hope, to dream - God - I feel like the Scotish singer, Ms. Susan Boyle.Obama knows now as we do, The Military Industrial Complex runs the U.S.A.In the immortal words of General Douglas MacArthur, "Who are these temporary occupants of the White House that think they run the country ?"Joe - do you live in or near Dallas, Texas ? If so, I would like to involve you in a little research project that I need legs for in Dallas, Texas. If so, and you are of a mind to, I would like to ask you to help me along with Tom Jeffers. Oh, by the way, Tom, I need some help from you on this one also. I will contact you both by JFK Forum Private Mail within a week. Relatively easy. May blow your minds. We will then Post our "little project" here on the JFK Forum.Respectively,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Dealey Joe
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Re: WHATS the skinny on SARAH PALIN?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Bruce and Tom,I am in Dallas on a fairly regulat basis and can go there about anytime give or take a littleI do apreciate your comments along with the others pro and con.I think I am at my best agitating other into some sort of action.Just let me know what you need.Speeking of Obama, I never bought a thing about the man.Maybe I missed something. I really do not pay much attention to the demagogs of politics.As I have said before JFK was the first and last presidentiol candidate I cast a vote for.Why I do not vote for the offices of President, V.P. or US Senator is a constitutional issue.
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Re: WHATS the skinny on SARAH PALIN?

Post by Bob »

Joe, my dad has voted Republican his whole life except twice, once for FDR while he was in the Navy in WWII and last year for Obama. One would think an old Navy guy like my dad would vote for McCain, but he absolutely hated the Palin selection as VP, plus McCain was caught in a LOT of lies. To be honest with you...I was shocked to see dad vote that way. I also understand your take on things. Myself, I thought Obama was the better candidate then. I still do, but I can clearly see the the office of President is just a title, as they are clearly puppets for the power elite that run the world. I am truly disappointed in Obama, but as much of a letdown as he has been as President, especially with Hillary, Timothy Geithner and Bob Gates in his cabinet, he is heads and shoulders better than Dumbya Bu$h. That man was dangerous... for the U.S. and the world. Dangerous enough to lie the U.S. into two wars and to allow 9/11 to happen...from the inside. In addition, it was the Clinton & Bu$h administrations that caused the biggest economic collapse since the great depression. Bottom line, the U.S. and it's policies couldn't get much worse. That Obama is continuing the war in Afghanistan and even escalating it is very troublesome, while at the same time nothing has been accomplished in Iraq in terms of getting out of that quagmire. Obama has done some good things as President, but not enough for me to be really optimisic about the future. However, it has not even been one year since Obama was elected. We shall see. I'm not from Missouri, but right now Obama has to "show me" that he is truly different than the other "puppets".