The CIA/Likud Sinking of Jimmy Carter

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Re: The CIA/Likud Sinking of Jimmy Carter

Post by Dealey Joe »

There was something about Jimmy Carter I did not like, It was from listening and watching.There was a phoniness about him and Rosalynn . If he was a farmer it was done from an office.When he was elected it seamed he, like Clinton just burst upon the political scene, or was thrust?I always wondered if Billie was brought to life to make Jimmy look more down to earth.I was really infuriated when he was responsible for giving away the Panama Canal.To me he committed treason. Had I been an assassin I would have went after him.I am sure you all can see thru my feelings and see something different than I could. Just didn't like the man. but I did drink a Billy Beer or two.
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Re: The CIA/Likud Sinking of Jimmy Carter

Post by kenmurray »

Joe, being from the state of Georgia, I knew all to well of Jimmy Carter. I didn't think he would be a good President as he was a lousy Governor of Ga in my opinion. As far as brother Billie goes, he lived here in Waycross in the late 70's to early 80's. I even met him at the local Holiday Inn here back then in their bar. During his drinking days, it was said he would sometimes consume a case of Billie beer a day.
Michael Calder
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Re: The CIA/Likud Sinking of Jimmy Carter

Post by Michael Calder »

Phil.Looks like someone is on to the Reagan assassinastion attempt. Is this info in a book? The Judy Woodruff observation is critical and amazing.
Phil Dragoo
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Hinckley the Sirhanchurian

Post by Phil Dragoo »

MichaelI don't see anyone's done a book.I found and read a series of references in a half hour of searching.The videos and photos crop the top of the stone facade. When you pull back and pan up you see an iron railing; some speculate a shooter there could have fired down on Reagan to hit near his aorta, rather than rely on a ricochet from one of Hinckley's rounds to pass between the open door and the limo body.Multiple references to Judy Woodruff, at the time NBC. Would need to see the transcript.This was about the time Chapman supposedly did Lennon; but it's alleged the door man was a Bay of Pigs Brigade 2506 veteran who made three of the five or six shots, that Chapman was the programmed fool.Joe and KenAs for Carter, he embraced and kissed Brezhnev, betrayed Taiwan, gave away the Canal, invited the Soviets into Afghanistan and delivered Iran into the hands of the Ayatollah Khomeini.Then when he'd destroyed the economy and the energy sector told us to drive 55 and put on sweaters.I think the CIA sent that killer rabbit to attack his canoe. To paraphrase Lloyd Bentsen, Jimmy, I knew Jack Kennedy, Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine, and Governor, you're no Jack Kennedy. So we're sending the killer rabbit; not multiple shooters with radio control.
Michael Calder
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Re: The CIA/Likud Sinking of Jimmy Carter

Post by Michael Calder »

Phil,Thanks for the info. I read a terrific book on the John Lennon murder. The author I believe was named Felton ? Looks like the John Lennon murder was a trial run for the Reagan attempt. It had been awhile since mkultra had been used. How about some research on how we can get a green card for Kim H of The Netherlands. She would look great walking into "The Ivy" restaurant in LA. I'm so shallow. Shallow Mike.
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Re: The CIA/Likud Sinking of Jimmy Carter

Post by kenmurray »

Michael Calder wrote:Phil,Thanks for the info. I read a terrific book on the John Lennon murder. The author I believe was named Felton ? Looks like the John Lennon murder was a trial run for the Reagan attempt. It had been awhile since mkultra had been used. How about some research on how we can get a green card for Kim H of The Netherlands. She would look great walking into "The Ivy" restaurant in LA. I'm so shallow. Shallow Mike. http://www.jfkcia.comMicheal, she would look great in any restaurant.
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Re: Who Killed John Lennon by Fenton Bresler

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: The CIA/Likud Sinking of Jimmy Carter

Post by Bob »

