Information I have learned from the Forum:

JFK Assassination
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Re: Information I have learned from the Forum:

Post by Kirk »

I bring this thread backup which I posted a month or so ago for obvious recent reasons, if not for good reasons. One it is a thank you for enlightening and educating me on so many facts on the Assassination that otherwise I would never have known. Second it is an appreciation of the efforts required to do the research, investigation and learn so much information about such a difficult and extremely sad subject.Some few examples of what I know now that I did not know before:I did not know that there was a construction crew working on the 6th Floor.I did not know that Byrd owned the TSBD Building and that the owner might be a critical matter.I did not know that Byrd was a friend of LBJ and others.I did not know that Byrd was involved in the LCAP either.I did not know that Oswald job at the TSBD was considered temporary or seasonal.I did not know that Emory Roberts pulled the Agents off the Limousine either.I did not know that the Zapruder Film was altered, and that maybe almost all the important pictures were not just confiscated, but in fact altered.I knew next to nothing about Jimmy Sutton/Files except the interview that I saw on Youtube, which brought me here to begin with and turned out to be posted without permission.I could continue the list with Bledsoe etc, and many other items as well, but this should be enough for proof of what little I knew, and probably how much I still have not soaked up from the evidence. I can say without hesitation that progress is being made, not just by me, but the Research community itself. Because much of what I have learned was not known 20 years ago or so, and especially since the days when I first read Lane, Lifton, Groden, and many others,and of course the Warren Report back in late 70's and early 80's. Some of this is because of technological advances, and some just from the dumb luck often found in fate. The internet by itself has focused more eyes, minds and egos on this, then could have ever been imagined by friend or foe of the Official story, which should give each of us some hope, as it does me.I have learned also how personal this subject is to so many. Some of this is expected because of the tragic nature of what happened, and what has happened since with the continued cover up, incompetence and general apathy, which might be the most unkind cut of all because it says more about the American people, then evil few that continue to corrupt the evidence and truth. Still some of the personal aspects and reactions were not as expected, though still understandable knowing the temptation of human nature, but from my point view it is not respectable nor acceptable, especially dealing with an event, which has touched people enough to get involved. Parts of the Research community seems almost cult like praying to a God that they know deep in their heart does not exist, and will not answer, and better yet can not judge. Kind of a perfect circle that leads nowhere, but like a roller coaster has lots of excitement and many views.I have also noted the need for some to be a part of history. Stating and creating facts that they did not witness and of course the others that have changed sides for personal reasons. It is odd to watch a video of Mr. Mack support Jack White and the Badgeman. He is a part of History now for sure. Also I have noted the need of some to want some complete credit or ownership of the research or view or idea, where everyone that does not agree in total must be a dupe, plant or imbecile of some kind. Not sure how that can help the cause in the long run to intimidate or drive away people that maybe wrong, or just mislead or amateur. We need all the good people we can get at this point. The Cause comes before the effect.I think Mr. Files spoke a real truth about the industry of the Assassination. Lots of books to be written and money to be made as long as the unfortunate truth does not come out, and is not accepted. I am not that cynical, but understandably many are with good reason. I like the title of the site and the forum...JFK Murder Solved. Partly because JFK was not killed, but murdered, and a number of others with information were also murdered to be silenced. Is it solved? Well, that reminds to be seen. Can it be solved? Yes, and part of my evidence to support this comes from those on this forum.Now, I am not particularly interested in paying homage to Mr. Files. That is for others that know him best to do or not. I take him at his word that he helped to murder JFK. I have no doubt that it was a young man's decision for him, and that he probably would not follow that course now. I know I hurt his friend's feelings once when I questioned Mr.Files acceptance of Christ because I felt as a so called Christian myself that I would give all information, facts and knowledge, and hold nothing back. I still believe that, but I also understand protecting others such as Family and even his best friend, as a reasonable excuse for not saying everything that might endanger them. I also call myself a Christian Hypocrite upfront. I know my own weaknesses all to well. Still, Mr. Files was involved with a murder that has damaged our country in ways few, but the most evil know.To finish what nobody asked for....I have noted the atmosphere surrounding not only our forum, which is so much more mature then some of the other assassination forums in many ways, but the atmosphere of life in general that reminds me of the bitterness that lead to JFK's murder in Dallas. Many do like President Barrack Obama, not just on this forum, or the political forums that I belong etc., but in real life. Many in real life hate the man, and have reasons, but have not been thoughtful enough to know if the reasons are true and good enough to have hate. I am biased because I did vote for him as President, though he was not my first choice. My first choice turns out would have been terrible. I do not agree with many of the actions he has allowed to happen in his name by his administration. I do try to understand why he has made some of these decision. I know partly the reason is that he is not me, and I am not him. Partly it is those that helped him into office. It is hard on a human level not to be corrupted by friendship with the wrong people. He is responsible for that, but it is understandable. He is also extraordinary historical figure not just for minorities, but also America and the World. That still isn't a good enough reason to support him, but is a good reason to try and understand what he is doing or not doing. Is he a socialist, communist, conservative, moderate, capitalist, Muslim, christian, warmonger, peacenik, wall street slave, anti-christ etc.? Hard to say but we know he can not be all those things. Nobody can be all things to all people.Many of the answers will come in time. He has been in office only 18 months, and in a particularly stormy period of history, and those clouds were building long before anyone knew his name. I can't say he as yet has made the best of times in the worst of times, but I can say and see that he has tried, where so many in the past looked the other way. I wish he would have grasped the moment as FDR did, but many called him a dictator.All I know is that for sure I do not want to play a part in the same type of atmosphere that helped in JFK's Assassination and cover up. I am not knowingly going to take a chance of having to feel that kind of shame, and searching for some justification for being blinded my own agendas, if the worst in us and of us should prevail.ThanksKirk
Dealey Joe
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Re: Information I have learned from the Forum:

