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Re: James Earl Files

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 5:48 pm
by andries
We should indeed never bring a bad light over some other conspiracy theories,that,s just peneauts in comparrising to what did happen and the consequenses.we all have the same goal,does anything else matter ?

Blue Sky: Truth or Hoax?

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:34 pm
by Phil Dragoo
ChristophYou have a primal principle here:People DON'T WANT to know about the full truth! They want to keep hopes, to have illusions, to let the military/ss do their security job without disturbance, to have small paradise inside their homes without caring much about what's going on outside .... Look to all the animals, do they want to KNOW about the full truth? About their mind and acting is so limited, about their soon being eaten up by another animal, about every now and then a big catastrophe will make some species extinct? No, they DON'T WANT to know, what this universe is all about, they want to have something to eat, a shelter and that's it. Schools of fish do not exist for education but for survival--the outlier is food for the predator.Do fish know the concept of "wet" vs. "dry"? To answer yes requires thinking out of the box, or a near-death experience.Joe and Wim have identified the greatest obstacle to effective action by the crusaders for truth (eschew "conspiracy theorist" thank you very much) and that is:It's all about holding the sole key--vanity, ego, self-centeredness.In the millions of variations of CATG in the DNA helix are an astronomical number of permutations, yet researchers frequently reject any fellow researcher who differs on whether Oswald was actually DRINKING the Coke, or merely HOLDING the Coke.The ghost of Allen Dulles is laughing.Kick him in his junk and be more accepting of the larger matter:JFK was killed by a conspiracy-crossfire-coup d'etat, not by the innocent intelligence operative Oswald.Beyond that it's inside baseball.

Re: James Earl Files

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 9:10 pm
by Dealey Joe
OK OK we agree peopple do not want the truth?Should we be doing what the 6th floor is doing? entertainment?People love to be emtertained. are we too seriouse?Can we hide the truth by making it entertainment?the DVDs are intertaining.

Re: James Earl Files

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 9:01 am
by andries
Joe you are an exelent diplomat .but can we simply say that all people who fit in and suporting the statements off files are right and telling the thruth and all others who are conflicting with his statements are wrong andlieing,or some cases, for instance the children off roscou and jeneva white presenting their father as the second gunman that,s easy to do,i ques nobody believed them,and their intentions and presentation were verry doubtfull.but fletcher prouty and some others on the other hand never bought the james files storyi like to know why some famous reseachers are not solid behind james files

Re: James Earl Files

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 11:30 am
by Jsnow915
I 'll bet if Jesus Christ and JFK came down and told who actually did the'd still have dispute...alot of people want to think it was a much more famous person,like Nixon or LBJ doing the shooting...not some guy like Files that you've never heard of.

Re: James Earl Files

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:00 pm
by Dealey Joe
Andries you are back to my original question.I don't understand why they are not either.I wonder if a few things James Files have been taken wrong.For instance his seeming statement that there was no one with him behind the fence?If taken literally that could be construed to mean there was no one else anywhere behind the fence?I think everyone believes there was someone else somewhere in the train yard. So that appears to be a false statement.Also the statement James made on his interview about the changed route has gotten all screwed around to mean that the powers to be changed the route at the last minute to go around over to Elm so the LHO could shoot him there.I have shown that the error in this thinking was created by the Dallas Morning News, the largest and most respected newspaper in Texas, where it is likely that James Files got his parade route information, had at least twice published maps showing the route to be out Main St. to Stemmons and at least once published a written description that this was the case,,, So to James when that morning was presented with a map with the correct route, to him that was a "change of route" TO HIM?I think maybe there have been a few things like that that researchers latch onto that causes confusion about what Files meant.Do we assume Files is right and everyone else is wrong?No I think there is no need for that. Stories can be told differently to look different but we can't assume everyone is wrong ot lying.Could Ed and Sam both be telling the truth? sure but neither does that make Files story wrong.Then we have to add Chauncey Holt and Lee Bowers to the mix, taken literally they all seem to be at odds, at least the researches screw it all around to look that way. Most researcher could't find a bulldozer in a living room.So that is why I am saying that we are playing to the wrong audience. Researchers never solve anything, they just keep on researching.Wim is a Detective, he is presented a problem, puts logic and facts together and gets the answer.researcher can't stand that, they just want to keep on reading each others books, bringing up new theories and questions so they can write another book for everyone to read. Truth, like soap. does no good unless it is applied.J has hit on a point, Maybe Files is just not exciting enough.

