Where was Caifano? and Other Questions.

JFK Assassination
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Re: Where was Caifano? and Other Questions.

Post by Bob »

Alec wrote:Maybe I'm totally missing something, but when Kennedy raises his arms in the Z film it indicates that he has been hit in the throat. You believe the wounds to be just a fragment of the headshot?Alec, was that a reaction to a back wound or a throat wound? I know about reactions to backs, as I have two herniated discs in my back, plus other back issues. Sneak up behind someone and poke them in the back. See what happens. Their arms will rise up just like JFK's did. Plus, JFK had a bad back anyway, and was wearing a back brace that day as well, which didn't allow him to get down after the first shot hit him. AGAIN, where was the exit wound from the throat wound?
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Re: Where was Caifano? and Other Questions.

Post by Alec »

Good point, Bob.Excellent clarification
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Re: Where was Caifano? and Other Questions.

Post by ThomZajac »

Mostly I am going to stay out of this.BUTI do think it is fair to say that there are two ways to look at this and that while each side can make some strong points, neither side can be 'proven.'Thom Robinson provides strong testimony BUT it has to be understood that he did not get to examine JFK's body until Bethesda- and a strong argument can be made that the body had been altered PRIOR to its arrival there. Certainly the chain of evidence had been massacred by the time JFK's body arrived at Bethesda.So, in my humble opinion, no matter what conclusion anyone draws on this, the current evidence would allow such a conclusion only to be deemed as speculation. I know some folks are VERY attached to their conclusions on this subject- they trust their evidence enough to feel that fact has been established, but the evidence they hold sacred is simply not beyond other interpretations (in my opinion).
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Re: Where was Caifano? and Other Questions.

Post by Alec »

Has Files ever stated where Caifano was?
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Re: Where was Caifano? and Other Questions.

Post by Bob »

Alec wrote:Has Files ever stated where Caifano was?Not that I recall specifically. Files did say that Dealey Plaza was like a CIA convention though. Files did say he saw Frank Sturgis though, who was also a member of Group 40. Another member of Group 40 was Orlando Bosch, who was in my opinion the "walkie talkie" man sitting on the curb next to "umbrella" man. I believe Caifano was probably in Dealey Plaza as well, probably positioned as another shooter. In case you are wondering what Group 40 or Operation 40 was...here is Jimmy Files explaining it to Jim Marrs, as he talks about Poppy Bu$h...Jim Marrs : During that time, during the time of the Bay of Pigs, while you were training and moving around in the Caribbean, No Name Key and all that, did you ever hear the name George Herbert Walker Bush? James Files: Oh Yeah! Jim Marrs: What was his role? James Files: George Herbert Walker Bush. I don't know if, I think a lot of people are not going to believe this, but he worked for the CIA back as early as 1961 that I know of. Jim Marrs : How did he work? What did he do? James Files : I don't know all he did, but he did a lot of recruiting work. I know he was there at the beginning for what we called Group 40, a special operations group, Group 40. If you wonder what Group 40 was, an assassination group. Poppy Bu$h was also present in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963.Here is why that it is significant, as Wim has shown in his section about Poppy Bu$h on this website...Operation 40 was a top secret CIA project to train selected cuban exiles in guerrilla warfare and assassinations, aimed against the Castro regime. Apart from Felix Rodriguez, other members were now infamous CIA agents and Anti Castro terrorists like Luis Posada Carriles, Orlando Bosch, Guillermo and Ignacio Novo Sampoll and later Watergate plumbers Frank Sturgis, Eugenio Martinez, Virgilio Gonzalez and E. Howard Hunt. Most of the operation 40 members were recruited from JM/Wave, a much larger clandestine operation to train a cuban exile army for the Bay of Pigs invasion. JM/Wave is headed by CIA official Theodore Shackley. James Files, the confessed gunman on the grassy knoll, was recruited for the CIA by David Atlee Phillips on a recommendation of Ted Shackley. Shackley becomes George Bush's deputy director for Covert Operations in 1976. The CIA controller of JFK's assassin is provably close to Shackley, Shackley is provably close to Bush. Not significant?
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Re: Where was Caifano? and Other Questions.

Post by Alec »

Operation 40, yes, weren't they in training to take out Castro?
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Re: Where was Caifano? and Other Questions.

Post by Bob »

Alec wrote:Operation 40, yes, weren't they in training to take out Castro?Indeed.Operation 40 was a top secret CIA project to train selected cuban exiles in guerrilla warfare and assassinations, aimed against the Castro regime. Apart from Felix Rodriguez, other members were now infamous CIA agents and Anti Castro terrorists like Luis Posada Carriles, Orlando Bosch, Guillermo and Ignacio Novo Sampoll and later Watergate plumbers Frank Sturgis, Eugenio Martinez, Virgilio Gonzalez and E. Howard Hunt. Most of the operation 40 members were recruited from JM/Wave, a much larger clandestine operation to train a cuban exile army for the Bay of Pigs invasion.