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Re: What can we do?

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 2:27 am
by ThomZajac

Re: What can we do?

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:30 am
by Pennyworth
Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, Bob, Tom Jeffers, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:For over ten (10) years I offered to help, assist, creating an annual JFK Forum Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, and/or Dallas, Texas. Never had a serious taker. People would have been blown away at what I would have presented in Chicago, Illinois. As I recall, there was greater interest in going to Disneyland.My Final Recommendation - for the good of you, and your family, shut down the entire website. You're not giving up, it's just a huge waste of time and effort. WIM DANKBAAR DID NOT FAIL. AMERICAN'S FAILED YOU.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.I mentioned Disneyland as a meeting place, for the reason that they have security at the gates, and everywhere else. No hit men allowed.I could have gone to Chicago except for ways and means...also the weather is a deterrent.Can you blow us away here with a presentation? We have enough views now from around the world to make an argument against closing this site down...please don't Mr. Dankbaar....

Re: What can we do?

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:36 am
by Billy Boggs
dankbaar wrote:Bob, I made contact with Jesse. He seems pretty interested. But what should we tell and give him to really grab his attention? And if we have it, will he be able to make a splash in the pond?WimWhy don't you just tell him the truth about who killed JFK, and why, and maybe let him decide how to go from there. What, honesty got you a little nervous? Don't worry, Im sure Jessie is a big boy and can handle it. If you cant seem to find the words, set up a meeting, and I will.

Re: What can we do?

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:43 am
by Bob
Well, well, well. Look who the cat dragged in. Welcome back Billy.

Re: What can we do?

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:52 am
by Billy Boggs
Bob wrote:Well, well, well. Look who the cat dragged in. Welcome back Billy.The cat DID NOT drag me in, I fell off of Santa s Slay, too much nog Thanks for the welcome, im sure its heart felt.Now someone said something about "Action"? I,m all ears, and quite serious about what I said. I have a working knowledge about the who and whats and whys and I would be willing to share those with Mr James Janos, and hope he would be able to act accordingly. Its a gamble, but I think well worth it.

Re: What can we do?

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:57 am
by Bob
Bruce is a wise man, but I certainly don't want to see this site shut down. I also don't know the financial ramifications for keeping the site running either. But I think we have assembled some great minds in our forum. I know it keeps growing with fresh, new faces. If Jimmy won't talk to Jesse, and that is his prerogative, then let's give the Files story to Jesse as Billy says, and let him go from there. Jesse is a JFK assassination buff anyway as Ken said earlier, so I'm sure Jesse has some pretty good knowledge about the overall picture. But certainly, the recent books by Russ Baker, James Douglass and Douglas Horne have added even more ammo.

Re: What can we do?

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 4:02 am
by Bob
Billy Boggs wrote:Bob wrote:Well, well, well. Look who the cat dragged in. Welcome back Billy.The cat DID NOT drag me in, I fell off of Santa s Slay, too much nog Thanks for the welcome, im sure its heart felt.Now someone said something about "Action"? I,m all ears, and quite serious about what I said. I have a working knowledge about the who and whats and whys and I would be willing to share those with Mr James Janos, and hope he would be able to act accordingly. Its a gamble, but I think well worth it.Indeed. Just in case you boys and girls are wondering...Jesse Ventura's given name is James Janos.

Marcus Aurelius

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 6:47 am
by Phil Dragoo
My friend John Carman was working as a private detective when he was framed by U.S. Federal officials in 2007. Former U.S. Customs officer took time off from his unprofitable whistleblowing to pay the bills.Our friend quit his Iran Freedom Movement website because his wife was hollering at him--I could hear it on the phone. I was trying to get an Iranian out of country and spending three days learning how callous is our State Department.I worked in the congressional and senate campaigns of a tireless fighter--but in the end he had to go back to work.Your personal imperatives must be paramount, Wim. Regarding Jesse Ventura Janos (and the Roman god of gates Janus had two faces to watch in all directions) put his advice on the front cover of Jim DiEugenio's and Lisa Pease's The Assassinations: "If you can handle the truth read this book." A Few Good Men, Jack?I recall in 1976 when I first saw Zapruder on Geraldo--he showed that flick and BOOM I JUMPED off the couch and was half way across the room to the tube shouting.In a cynical age when no one believes anything and over eighty percent believe in a conspiracy, a course of action is unclear. Why.Because the media still ridicule conspiracy.The Stone movie JFK moved public opinion in a massive way, and drove a flood of calls to Congress forcing it to create the Assassinations Record Release Board ARRB whose Doug Horne has published five volumes which will improve the focus of the fight for justice.I am benefiting from three JFK forums including this excellent assembly and just received my first JFK Deep Politics Quarterly from Walt Brown.I'm listening to the two-hour James Fetzer talk on the assassination as I write and invite all to appreciate this six-minute bit which summarizes it all: of us have to keep the wolf away while the deeper growling of conscience is less tractable.Between two tigers, heeding Marcus Aurelius, we recall the vanguard is always small.

Re: What can we do?

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 12:45 pm
by bob franklin
I'd like to add my voice to those who council you to hang in there & keep the site going, not just because of the difference it's making (and it is), but also for another reason. You've already commenced hostilities with these people, & "fired on their position". Because of this, they now have your range & are firing back. If you ceasefire, your position will be overrun, & these murdering monsters are not known for displays of mercy. If you retreat, you will be quickly outflanked, with the same result. We've all studied the people involved, & know what they're capable of. Your safest bet is to continue pressing the attack. Everyday you reach more people, who reach others in turn. Stay on 'em , Wim. You're not alone in that trench.

Re: What can we do?

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 2:22 pm
by dankbaar
I shall not close the site down, I never even entertained that thought. I was just fishing for ideas to make spreading the word more effective. Closing the site down is obviously not a good idea for that goal. Wim