JFK Assassination
Michael Dell
Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by Michael Dell »

kenmurray wrote:Yes, indeed. Very sickening. You mean you guys don't have a Deputy Associate Director of Correspondence? They're great. In fact, mine's writing this post...
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

How old is sheblonde or brunette or redhead?
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Post by jfkanon »

I remember George W. Bush was in office for 6 years before the general public opinion started turning against him. I heard radio attacks on Obama during his first week of office. During his first month, he was called "The Worst President in U.S. history." Bush had to earn that title over time.Shortly after Obama's term began, conservatives -- who were oblivious for 8 years while the U.S. economy spiraled downward, U.S. jobs were shipped overseas and our surplus turned into a record deficit to finance an astronomical war for Halliburton -- suddenly became aware of the economy, bailouts and unemployment, and quickly blamed everything on the new President while pretending the Bush administration didn't happen.Obama is attacked by conservatives no matter what he does. If he changes nothing, he's mocked for promising change and not delivering. If he makes radical changes, he is of course attacked. And if he makes moderate, partial, gradual change, or any compromises whatsoever, he is attacked by both sides. The U.S. is in such a mess that even if the greatest possible person were President, he couldn't fix it in a year without outraging and alienating practically everyone. Most Americans wouldn't know a great President from a bad one. Lincoln, Kennedy, Truman, FDR were all intensely hated during their administrations. The choice was between Obama and McSame. If you're anything other than an ultra right wing fanatic, with Obama you are going to be disappointed from time to time because he cannot possibly do everything the way you want it, given the abysmal circumstances. But if McCain had been elected, it would have been like a 3rd term for Bush, and you would have been continuously outraged. E.g., stem cell research would still be restricted for superstitious reasons, health care would have been left entirely in control of the private insurance cartel so that costs could continue to rise geometrically, and McCain, who thought the economy was in great shape, would be trying to get rid of Social Security, and basically giving us more of the same and worse.It's just so easy to criticize a new President who comes to office in the middle of a major recession.
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by Dealey Joe »

Yes it is too late to place blame.Jobs have been leaving the country for 20 or more years.the overall econimy has been in a nose dive for at keast that long.in 1979 the dow went over 1000, from then on our financial lives have been totally controledL personally made my complaints before he was elected.He knew or should have known what heas facing.he sought out the job, making political promisses he could not or did not intend to keep.All this said, he is just the fronf man for the elite power people anywayand could care less what anyone says about him.he has an agenda that he is required to follow.What people say today will be different tomarrow, they don't give a hoot in hell about the countryit is their own personal comfort that they seek. any one who gives them that is very highly rated.