Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

JFK Assassination
Phil Dragoo
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Superfly One on final

Post by Phil Dragoo »

The man Eisenhower would name co-ordinator of psychological warfare, CD Jackson, wrote Eisenhower's October 8, 1952, San Francisco speech reprinted on pages 146-7, Lori Lyn Bogle, The Cold War: National security policy planning from Truman to Reagan:"Our aim in cold war is not conquest of territory or subjugation by force. Our aim is more subtle, more pervasive, more complete. We are trying to get the world by peaceful means to believe the truth . That truth is that Americans want a world at peace, a world in which peoples shall have opportunity for maximum individual development.The means we shall employ to spread this truth are often called 'psychological.' Don't be afraid of that term just because it's a five-dollar, five-syllable word. 'Psychological warfare' is the struggle for the minds and wills of men.Many people think "psychological warfare" means just propaganda . . . But propaganda is not the most important part in this struggle.The present Administration has never yet been able to grasp the full import of a psychological effort put forth on a national scale.What would such a peace time or "cold war" national strategy mean? It would mean, in the first place, the selection of broad, national purposes and the designation within those purposes of principal targets.Then it would mean this: Every significant act of Government should be so timed and so directed at a principal target, and so related to other government actions, that it will produce the maximum effect.It means that our government in this critical matter will no longer be divided into air-tight compartments.It means that, in carrying out a national policy, every department and every agency of government that can make a useful contribution will bring its full strength to bear under a co-ordinated program.We shall no longer have a Department of State that deals with foreign policy in an aloof cloister, a defense establishment that makes military appraisals in a vacuum; a Mutual Security Administration that, with sovereign independence, spends billions overseas. We must bring the dozens of agencies and bureaus into concerted action under an overall scheme of strategy."Eleven years later, it would be this man who would determine the accessibility of the Zapruder film to a greater extent than anyone else in or out of government.Today the president tasks NASA to reach out to Muslim nations and reinstates the agricultural official who admitted the battle is the have nots against the haves.The president's quarrel with the Constitution is that it “doesn't do enough to redistribute the wealth.”Gates the former DCI seeks negotiations with the Islamic Republic of Iran.Brennan the Obama-designate for DCI denies the existence of any Islamist threat.Clearly Obama is not a former CIA officer—that charge is laugable on its face.Like Louis the Sun King, L'etat c'est moi.We have met the CIA and it is Obama.Poppy? That's the crop du jour. In the same place it's always been.Zelaya? Four planes a day.Chavez? In bed with FARC.Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. ... re=related
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by Kirk »

Mr. Brychek,I will give your thoughts due considersation, and of course it is always possible. I subscribe to the thought that every lie has a truth, and truth has no lie.The truth is that every cause has an effect whether intentioned or not, and every effect starts a cause, and in the end as in the beginning all is connected, but we can never assume that everyone or everything is a willing participant or volunteer. Kirk
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by Kirk »

Thanks Phil,As always I can not say that I agree with everything you say, but I do like the way you say it. I always feel a little more alive after reading your words.Kirk
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by ThomZajac »

Thanks for the posts Bruce (and members).As many of you may know, I have long speculated that Obama was/is CIA, and I am impressed by this presentation of evidence.The big picture for me is that the government we see is the illusion of government (though many people in this government have no idea that it's an illusion) and that the real government, lying in the shadows. is powerful beyond our wildest imaginations. It is this 'secret' government that was responsible for the JFK assassination (among others) and 911.In my view, yes, yes, OF COURSE Obama is a representative of the secret government. EVERY president is.I mean, isn't it obvious?
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by Bob »

ThomZajac wrote:Thanks for the posts Bruce (and members).As many of you may know, I have long speculated that Obama was/is CIA, and I am impressed by this presentation of evidence.The big picture for me is that the government we see is the illusion of government (though many people in this government have no idea that it's an illusion) and that the real government, lying in the shadows. is powerful beyond our wildest imaginations. It is this 'secret' government that was responsible for the JFK assassination (among others) and 911.In my view, yes, yes, OF COURSE Obama is a representative of the secret government. EVERY president is.I mean, isn't it obvious?Yes it is least to me. Let us look at President Obama's scorecard, shall we?-Gave the Wall Street criminals another $700 BILLION dollars, just like Dumbya Bu$h did-Nothing has changed in Iraq, while the war in Afghanistan has been escalated-Went out of his way to protect the CIA from any criminal threats for the use of torture -Passed a healthcare bill, but it had NO single payer or NO public option. In effect, the bill created millions of more customers for private insurance-It looks like he will pass Wall Street reform, which still allows the Fed to be the fox who runs the hen house.-Has allowed BP to police itself through the worst environmental damage ever done in U.S. history-Shortly before the BP oil spill, Obama endorsed off shore drilling-Obama has brought in people like Rahm Emanuel, Bob Gates, Hillary Clinton, Timothy Geithner and Ken Salazar into his administrationThat is just part of the scorecard. Obama would not a get a very good grade from me. Dumbya got a F (worst President in U.S. history), and right now I would give Obama a D. That is only because he is an excellent communicator and he looks and sounds Presidential. But through all of his first term thus far, he has gone out of his way to give help to the CIA, and the industries that the CIA is deeply entrenched with like the Military Industrial Complex, big banking and big oil.
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by ThomZajac »

Thanks, Bob, well said.
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by kenmurray »

I give Obama a D-. While he is a good communicator, half the stuff he says is BS. He's doing some of the same things Dumbya Bush did. Well, as far as Dumbya goes, he was such a lousy President that he makes Warren G. Harding look good.
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:I give Obama a D-. While he is a good communicator, half the stuff he says is BS. He's doing some of the same things Dumbya Bush did. Well, as far as Dumbya goes, he was such a lousy President that he makes Warren G. Harding look good. Indeed Ken. Speaking of Harding... ... .htmBottom line, oil is the common denominator for lousy Presidents.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

07.23.2010Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Thom, Bob, and Ken - I thought that this powerful article would appeal to you, and many other members.There are very strong, compelling points of information herein.I am reminded of Tom Jeffers theory. After being elected President of the United States after 1963, you are taken to the basement of some alphabet agency and shown an old black and white Zapruder Film. Then asked: Any questions ?Remember last year Jesse Ventura stated that after being elected the Governor of Minnesota he was taken to the basement of their government building and questioned by 20 + individuals, 10 + who identified themselves as CIA. They all then proceeded to question him, his background, how he got elected, his loyalties, etc. No disrespect to Minnesota, but if they do that for the Governor of Minnesota in the 21st century, I can only imagine what is done to the President of the United States, unless he's already a professed team member, or demonstrated undivided loyalty to "the cause of the greater good."What is the necessity of an actual title if you are performing services that benefit the Game Plans of a specific agency or are their spokesman anyway ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by Dealey Joe »

The title satisfies the ego's of the voting American population.Voting? small percentage actually vote. No wonder.It allows them to assume they have officials who are looking out for the "common" welfare?It allows them to lay down and play dead and be oblivious as to what is going on around them.When was the last time out in public that you heard a conversation on anything besides sports?Since the American has given up their freedom, I think they would just as well love to have a King or Emperor?The congress has not functioned since early in the last century and have turned all their authority over to the executive officer as they are too lazy to do their jobs, and so crooked as to sell their soul to the highest bidder. They have turned their positions over to a social club atmosphere. It is for sure they have no clue about the constitutional contract our government is supposed to be controlled by, and that they swear to uphold.