does anyone have documents onthe height of JFiles & GMarlow

JFK Assassination
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Re: does anyone have documents onthe height of JFiles & GMarlow

Post by Bob »

ChristophMessner wrote:Even if Jimmy Files would have given us the runaround, I like the way he did it and the way his friend Bruce aka Slim is doing it.Trust me Chris, Bruce ain't Slim. The odds of that are slim and none.
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Re: does anyone have documents onthe height of JFiles & GMarlow

Post by ChristophMessner »

Please excuse, Mr. Brychek, I had a bad day, it's raining for days here. But maybe it's some kind of summary expression of frustration in it, that James Files did not achieve to bring his story into the world so far without having left the door wide open for a lot of doubt for almost everybody who does not have the time to do research in depth. All in all James Files has left the impression on the majority of average citizens, that the JFK-case has hyped up into more and more phantastic debates nobody can trust anything anymore through the decades.That's sad. Please understand that I don't blame him or you, (who am I to blame?), it's a great thing that he told his story into camera at all and that you are trying to remove errors and keep focus on the essentials in the debate, but all in all you left no real evidence and that gives a lot of food to the critics and that leaves Wim Dankbaar in the discredible-zone and that's sad. Like shooting an own-goal.
tom jeffers
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Re: does anyone have documents onthe height of JFiles & GMarlow

Post by tom jeffers »

i first found this website while in the hospital for a 3 month stretch. I spent the next month going through all the great info posted here and ordered the dvd's and watched them before I ever posted here. None of us mind helping a newby but come on people, order the book and go through the plethera of info first and then if you don't find it ask and any of us will be happy the help you find out.signed as my nickname that was given to me on the jfk forum,"Slick"
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: does anyone have documents onthe height of JFiles & GMarlow

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messrs. Bob Fox, Christoph Hans Messner, Tom Jeffers, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Gentlemen - Thank You for your courteous, funny, pointed replies. You three know that I like and admire the great qualities that you each possess - perhaps one gold, one a diamond, and one an emerald, of equal value, but perceived, and admired by me for your different qualities, but sincerely so.Like me, dislike me, agree with me, disagree with me, but I never Post or write under phony names. Christoph, it's water over the bridge. Let's move on. And Thank You, by the way. I'm sorry that you had a bad day.Christoph - I understand your concerns much more than you realize. If you were in my pocket, or over my shoulder for the past 40 + years, you would times your frustrations by a million fold as I have done. In addition, though we have never met or talked on the phone at least, like I regularly do with Bob and Tom, you have substantially communicated with Pam Ray to some degree about my long close relationship with Jimmy. Know this:I did everything in my power to talk Jimmy out of his first interview in 1993, Confessions of an Assassin. While there was a variety of reasons in his decision, Joe and Joy West weighed most heavily. Today for reasons that I will not go into at this point in time, he agrees fully with me that he never should have done that interview, in retrospect.I did everything in my power to talk Jimmy out of his second interview in 2003, Files on JFK. While there was a variety of reasons in his decision, Jimmy's desire to meet and be interviewed by JIm Maars was the most preeminent. Jimmy is more interested in aliens, and Area 51 than he ever was in all the JFK nonsense as he calls it. Jimmy wanted to talk to Jim Maars about his research on aliens, and related issues. Today for reasons that I will not go into at this point in time, he agrees fully with me that he should have never done that interview either, in retrospect.Several years ago Jimmy drew a line in the sand, and vowed to never be interviewed or formally offer another additional piece of information on the JFK Assassination, and anything else that he was involved in unless we totally control it 1,000 %, under our desired conditions. Very doubtful for now.Christoph - Jimmy's frustration with the JFK Assassination Research Community based upon what I tell him of it, and them, is total disgust. Further, he argues that on top of everything else, they will never change the history books. Finally, for now Jimmy just doesn't care about the JFK Subject Matter, and doesn't care what anybody believes, thinks, or writes. Sometimes I care more for his perceived reputation because of our friendship. He tells me to blow them all off. "Forget about it."Jimmy and I have been outlining his life with our shared friendship going back to the 1960'S. We are developing his autobiography and complete memoirs which we have considered possibly releasing a part of in 2013 for The 50th Year Anniversary of James Earl Sutton/Files Killing President John F. Kennedy, on 11.22.1963 in Dallas, Texas, firing from the Grassy Knoll. We may or may not proceed with that depending upon other projects that Jimmy prioritizes over the JFK Subject Matter. Yes, he believes, feels, and thinks sincerely that Subject Matters that he was involved in were more consequential than the Assassination/Coup de' tat of JFK.Moving on, recall several years ago I sought to help create an Annual JFK Forum Meeting Every November 22. Nothing ever happened, just like what will happen with My Friend Joe Hall's efforts - nothing. And Joe, I hope that I am wrong. But when you can't get people to watch the interviews, and read the books, do you really expect anything else ?When I sought to help create one of The Annual JFK Forum Meetings in Chicago, Illinois, I had planned to display some of my greatest treasures which I refuse to take across state lines. Several are ironically appropriate here. I own, possess, and control several government original documents that show Jimmy having different birth dates, different heights, different names, different eye colors, and different hair colors. That would have been for openers.But I have come full circle with Jimmy. They will never change the history books. And Jimmy has given two (2) of the most believable interviews ever given, articulating how he killed JFK, which is strongly believed by some, and more strongly buried by many. And the Conspiracy Theory Community is a very strong factor in and of itself, is it not ? Those are a part of the reasons that he has drawn a line in the sand. In addition to that, Jimmy has never received one single penny, not $ .01 cent, yet many claim he did it for fame and money. For now Jimmy has drawn a line in the sand, and moved on in other directions. And he doesn't care what anybody states, thinks, or writes.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Re: does anyone have documents onthe height of JFiles & GMarlow