EXCELLENT links Phil. John Lennon. One of my heroes! In terms of the Manchurian Candidate scenario, history has given us some pretty obvious examples. How about this list?RFK is assassinated in 1968, by a pretty obvious MC scenario with Sirhan Sirhan and others. George Wallace is almost assassinated in 1972 by Arthur Bremer. Then the madness resumes around 1980 when John Lennon is murdered by Mark David Chapman and in 1981 when Ronald Reagan was almost assassinated by John Hinckley. Call them MCs or lone nuts or whatever. But Sirhan, Bremer, Chapman and Hinckley all had the same odd behavior and characteristics. So who is responsible for this? Three letters...CIA.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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The CIA/Likud Sinking of Jimmy Carter

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

05.08.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:06.29.2010 - Thom Zajac Posted this Powerful Headline, and Tremendously Significant and FarReaching Information. Contrapuntal, Erudite, Probative, and Well Written.This is deserving of deeper analysis, research, and study today more than ever before if you want toknow how "We The People…" arrived at where we are today. If you want to truly understand whereyou are, knowing how you got there is essential for Analysis, Research, and Study of today's AmericanGovernment, Politics, and Shadow Government. My Opinion.* 12.07.1941 Bombing Of Pearl Harbor, has not been, and will never be Completely and TruthfullyResolved.* JFK Assassination of 11.22.1963, has not been, and will never be Completely and Truthfully Resolved.* MLK Assassination of 04.04.1968, has not been, and will never be Completely and Truthfully Resolved.* RFK Assassination of 06.06.1968, has not been, and will never be Completely and Truthfully Resolved.* The Oklahoma Bombing of 04.19.1995 of The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, has never been, andwill never be Completely and Truthfully Resolved.* 09.11.2001 Bombing Of The Pentagon, The Twin Towers, WTC 7, the air planes, the passengers, andthe bodies, etc., has never been, and will never be Completely and Truthfully Resolved.THE HISTORY BOOKS WILL NEVER BE AMENDED, CHANGED, OR UPDATED TO TELL THE TRUTH.BUT DO NOT LET THE GLASS CEILINGS OF DECEIT, DISINFORMATION, AND LIES FOSTERED BY THEMAIN STREAM MEDIA AND THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT STIFLE YOUR OWN INTELLECT.To truly appreciate, see, and understand a Forest, one must not go from Tree To Tree. One must stepback far enough to totally view what is.So it is today with Analyses, Research, and Study of American Government, the CIA and the Intelligence Community, the Military Industrial Complex, Politics, and the Shadow Government, etc.TO LOOK AT AND UNDERSTAND THE PRESENT AND THE POSSIBLE FUTURE, ONE MUST STEP BACK. THEFURTHER BACK YOU STEP, THE FURTHER FORWARD YOU MAY SEE.Thom Zajac's facts and information Focus On The October Surprise, that led to the 1980 Presidential Defeat Of Jimmy Carter by Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. This is a long standing and determined cover-up of a tremendous, far reaching political scandal that continues Today.The Roots Of This began in 1960 when JFK and LBJ Defeated Richard Milhous Nixon for President of theUnited States Of America. My Opinion.This information includes, but is not limited to the commingling and inter-relationships of: Jimmy Carter,Israel's then Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, the Iran's Shah, Nicaragua's Dictator Anastacio Somoza, thePresident of Egypt, then CIA Director Stansfield Turner, Theodore "Ted" Shackley, the "Blond Ghost," theMost Legendary Covert Operations Director enlisted by George H.W. Bush, and many others.Ted Shackley was one of George H.W. Bush's Most Highly Regarded, Trusted CIA Top Level Agents. GHWB,in 1976, appointed Shackley to a top Clandestine Position, Associate Deputy Director of Operations.Remember that Shackley recruited James Earl Sutton - Files for David Atlee Phillips. And it was Files whoindicated that GHWB was recruited for the CIA directly from Yale's Skull and Bones.This is a complex, lengthy reading. I recommend that you read it several times over several days, to fullycomprehend and digest intellectually.Then avail yourself of the Follow-Up Information and Opinions of some of the Very Best Of The Best Of TheJFKMS Forum Members. Brilliant.STUDY THE FOREST CAREFULLY.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings onany aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers whomay not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.