Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

JFK Assassination
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by kenmurray »

bob franklin wrote:Here's a a bit of perspective.VLCC class tankers can carry about 2.2 million barrels, fully loaded.The BP well is dumping 3000000 gallons, or 71428 barrels into the gulf per day.Multiplied by 30 days, it comes to 2,142,840 barrels per month flowing into that ecosystem.A fully loaded VLCC tanker lost every month.Sometimes I really hate math.Bob, you may sometimes hate math, but what i've seen you did a pretty good job with it in your analysis.
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by JDThomas »

Dealey Joe wrote:Bruce, does ANYONE know how to stop this leak?Regardless of all the other possibilities, this has to be the first objective along with containment and clean up the messSo in effect they have three problems to solve.Joe, see my earlier post in the topic ... they don't know how to stop the leak, nobody knows how to do it, nobody ever had a plan. They are just guessing and hoping.
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by Bob »

JDThomas wrote:Dealey Joe wrote:Bruce, does ANYONE know how to stop this leak?Regardless of all the other possibilities, this has to be the first objective along with containment and clean up the messSo in effect they have three problems to solve.Joe, see my earlier post in the topic ... they don't know how to stop the leak, nobody knows how to do it, nobody ever had a plan. They are just guessing and are absolutely right. BP has no clue, as do any of the other oil companies. Look at this... ... 13161.html
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by Bob »

Did you folks see this embarrassing display from yesterday in Congress... bought off idiot later retracted his statements, but here is a guy that used to be in the oil business and gets more money from that industry than anyone else in Congress. Speaking of embarrassing, how about BP CEO Tony Hayward speaking in front of Congress yesterday. The man who knew NOTHING, just like Seargent Schultz from Hogan's Heroes. ... 16690.html
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Bob Fox:Bob - Rachel Maddow on MSNBC last night called this:AN ENVIRONMENTAL ARMAGEDDON.Prophetic terminology.From the beginning I felt this was way, way beyond what we were told it was. My friends told me I was a crazy conspiracy nut because first I claim my Best Friend killed JFK, and now I'm claiming that both bp and the U.S. Government are lying.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Gulf Oil Spill: A Hole In The World

Post by kenmurray »

From James Fetzer Blog:
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:The bp Oil Tsunami is NOW a really big problem according to inside sources who want to remain anonymous. God forbid anybody go on record like Four Star General Stanley McChrystal and tell the truth. "Chain of Command..., ...speaking out of order..., insubordination...," and all that self-righteous stuff that allows for burying The Truth about War today being Big Business, NOTHING MORE.Meanwhile the whispers are that McChrystal spoke "the truth." How dare he ! How can we control the Business of War for the Military Industrial Complex and the War Profiteers if we dare to tell "We the people..." "the truth" about anything ?!?Meanwhile, the cap on the bp Oil Tsunami oil gusher was just knocked off. Sources now reluctantly admit that the oil flow may have doubled or tripled. Now I wonder what that really means ? You know, THE TRUTH.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
bob franklin
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by bob franklin »

Bruce, allow me to answer in the form of a question. Are you familiar with the term "extinction - level event"? I don't know if we're quite there yet, but don't give us too many bumps. I expect to see an initial increase in precipitation, as the surrounding waters are warmed by the heat attracted by the black oil of the spill, decreasing as it spreads outward. Oil inhibits evaporation. as the oil spreads, less water will lift from the surface, meaning less precipitation. less rain means crop failures, and that creates famine. this scenario doesn't even take into account the leaching out of god knows what chemical compounds into the oceans of the world. The fish & other aquatic life aren't going to like that. Also abandon any hope of the slick not spreading to Europe. It will. It's oil, that's what it does on water. It's not a stretch to say, "if the oceans die, we die". My .02.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Bob Franklin:Bob - You are a valued long time JFK Forum Member, and I always read your Headlines and Posts with great interest. I also get a kick out of your colorful picture attached to your material. Any significance to that, that I am unaware of ?Last week Rachel Maddow on MSNBC introduced me to the terminology:ENVIRONMENTAL ARMAGEDDON.Today, you introduce me to the terminology:EXTINCTION - LEVEL EVENT.To my way of thinking, this is way, way beyond critical.Yet today's discussions about Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan translate to me that we will be increasing the $ 20 billion dollars per month to $ 25 billion per month or more, so that we may "introduce democracy," and "preserve and improve their way of life" in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan. This is certainly not the real direction that "We the people..." want for ourselves.Bob - As I write this, MSNBC' S Keith Olbermann now quotes the Doomsday Scenario, as they are now discussing the worst case scenario, and would just have to abandon all efforts because the ocean floor is about to erupt due to the 65 days of substantial erosion. A nuclear bomb won't work at this point.This could ultimately affect 25 % - 40 % of the U.S.A. coastlines. This is beyond insane.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Bob Franlin:Bob - On the complete report on MSNBC Keith Olbermann's update now states that the entire remaining Well Structure on the Gulf Floor is now leaning 12 degrees, with the possibility of the ocean floor totally erupting becoming more likely as time goes on. If it rips loose, nothing can be done. The help and hope of the relief wells now dwindles daily.ENVIRONMENTAL ARMAGEDDON.EXTINCTION - LEVEL EVENT.Both now more probable than possible.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.