Oliver Stone on JFK Assassination

JFK Assassination
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Re: Oliver Stone on JFK Assassination

Post by dankbaar »

Bruce, if Jimmy does not want to answer my letter, like he always did, that is his choice, and I respect will respect it. I have always had a game plan, and I think Jimmy knows that too, at least part of it. Johnny Depp, rings a bell? It just did not work so far, but that doesn't mean I did not have one. I'll be glad to discuss it with you off the forum. Send me an email or PM. My last gameplan was to get Ventura involved, remember? We have a saying here in Holland that translates more or less as follows: The best shippers are on the shore. Do you have a game plan, Bruce? If so let's discuss it privately.Wim
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Re: Oliver Stone on JFK Assassination

Post by ChristophMessner »

Dear Mr. Brychek,Bruce, thank you very much for speaking out so openly! I would say anybody will understand your motiv now, why you don't approve to further interviews with Jimmy. Your argumentation is convincing and by saying it frankly and in detail now, you help to reduce unfounded doubts or prejudice about you and your dear friends Jimmy and Wim. I think that is very good and helps the whole process of true international communication and common reflection about what's right and what's wrong. This openness even values up the members of the JFK research "community" and gives orientation for younger men still in the process of studiing and collecting life experience, cause implicitly you trust them to be able to take the real truth. But now, what do we do with this hard, real truth that "America doesn't want the truth, never did, never will"? Just wait and see?Well, in some cases, like your's and Jimmy's, it is logical that it is very advisable to not throw the real truth to the media whores who are connected to the real professional propaganda liars and to the stupid masses who love illusion and truth-shredding-spectaculum. But what about those who are able to look behind the scenes? The true elite? The elite of intelligence and integrity? I would say, that not "America" does not want the truth, but it's just that major part of America, which is in the grip of "beast", the freedom-by-money-accumulation-concept or call it all those who believe in everything which looks like authority, cause it has much money or promises "growth", "progress" or "more freedoms". The money machine, which does not care about true or not true unless it sells off. So how small is this minority of the true elite? This faction of those individuals who know that only the real truth has authority? Frankly, I don't know. But from all I know about political history, it would be a mistake to consider the "masses" as completely truth-resistant. From German history I know that the people, not matter which stratum of society, knows pretty well, how morally or immorally the government is actually acting, they have a feeling for it, who is a liar or not, BUT it's the SYSTEM of the MONEY MACHINE, the SYSTEM of GREED, the SYSTEM of seemingly everlasting GROWTH, which is inflicting the whole society ever and ever more to the negative and leading to dictatorships and corporatism every some decades or so. Actually America is learning the German lesson right now: being seduced to national self-overestimation, stirred up to fight other "evil" empires, bleeding out private banking system to collapse the superstition of limitless unsocialty. To sum it up: more people than you think want to know the truth. Yes, it's wise of you and Jimmy to refuse any further interview by the mass media or JFK research "community", but no, you should care for a future Pan-America after the huge crash which is coming right now. In my estimation in the future world civilization it will play not much role anymore, whether Jimmy really took the shot or not, it will remain unprovable for those who don't want to believe anyway, only the soul dimensions of his personality and what he has gone through psychologically and spirtiually and juridically and to which conclusions he has come will count. Let's say: only God's judgement about how much we sold our souls to something and how much we stayed with our original task counts, right? While you might not honor Pamela Ray to the highest degree, cause she was partly in it for the money, I would say, that she had opened the door to these more important dimensions with her love to Jimmy. And we all are making mistakes when much money seduces or we limit our love and give it only to persons we adore while other, less promising persons would deserve it more. I mean, these are the dimensions which count, especially while we can't do much about the necessary political system change in the moment. So the correspondance on a higher level, even with people we disagree with or who we don't appreciate much, in a more forgiving, understanding-seeking and encouraging way is a bigger win than having convinced somebody, I guess. It's the very moving experience, that Jimmy did not loose his soul and fascinatingly sympathetic personality despite all he had to go through, which triggered this insight in me. In the end all I want is to have you all dining on a round table and have maximum food, fun and freedom, while Willie Nelson and others are playing. Most respectfully, Christoph MessnerDear Mr. Dealey, Joe, you spoke extremely well and out of my heart and I agree with everything you said and want to put my signature under each and every sentence. I am very delighted by the way of your walking on your journey towards the end of the rainbow. Although you will deny it, I'm sure you are far closer to the rainbow than I am with my 42 years, still stumbling and sometimes needing a helping hand like you to keep me going. Most respectfully, too, Christoph Messner Dear Mr. Dankbaar,Wim, Oliver Stone is certainly a brilliant man, but he is part of the media whore and sold his soul partly to it. The big machine of mediality is blind for the subtle truths which count. It mixes important and unimportant together and floods us with more and more in-formation, while for the humans only a very specific limited amount of true knowledge is digestable and mostly something of form is counting. That's just my estimation. You know, often I gave more than 2 cents of moralistic overdose in this forum and other fori and sometimes to your negotiations, but I ask you to oversee the moralism generously and see the wish behind it, that you will not have to shoulder everything alone all the time and that I want to give you inspiration for more effective possibilities than the mass media. Is the truth transportable in the mass media at all? Game plans? Why not start just lecturing seriously about it in front of an intelligent audience? And seriously always means spiced with jokes, doesn't it? As respectfully, Christoph Messner
Phil Dragoo
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Great Wall of Warren

Post by Phil Dragoo »

The Berlin Wall went up in 1961, and in 1963, JFK said of those who thought the Soviets were ready for detente, "Let them come to Berlin." The Berlin Wall came down; I saw a section of it in the Nixon Library--it had graffiti--"For those who posit the immutability of lies, let them come and see this."Of course James Files is impatient--look at his position. And of course these "leaders and academicians and media personages" Stone mentions are "in denial"--let me be blunt: they still man the barricades of Big Brother's newthink. But nine of ten Americans know the Warren Commission was dispensing Grace Slick's "pills that Mother gives you/don't do anything at all."Media? They squawk what they are told or they'd be on the street.The people are scratching from one day to the next, for their masters keep them in rags and uncertaintly.I envision a flick of the James Files story akin to Blow-Up by Antonioni starring David Hemmings in which the photographer discovers the murderer in the bushes by enlarging and examining his work in the darkroom.Zapruder had impact. Stone's JFK had impact. The AARB produced Horne. We have now DiEugenio, Pease, Douglass, Horne, and this band which includes each of you.See also the three hundred who used focus to have their way with thousands.Civilization has always been responsive to will. Will has triumphed over whiners and deniers thoughout the ages.