Post by Dealey Joe »

Kirk I appreciate you remarks and concerns.I too think a little tack is in order when we get a newbie.I myself was treated very kindly when I came aboard.It is hard for some to go back to square one with someone but it will always be necessary on this type of forum where all are welcome.It is very easy to be a little rude and short with those who have not done ample study to even be on a forum.I remember when you came aboard and was a little reserved and kept your knowledge to yourself testing the waters. You are a great asset to the forum.Keep on truckin'
Phil Dragoo
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David Harold Byrd

Post by Phil Dragoo » found Craig I. Zirbel, The Texas Connection, to be useful. Qui bono means for whose benefit; Zirbel says the premier benefactor is LBJ. He had means, motive and opportunity.Johnson announced April 24, 1963, JFK would be at a luncheon in Dallas later that year. LBJ and Connally would force him to attend the Al "Wink" Thomas commemorative dinner November 21 in Houston, and to have the luncheon in the Trade Mart. Hence the motorcade would pass through Dealey Plaza beneath Byrd's Potemkin Building. ... an.htmI've got Hunt's son Saint's ebook and deem Hunt's deathbed confession as a limited hangout providing plausible denial for the CIA by blaming it on Johnson.I stipulate Johnson was a motivated player but would not have been able to move except as part of the CIA-Pentagon-FBI-Hoover circle of power; without them, Johnson would have been booted from the ticket and gone to jail.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Information I have learned from the Forum:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Phil Dragoo, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Phil - I agree with your point about Craig I. Zirbel's book, The Texas Connection: The Assassination Of John F. Kennedy, i.e., Who benefitted ? There are compelling arguments about LBJ having means, motive, and opportunity. I believe that LBJ was a necessary spoke in the wheel. After reading the book, I came away with the analysis that three Texans had to be involved:1. Lyndon Baines Johnson2. George H.W. Bush3. The Mayor of Dallas, the brother of General Charles Cabell who was fired along with Allan Dulles and Richard Bissell by JFK.Please see my Headline Post of 03.24.2006: The Texas Connection: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy. I will write a short Addendum to bring that to the foreground.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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JFK Truth

Post by kenmurray »

This site contains many documentaries and videos on the JFK assassination for you if you haven't seen before or want to see them again:
Posts: 2652
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Re: Information I have learned from the Forum:

Post by Bob »

Nice information and opinions here folks. This site is a library of information, both on the site and the forum. I'll say it again, we have the BEST forum in the JFK assassination research community.
Posts: 3
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Re: Information I have learned from the Forum:

Post by piopat »

here is a link to watch evidence of revision part 6 ,its about martin luther king and not jfk but its a must see if you have watched the other 5 parts. are a lot of other great documentaries their also.