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Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 4:28 pm
by dankbaar
Files brought a stack of weapons for Nicoletti to choose from ( 4 or 5). He also brought the Marlin that Nicoletti used.

I don't think Nicoletti would ever have chosen the Fireball. According to Files, Nicoletti asked him why he chose the Fireball. You have the book and the DVDs, so you can look that part up.


Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 5:56 pm
by Maarten Coumans
The chice of gun by Files is very clear to me. What's not, is how he could have known 2 weeks in advance to order 6 mercury loads at Wolfman's for the Fireball. He wasn't supposed to shoot that day. At the last moment he switched places with Roselli as the back-up shooter.
The location asked for a precision, compact gun, and that it couldn't be reloaded in time for a second shot was not a problem. Since he would only have time for one shot only.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not calling Files anything. But this is bugging me very much.
They informed Files of the change in the route after the meeting with Ruby. So untill then, Houston- and Elm-street will be out of the question. According to him Nicoletti had to aim above the target ( head ) because of it driving away at high speed. That was earlier that morning.
How could he have ordered 6 bullets in advance without knowing where, how and even if?
If the route hadn't been changed (I think way earlier, but told no-one), the explosive rounds would have been useless. Just as in the case Roselli had picked up his job.
To summon up. Files is send to prepare the Dallas job. He picks up a prepared car, special bullets for Fireball, some guns for Nicoletti (and other intersted parties perhaps). Drives to Dallas, is being shown around by Oswald for a week, doing reconnaissance for Nicoletti ( test firing guns).
According to the route published till that morning, they have to go for a fast moving target. That would make the Fireball not so good choice, I believe.
My understanding of his story that he was only there for support, untill Roselli got problems with his nerves, and Files was asked to step in. He chooses a spot and gun accordingly, and happenned to have just the ammo prepared for the job. Gives me the idea that he knew more 2 weeks earlier than he's telling us, or we're not asking him.Which doesn't have to be a problem, but could be. Too many coincidences to my taste. What do you think?

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 6:34 pm
by Jim Thompson
Maarten Coumans wrote:Which doesn't have to be a problem, but could be. Too many coincidences to my taste. What do you think?

I'm not sure on this issue. I thought Files took a variety of weapons in order to be prepared for any set of circumstances, long shot, short shot, etc. One problem Files would have is a need to zero in each weapon for the expected shot distance. Otherwise, the shots would miss. Files would have zeroed in the Fireball for short distance as the Fireball would only be used for short distance. Now, if Files zeroed in the Fireball in Dallas, then what ammo did he use? If he only took 6 rounds from Wolfman, then he might have zeroed in using only 4 rounds. Doubtful. Maybe he had other non-mercury rounds available in Dallas? If Files had zeroed in the Fireball before he got to Dallas, then he was taking a low percentage shot. He might have selected another weapon in that case. The fact that two casings were found, could mean that there was a second shooter around the grassy knoll. The CIA had acquired four Fireballs & four Mannlicher-Carcanos. Odd stuff.


Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 6:38 pm
by dankbaar
I believe Files just brought a stack of different weapons and ammunition for Nicoletti, for any type of job that may have come at hand.

"When failure was not an option, Jimmy was always chosen"

- Bruce Brychek


Oswald's Role?

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 6:50 pm
by Jim Thompson
dankbaar wrote:I believe Files just brought a stack of different weapons and ammunition for Nicoletti, for any type of job that may have come at hand. Wim

Wim, I'll ask you for your opinion. Do you think that LHO was asked to check out Love Field, etc., as a way to keep Lee busy & involved so that he would fall into place at the right time & place to become, unwittingly, a patsy, if that is how events might develop? If Lee helped Jimmy zero in Jimmy's weapons, then Lee must have realized that JFK was going to be hit. Lee must have thought that he (Lee) was going to escape & not be arrested. Lee would disappear, but he would be framed later as the disappeared perpetrator. Or so Lee thought. Yes?


Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 8:14 pm
by Maarten Coumans
As far as I can recall, James test-fired various weapons in the Dallas area. Oswald picked up the casings. And that's how some powder burns appeared on his hand, at the testing after his arrest.
I'm not at all surprised to hear of differend Carcano's with the identical "unique" serial number. Check out ... r anybody.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 8:23 pm
by Jim Thompson
Maarten Coumans wrote:As far as I can recall, James test-fired various weapons in the Dallas area. Oswald picked up the casings. And that's how some powder burns appeared on his hand, at the testing after his arrest.I'm not at all surprised to hear of differend Carcano's with the identical "unique" serial number. Check out ... r anybody.


Which frame?

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 9:07 pm
by Maarten Coumans
Try 96 and 171. Those are pretty clear. I wonder if you notice all the little things I see.
Frame 171 you can only see the shadow from the hip on up because of the little girl turning in front of it. Can't miss.
Good luck.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 9:59 pm
by Jim Thompson
Maarten Coumans wrote:Try 96 and 171. Those are pretty clear. I wonder if you notice all the little things I see.Frame 171 you can only see the shadow from the hip on up because of the little girl turning in front of it. Can't miss.Good luck.

Yes, I can see a black figure move in behind the tree, but I cannot make out what does. Odd stuff.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 11:07 pm
by Maarten Coumans
Frame 96: Another interesting bit is the motor-agent, he is looking over his left shoulder to those bushes, before speeding away. Reconnaissance? Checking the terrain one last time?

Now the importance of that corner:
(Frame 443)
(Frame 459)

Look how close the presidential limo has approached the white police-car in 15 frames. Nearly a second. The white car was waiting there, no doubt about it.
The frame from the movie shows the limo emerging from under the triple underpass with a white police-car next to it. A police car because of the red light in the grill.

Imagine: All the shooters miss, and Kennedy is still alive nearing the
underpass, that car can block the road, and the limousine has no other choice than to turn back, back into the triangle of killers. Giving them a second chance. Then the position behind those bushes becomes very important, because Kennedy is suddenly on his side of the road, so his “partyâ€