Post by ChristophMessner »

Dear Mr. Brychek, thank you very much for your long, so very friendly and elaborated reply! It flatters my idleness, if you compare us with emeralds, knowing that only from the crown juwel perspective these objective identifications can be made, haha … forgive me … … and please forgive that I assumed that you would have written under „Slim“, you know I just wrote a bit provocative to tease out a bit more, cause actually it was funnily justified, how Slim replied to himself and this made me curious. „Like me, dislike me, agree with me, disagree with me, but I never Post or write under phony names.“ So do I of course. „Christoph - I understand your concerns much more than you realize. If you were in my pocket, or over my shoulder for the past 40 + years, you would times your frustrations by a million fold as I have done.“ I try to imagine. And wonder whether these pile of frustration was compulsory. Obviously under these conditions in these kinds of society we have it was. Probably the height of the pile of frustrations is some kind of medal number all honest people earn nowadays. (… Let's hope Jimmy's cell is not flooded with medals then, so that he can still walk! …. )„In addition, though we have never met or talked on the phone at least, like I regularly do with Bob and Tom, you have substantially communicated with Pam Ray to some degree about my long close relationship with Jimmy.“ I did not correspond with Pam Ray and Wim Dankbaar over a longer period of time now, just because I felt incapable to make useful contributions and moved my engagement to German alternative-political groups instead like,, (party of reasonableness), human rights watch and many others, who are on „Link- und Literaturliste“ on my website It's nice that you consider calling me, wait, I'll send you a PM. „I did everything in my power to talk Jimmy out of his first interview in 1993, Confessions of an Assassin. While there was a variety of reasons in his decision, Joe and Joy West weighed most heavily. Today for reasons that I will not go into at this point in time, he agrees fully with me that he never should have done that interview, in retrospect.“It's not difficult to understand, that it was not to his advantage, but it's hard to believe that it wasn't for the advantage for humanity. „I did everything in my power to talk Jimmy out of his second interview in 2003, Files on JFK. While there was a variety of reasons in his decision, Jimmy's desire to meet and be interviewed by JIm Maars was the most preeminent. Jimmy is more interested in aliens, and Area 51 than he ever was in all the JFK nonsense as he calls it. Jimmy wanted to talk to Jim Maars about his research on aliens, and related issues. Today for reasons that I will not go into at this point in time, he agrees fully with me that he should have never done that interview either, in retrospect.“In the film „The Obama Deception“ in the beginning you see Obama saying publicly, that he wasn't born in a mansion, he rather was from „planet Krypton“, that's interesting, isn't it? Kryptology … and the mighties, who know there is no good God to take care of us, make fun of it even. Obama's „father“ Zbigniew Brzezinski knows what he is talking and writing about, I have read his books. The question is, whether he is right. Obviously his mindset works, but for how long still? You know to me aliens are just identical with my subconsciousness … „Several years ago Jimmy drew a line in the sand, and vowed to never be interviewed or formally offer another additional piece of information on the JFK Assassination, and anything else that he was involved in unless we totally control it 1,000 %, under our desired conditions. Very doubtful for now.“ You could videotape him as well, why don't you do it? A character portrait of James Files might be even more interesting than all the JFK-related stuff. „Christoph - Jimmy's frustration with the JFK Assassination Research Community based upon what I tell him of it, and them, is total disgust. Further, he argues that on top of everything else, they will never change the history books. Finally, for now Jimmy just doesn't care about the JFK Subject Matter, and doesn't care what anybody believes, thinks, or writes. Sometimes I care more for his perceived reputation because of our friendship. He tells me to blow them all off. "Forget about it."It's really not difficult to understand Jimmy's standpoint after all these disappointments. And your care of his perceived reputation is an act of great friendship, I guess. But maybe all this trouble with the „JFK-subject-matter“, which miraculously comes up over and over again through the years, which almost haunts you, has biased both your perception on it a bit and you see it always from the „Chicago“ or „Stateville“ perspective. Really, I can't blow myself up to a size in which I dare to give you advise or even try to convince you of something, especially while both your judgement and experience is very high above average. But it seems to me that all this „JFK-stuff“ has got a tragic doom in itself on it which has to do with the center-of-power-magnetism, which inflicts a great blur of vision for everybody who deals with it seriously to the effect that we are seduced to WANT (achieve) MORE than destiny or nature has made us for. Instead we have to see in a distanced and relaxed meta-perspective, that we are not the only authors of the history books and that people, who are capable to see and weigh the real psychological and political impact of what Jimmy did in his life and what he has gone through will always be a tiny minorty most probably. It's sad, but it is that way. On the other hand: who is telling