Re: James Earl Files

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:31 pm
by tom jeffers
neab wrote:I believed him at the start but i trust him less and less, the big part being what he says doesn't fit with eye witness testimony of what was behind the fence. That and the fact you cant readily trust a man that claims all the faces that were there, when there's not one photo I've seen showing sturgis,ruby et al in the nearby vicinity. You'd have to beleive all the photos were altered to trust his word on that, which might be the case, but thats a big leap of faith in my opinion.11:30 AM MERCER, Julia Ann: Stated she saw a pick-up truck parked on Elm Street and a man go up the grassy knoll with a gun case. The truck was driven by a middle-aged man who she later identified as Jack Ruby. (19 H 483-4, FLAMMONDE, Paris, THE KENNEDY CONSPIRACY, 167-8.11–12 AM In FBI statement, RUBY said he went to Tony Zoppi's office, not finding Zoppi—Jack went to ad area and began to write his ads for the weekend. (Ads due by 12:00 noon) (5H183); GRANT: FBI interview 11/25—Jack placed his ads for the Vegas/Carousel "early Thursday morning" "as was his custom".(20 H 12) Later changed to "early Friday morning." See: 11/22 entry GRANT—2:30 AM11:30 AM AYNESWORTH, Hugh: reported seeing Ruby having breakfast in Dallas Morning News cafeteria. "about an hour before the assassination". ("Reporters Remember:11/33/63 Reporting the Kennedy Assassination, Hlavach and Payne, editors; 1996) p.30.12 NOON RUBY: 'Saw John Newman at the news' MOMENT OF MADNESS, Gertz, 10412–12:25 PM CAMPBELL, Don J., DMN ad salesman, (the "Conner" Jack said saw him in the Egyptian Room), talked with Ruby until *12:25 PM (WR 334) Craddock as well as Campbell, were, by their own admission, long time cronies of Ruby. (25 H 391-2) *NOTE: Campbell told reporters of St. Louis Post Dispatch 11/27, that the last time he saw Jack was 'about 12:20'; RUBY: "Talked to salesman about . . . Castaway Club" at 11:10 AM at DMN. MOMENT OF MADNESS, Gertz, 104.12:30 PM HILL. Jean, witness at assassination: saw a man running up the slope of grassy knoll who resembled Jack Ruby. (6 H 210-218)12:35 PM. ADAMS, Vicki, TSBD employee: man dressed in a suit and a hat and was seen talking to people as though he was a police officer, saw him take away a colored boy on a motorcycle. Looked like pictures of Jack Ruby. (6 H 393)12:30–12:35 PM TILSON, Tom G., off-duty DPD: Claimed he and his daughter tried to chase down a black car that supposedly contained Ruby whom they observed coming from the railroad tracks—threw something in the back seat jumped in car and took off at a high speed. CROSSFIRE, Marrs, 325-27.12:35–12:40 PM HARRIS, Evelyn/LOPEZ, Lucy: Saw Ruby give LHO a pistol when LHO exited TSBD. (FBI 11/30/63 Courtesy of John Armstrong)12:30–12:35 PM COUCH, Malcolm, employee of WFAA-TV: "heard" Wes Wise had seen Ruby 'coming around the side of the building (TSBD) following the assassination'. (6 H 160) This was pointed out as being in error, event took place on 11/23, See REPORTING THE KENNEDY ASSASSINATION, Payne, WES WISE, 114.12:30 PM FBI DOCUMENT 4/6/77, 62-109060-7699: Informant related that Ruby contacted him and asked if he would 'like to watch the fireworks.' He was with Jack, standing at the corner of the Postal Annex Building facing the TSBD at the time of the shooting. According to informant—immediately following the shooting – Jack took off toward the area of the Dallas Morning News. (Courtesy of John Armstrong's research)12:30–12:40 PM REA, Billy, employee of the DMN—returned to his desk in ad area after lunch but did not see Jack (15 H 573)12:30 PM MAYOR, Georgia, DMN employee, returned from her lunch hour at 12:30 and saw Jack sitting near her desk. She stopped to cash her check "downstairs" and Hal Cooley, DMN, told her that the President had been shot. Cooley had been at the scene of the assassination (five blocks away) and had returned to DMN with the news. Obviously Ms. Mayer was wrong in her judgment of time. Said she last saw Ruby about l:00 P.M. (25 H 189; 15 H 540; 15 H 573; 20 H 651)12:40 PM NEWMAN, John DMN employee: watched the parade at Young and Houston and then returned (seven blocks) to DMN to find Jack at his desk. Later on Jack had him listen on the phone to Eva, Jack's sister ranting on the phone about the shooting—she said ""My God, what do they want?" Since Newman had not said anything to Mrs. Grant, he could not explain what Mrs. Grant meant by the remark. (See 1:00 P.M. NEWMAN) (15 H 542)12:40 PM. SAUNDERS, Richard DMN employee: testified that he was approximately 100 yards west of triple underpass outside his car at a police barricade and saw the President's car go by on way to Parkland. He heard a directive come over the police radio on one of the traffic motorcycles directing personnel to a given window in some building. Checking the DPD logs—this directive was given at 12:37. Saunders would had to gotten into his car and driven back to DMN amidst all the traffic. Extremely unlikely he arrived back at 12:40 p.m. Described Jack as "shook up" and "ashen white"…"virtually speechless"(15 H 579-80)12:50 PM ARMSTRONG, Andrew, employee of Carousel: Jack called Carousel. Said he was sure Jack was at DMN because he heard “four clicks”—which he, Andy, thought was a typewriter. No other noise—just four clicks. NOTE: Interesting observation from Armstrong considering the turmoil described at the DMN “phones ringing off the desk” as reported by RUBY (5 H 184). Jack said “Did you hear?” and I said “yes”. “If anything happens we are going to close the club.” (13 H 330)