you whether an almost half-way understanding of this psychological, political, societal impact for a majority of people in China, Inda, Africa, Europe is not important as well? I would put it like this: the emotional and psychological impact of Jimmy's interviews on me was tremendeous, so my guess is that there are other people like me to whom it is tremendeous, too, and to hell with the numbers and quantities and efficiency calculations and history books and whether we will change politics with it! And from my trained political-philosophical (but nevertheless maybe still stupid) standpoint I can tell you that it is not necessary to change the history books and politics anymore in the US, cause the present system will destroy itself sufficiently enough, all you have to care for is touching the people you have around with truth and honesty, that's all. „Jimmy and I have been outlining his life with our shared friendship going back to the 1960'S. We are developing his autobiography and complete memoirs which we have considered possibly releasing a part of in 2013 for The 50th Year Anniversary of James Earl Sutton/Files Killing President John F. Kennedy, on 11.22.1963 in Dallas, Texas, firing from the Grassy Knoll. We may or may not proceed with that depending upon other projects that Jimmy prioritizes over the JFK Subject Matter. Yes, he believes, feels, and thinks sincerely that Subject Matters that he was involved in were more consequential than the Assassination/Coup de' tat of JFK.“It's great to hear that you are working together on this project, and I'm not saying this, because I may expect now more details for the JFK-murder-solving-process, but because it keeps you in touch with the harmony on the whole and with people you may like and Jimmy is still strong enough to take this JFK-burden on his leg despite his disgust for it for the sake of this bigger harmony. You know, the younger generation does not read many serious books at present, rather looses itself in the internet and likes „cool“ videos about sensational things, and the world system produces the non-independant functionalized mind, but who knows whether this will stay for long? All over the world rigid exploitation systems of dependance crash and people want change and some yearn for a completely different, independant life. You can make a video with Jimmy in which he talks the way he talks or sings, that's what counts, or you leave it and that would count, too! Just everything a bit more relaxed! Third World War? Think about the good times afterwards, cause half of the world is pacific and nature is much much stronger than the stupid games they play in the pentagon or other submarines. „Moving on, recall several years ago I sought to help create an Annual JFK Forum Meeting Every November 22. Nothing ever happened, just like what will happen with My Friend Joe Hall's efforts - nothing. And Joe, I hope that I am wrong. But when you can't get people to watch the interviews, and read the books, do you really expect anything else?“That's not quite true, some people watch, a few only though, but not zero. The people you are talking with personally are the people your are talking with personally. Truth stays truth. „When I sought to help create one of The Annual JFK Forum Meetings in Chicago, Illinois, I had planned to display some of my greatest treasures which I refuse to take across state lines. Several are ironically appropriate here. I own, possess, and control several government original documents that show Jimmy having different birth dates, different heights, different names, different eye colors, and different hair colors. That would have been for openers.But I have come full circle with Jimmy. They will never change the history books. And Jimmy has given two (2) of the most believable interviews ever given, articulating how he killed JFK, which is strongly believed by some, and more strongly buried by many. And the Conspiracy Theory Community is a very strong factor in and of itself, is it not ? Those are a part of the reasons that he has drawn a line in the sand. In addition to that, Jimmy has never received one single penny, not $ .01 cent, yet many claim he did it for fame and money. For now Jimmy has drawn a line in the sand, and moved on in other directions. And he doesn't care what anybody states, thinks, or writes.Well, but he and you are still working on some JFK-related things. Maybe everything gets a bit more relaxed and with less frustration, if you just consider, that bad political systems will crash by themselves by time and meanwhile you can open up even more for what people pour out of their heart as soon as you lend them an ear. Leave the stress to want or reach more away. It's all patchwork and single mosaic pieces can mirror the world. Respectfully and with all the best wishes and greetings from Germany,Christoph Hans Messner
barney 1961
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Re: does anyone have documents onthe height of JFiles & GMarlow

Post by barney 1961 »

Members; the height and weight of James E Files/Sutton is stated to be; 5' 11", weight 175-185 pounds, varying at times due to bad diet. the height of the Mystery Man, based upon observation of his height and the door and doorframe he is standing next to, gives me the impression that this man is about 6' 1" to 6' 3" tall and weight about 185-195 pounds, very thick hair dark in color. Eye color unknown due to wearing eye glasses. I think being caucasian race, he would likely have blue, green, brown eyes percentage wise. Please note, this person has a particular stance while standing, not erect like a military man, but not slouching either, just a laidback casual appearance.